Meanwhile, in Black Marsh Sup Forums

>meanwhile, in Black Marsh Sup Forums

Hist is playing 99999999999d chess.

>tfw Argonian are not marketable enough to get their own game

filthy nigmers rewriting history again, WE WUZ GODS AND SHIET and all that

Black Marsh is a shithole anyway. If i wanted to play in the jungle I would play FarCry or some shit

Unfallen is the best faction in Endless Space 2, prove me wrong

who here is /comfy/?

what happens if I eat a shroom egganon

if you're master race it won't kill you

thanks egganon

Hist is forcing me to buy Bethesda games, wat do?

Lilmothiits when?

tell your hist tree if it doesn't stop, you'll move to another tree with better taste in games


>tfw no akavir
>tfw cant play as ebin monki man
>tfw no quest where tiger men illegal imigrants pretend to be khajiit

aren't they eaten by snekpeople

im not getting tinder matches waht do

About 200% of dead thing come back in TES.

they said 2020 or 2021

M-maybe early 2019?

I want to believe. I'm currently playing Daggerfall.

as zombies

>no TES 6 where the Tsaesci have returned and infiltrated Black Marsh
>the Imperial Army is having a real 'it ain't me' time smoking them out
>so they recruit the last keeper of the Blades tradition, who is soon assasinated
>you, his naive aid, are party to his dying revelation that the vampiric snakes are inflitrating the higher ranks of the imperial army
>he also imparts upon you that only the hist can make you see the world for what it really is
>you then undertake and epic journey into the uncharted jungles of Argonia to find the shaman who will do you a Castaneda, evading imperial and Tsaesci agents on the way



That's actually a pretty cool idea. It gives a "chosen one" esque justification as to why you could go deeper into black marsh, for example. to keep with tradition though, you should have been captured by the enemy and freed by your mentor.

New engine confirmed then? r-right?

I don't want more focus on nigmers

skyrim mods my man

Stop being an ugly fucker

if consoles were in Tamriel what would their names be

>not moving to Skyrim Special Edition
Histfags l m a o

>no mod support
>not even workshop support