This is your Farcry 5 protagonist

This is your Farcry 5 protagonist.

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Dorner? Is that you?

No it isn't

anyone watching the IGN reveal? it's actually been really informative and Sup Forumsfags have been BTFO


Is it still first person? Because it ruins everything the games try to do


Thank G*d it's not a wh*te.

No fucking fucking idiot he is one of the villain henchmen



nope. only info so far is that you are a junior sherrif. so a priest would be all wrong.

needs more jpeg


It's not you can see the protagonist briefly during the trailer she's a black woman with a hat and sunglasses.

Were kidnapped raped and tortured by white Christians

>a pastor
Well, it's not anti christian then like some people claimed.

>only info so far

learn to english you spic

How will whitey ever recover?

The protagonist is always the guy on the box art who isn't the villain.

>blind black priest on his quest from God

I want this to be some dope ass Book of Eli shit, but knowing Ubisoft they'll probably make it some new age brainwashing shit.

I don't mind playing as a nigger, but why does he look like such a pussy?

Like if he's a ghetto nigger, I could role play as one and have fun with it but this guy looks like he's going to give me a lecture about cultural appropriation.

Far Cry 3's boxart was just that fuckface who was the villain for the first half of the game.

No it's not, retard

Yes it is

what was gramatically wrong in my post?

Its because nobody working for ubisoft has ever stepped 10 feet outside of a city.

how dear they make a black character and take black people out of the box we put them in

Exactly what the is this game about? Killing fanatical Mormons and Scientologists is one thing, but killing Christians of various ethnicity? Nope. Nope. Nope.

Is every white gamer these days a snowflake?

Militias and theocrats are bad no matter their color or God. Killing them is good and fun.

How hard is this game shilled right now?


It's about killing countryfolk period, they're trying to train their numales for the inevitable civil war.


>50 Cent: Blood in Montana
I'm not upset at all. What will the soundtrack be like? Hopefully not banjos

Why would a white person say that unironically?

>Exactly what the is this game about?
killing rural and suburban retards who believe in magical sky fairies and vote for drumpf

looks like protag vs a spin-off christian death cult in rural midwest america

honestly, that would only increase the meme potential if it were true

trump is probably not christian enough for these types.

There's 3 fucking protagonists to avoid triggering anyone.
You got the black priest that wants to protect his religion, the "badass" girl who want to protects her independance and the white guy who wants to protect his family.

Why he is so ugly?

You play as a Junior Sheriff, not a Pastor.

I'll only buy if the black priest is blind.

I see nothing wrong with wiping out a fanatical redneck christian death cult from the ass end of nowhere.

i wonder, friend

Do you mean if its 3rd person that will fuck up what its trying to do?
It will be 1st person shooter you will only see his black hands

Cool so Far Cry will finally end, just like Mafia and Watch Dogs

Just like Watch Dogs and Mafia 3 they'll try and hide the fact the protagonist is black on all the posters and instore advertisements so they won't turn off normies

So no one can call 911??
Wheres the sheriff, the fucking homeland security and the other hundreads of agency??

I unironically liked Blood in the Sand.

I will pick the chick if she is a coal burner

All gone due to Trump's budget cuts.

are you retarded?

kek , top post.

no, he is one of the 3 side characters you play with
the whole game can be played Coop, so with 3 side characters, we might be able to play as a groupe of 4

Bioshock Infinite 2.0

Isn't this the guy that gives you tattoos in 3?

he sells you weapons

He is going to be the based black man like the guy from 3

Nah, BI was a turd
FC at least is funny to play

Watch the other trailers, one of the good guys is a proper christian pastor, the enemies are just some crazy ass cult

Sup Forums can calm their tits now

>the whole game can be played Coop

source you nigger

Oh boy I can't wait to kill whitey as a shitty comedian that has a shitty show on the very fake and shitty CNN.

this gon be gud

For the first time in far cry, you are the hero - crate your own avatar and cutomize your character.

>Hopefully not banjos

>blasting whiteknights & supremacists with shotgun
>while listening to country music

look at him and laugh

>That collar


Play the original Call of Juarez, it's the same shit only with a white dude.

Plus you can forgo a second revolver for a bible that you use to quote scripture.

NO! I don't want that.

is there a link to the recording? i want to laugh at ubisoft

in return, here's some minhee

> christianity
> not a cult


Won't some one think of the progrums!?!?

And the protag is buried in the sand.

Retard alert.

Yeah I was about to say the same but how would any inclusion of past Far Cry game characters make sense?

Op is the nignog
haven't you watched the IGN stream?
they talked about those 3 characters black guy, white girl and ex military

Where's the proof that the protagonist is a black female lesbian cop?

its not the main character you retards, its an ally you can recruit. MC is customizable

I knew it was gonna be a stinky nigger

Ubisoft shill, no one's buying your game, not matter how much Sup Forums baiting you do.

>Plus you can forgo a second revolver for a bible that you use to quote scripture.
Oh fuck is that real?

Why does the cult or whatever have black guys? I thought this was a 'white genocide" game?

I'm googling right now and there're no news on campaign coop


t. Moishe Shekelblat

Where is your wrangler, son?

Clearly says he's in the resistance, probably against the evil cult.

I think you can choose between a black guy, a white guy and a white girl. So your token trio.

That's someone Vaas killed in the vaas episodic movie or whatever

Look it up


Based non-whites and their beautiful culture ;_;

But if you let whitey be christians they will kill all the poc and oppressed minorities

"Did I do that?"

red the actual info they released, you make your own character

It's funny because you never see asian people complain.

no characters from the old FC games return, you have 3 new ones
they said that on the IGN stream past the reveal

Masochistic cucks apologizing for shit they didn't do to get attention and some pats on the back from other faggots.

looks awesome

I thought the protagonist was a created character

"No you foo'! IT WAS GOD!"