So with so many greats games already having been released this year...

So with so many greats games already having been released this year, are there any you're looking forward to further in the year?

Sort of looking forward to Yakuza: Kiwami.

Other urls found in this thread:

I love anime

and manga

I look forward to Vitamin Quest 2.


Ace Combat 7

13 Sentinels. Other than that no.

fuck yes - thank you for reminding me

It's coming for PC right? I've love playing it on my newly built PC with a joystick.

2017 has been such a good year that I think 2018 should just put the gun in its mouth and pull the trigger.


Nah there's no more Japanese games on the near horizon, it's only gonna be westashit releases for the rest of the year

really makes you think


time to continue with my backlog

Damn it, I just got off the ride, and now you're putting me back on it?

You can't resist and you know it


>so many great games released this year
Im sorry what

There were many great games released so far.

Unless you're a Westacuck.


Only in the first half. What else is there to look forward to?

Arms? lol Everything else is multiplayer shit.

so again, what games

Gag a shit

yes op does state "so far" "what else is there"

try reading next time


Doesn't mean shit. There aren't any much releasing down the line. The only reason this happen is because a majority of these "great" games were supposed to be late 2016 releases, but got shoved into early 2017 because they didnt want to compete with FFXV

>so many greats games already having been released this year

Yeah, I suppose it is the year of the weeb, isn't it?

For all us non-losers it's been just another year of fuck all.

Original Sin 2.

Will be delayed to spring 2018, mark my words.

>Doesn't mean shit.

It does if you're not illiterate. OP says great games have been released this year.

Asks what else there is.

It's quite simple.

Define what a weeb is please.

Silence yourself, I will not have you jinx this.

You know it, I know it.
Larian has bitten off more than they can chew this time.

>you have to be obsessed with Japanese culture and detest your whiteness in order to enjoy Japanese video games

Read his sentence again you filth.

Nothing else remarkable is going to be released this year because all those already got released in the first quarter.

No self respecting american would love the likes of Nier Automata and Persona 5, you weeb.

Stop this.

No, but you do in order to call trash like Persona 5 a great game.

your taste is just limited

Name me one 10/10 single player game about to be released later this 2017 then.

>numeral ratings not being completely subjective
>calling anything unreleased 10/10
>10/10s existing at all

Sup Forums really needs to change it's captcha to quiz about Japanese anime/manga/games.
Half of the catalog is anime pics on Sup Forums, and there are still people who would just ignore all of them, pretending those threads don't exist and shitposting about the genre they don't like.

P5 is a great game.
