Play a REAL Shin Megami Tensei game like Maken X

Play a REAL Shin Megami Tensei game like Maken X.

Is this actually good

>mfw babbies have not played Jack Bros

It surprisingly is. Although the PS2 version is kind of different. I much prefer the Dreamcast one.

Maken ain't Megaten.

It isn't SMT

Dreamcast one has butchered localization, not only is it Google Translate-tier, but it's also very hardcore censored.
Sadly it's the much better version of the game between this and PS2 ones, so better learn Japanese if you want to play it as it will never get retranslated.

PS2 one has good translation, but is a vastly inferior version, a shitty remake that changed too much and retroactively adapted some of the censorship from Dreamcast version into the JP version of this one because CERO got stricter.

I tried emulating this yesterday and it was pretty shit but I only played like 30 minutes so my opinion isn't worth much.

>PS2 one has good translation

It might be better than the Dreamcast translation (wouldn't know), but it's still pretty awful

Did they really censor the rape?

They censored everything really.

Ehhh, it's serviceable unlike the DC one which is google translate tier if not worse.

The PS2 version is shit,don't bother with it

What about nocturne or strange journey?

>playing the most unsmt games

Nocturne ruined mainline

>REAL Shin Megami Tensei
>REAL Real Megami Tensei

Is digital devil saga good?



No like Jack Bros and Persona DAN

If Nocturne ruined it then Strange Journey put it right back where it was.
Guns with elemental bullets, more than 2 dialogue choices, non-batshit alignments, 1st person.

I think SJ is overrated and Nocturne is miles better, but nothing was "ruined" that wasn't immediately "fixed".

It's alright.