Is there a game where you can play as a mother (or a mother figure) taking care of your children?
Is there a game where you can play as a mother (or a mother figure) taking care of your children?
Other urls found in this thread:
>when you catch mommy bring back a class mate to have sex with to make you angry
i'm going to punish mommy
I wouldn't mind more ara games. There are plenty of father or father figures rescuing their kids. A thick and musclebound woman that needs to rip and tear across 9 levels of increasing difficulty in order to save a kid is awite with me.
You can have kids in Violated Heroine
He draws the best milfs but unfortunately it's all ntr/bdsm
you play as a mother in married warrior emma, but you never see the kid
fuck ochako, deku needs to fuck bakumom, it's the ultimate victory.
I wish
Hana hook
There's also the nose thing.
I'm assuming "hook" obviously alludes to that but who the hell gets off to that.
hana means nose, so the name is literally "nose hook"
why do they all have < > ears?
I'm like 95% sure hana means flower
Shelter and Shelter 2. Whether they're any good, I have no idea.
it means both
Fallout 4
Yakuza 3.
Is everyone SERIOUSLY into Bakugou's mom or are they doing it just because it's a meme ?
You don't want to dick that? K, fag.
tfw no ero games with delicious milfs
lifes not fair bros
There is tons, but they are in Japanese.
I mean, I would, but I'm surprised EVERYONE seems to be into her, it feels kinda strange that NOBODY says something like "She's not my kind of MILF" or something...
>hot as hell
The fuck more do you want?
Feminine penis
what are you talking about retard? she's a minor character, it's not like there's going to be a load of discussion about her. the less popular a sexy anime girl is, the less shitposting there is
not fair!
Post more
I recognize that artist. Good taste.
There is nothing feminine about those penises.
I just fucking woke up user. I don't need this
Thread is still alive. Keep on postin'
Are you a little femboy or something?
Oh right, you Sup Forums fags actually have cuck threads.
Because you're the fucked
>he doesn't know the pleasure of self inserting as the girl
>kid opens curtain in front of her
>kid is suddenly behind her
muh nigga
I'm out of relevant pics, this is the last one that's somewhat relevant
They're large, smooth, and voluptuous, just like a woman's body. What isn't feminine about that?
>h-hes fast
>nothin personnel
Mischief wars, you also play a mother. There you also have your kid around.
>self inserting
Only autists do this
So the big boobs thread died and a futa thread took it's place?
I can live with that.
If you're here, please, keep your mother away from me!
Hook doesnt keep is proportions right.
not him, but if only autists self insert
there's nothing wrong with ntr since you're only seeing people fucking.
>enjoying your lewd less
I bet you don't even play with your asshole or nipples while you fap too.
>still shitposting
Sasuga cuckautist
Is there more to this?
It's a crop yeah
It's still gross, and distracting with the constant shift to some faggot crying in the background
>You'll never have a woman like that
I don't think it's gross but I do agree some are distracting when they show too much faggot crying
Its gross because all the dialogue is about how they're fucking over some other guy, or said guy moping
>under 3 feet long
They are plenty feminine
>there are hardly any /ss/ hentai
>hardly anyone draws /ss/ anymore
>if any new /ss/ comes out it's horribly drawn
>fapped to all currently released /ss/ so it's never as good of a feeling as the first time
it's a horrible time to be into /ss/. fuck my life.
come on man, I usually just don't pay atention if the dialog is too shitty. You know, is just some writing, feel free to adapt or make new ones in your head. Writing don't make me gross out.
/ss/ really is great.
Especially when it's mother/son.
>futas are traps
Who's ready for 4.0 hunt zergs :^)
my nigga
you got anything you like or go back to in particular?
I find it hard to ignore. Its large bubbles in the middle of the pages.
Even if I try to ignore them I know they're there
Why is she so perfect
not that dude but Nora Higuma is always a 10.
Princess maker 3
man, not trying to be mean to you but seems like you have some personal issues. I know you can't grasp the genre and that's normal, it's a fetish, you can't properly understand a fetish if nothing there appeals to you at least a bit. Just let them be
Any good mother/daughter doujins?
Not him, but Jitsuma's masterpiece is something I always go back to, and goddamn it never fails to deliver. Wish he would draw another mother/son tankoubon like that or a continuation with more impregnation or pregnant sex
>Ctrl + F
>No The Sims
Agata is great when it comes to this..
A mother's love for her child is the purest and most arousing form of love desu.
futa momdom is my fetish
Top tier taste my man
Shit, I know the artist but I can't seem to recognise this one. Is it new?
>uno makoto
Muh nigga.
That's not a trap you faggot.
Harvest Moon, Story of Seasons, or Rune Factory if you play as a girl and have a baby.
or mind rape
NTR is such a shit tier fetish that mind rape feels less disgusting
What is that thing on her vagina?
How so?
as a mother I find Sup Forums's general obsession with their mothers or mother like figures disturbing
how do I ensure my son doesn't end up like this? be a total cunt to him or something?
>Not panties
That's not feminine at all
Goddamn is that some shit art.
give him the succ
No, that won't work. Being a total cunt makes him look for a softer mother figure which he would find in /ss/
Mother stuff is gross user.
give him his tendies
>not posting superior version