Hehe Doom was so hardcore bro ;)

>hehe Doom was so hardcore bro ;)
>random weapon damage (rockets for example deal between 20 to 160 dmg)
>random enemy damage
>enemies attack once a year
>most of them die in three shotgun blasts tops
Doom embodies everything Sup Forums always shittalks it's both full of RNG and braindead easy most faggots who dicksuck Doom didn't play it in over 10 years and have Mandela effect or are millenials who want to get e-creed despite the fact that their first game was GTA SA

Other urls found in this thread:


You've gotta play Brutal Doom. It improves on the original in every way.

It turns it into even bigger pile of shit
>enemies get mutilated instead of dying on the spot so you have to waste another bullet to finish them off
>COD additions like grenades and iron sights
>Doomguy talks now

>I'm too young to die.

>Piece of cake

>not playing BD on classic mode
*tips super shotgun*

>Can I play, Daddy?

>played doom for exactly 10 years
>doom 2 is still my favorite and always will be
aw geez

Brutal doom is shit. Always has been.

Doom is great. Shotgun being a good option throughout the game is very good.

Doom II is still the best shooter gameplay wise.

Lol no

Lol yes.

Brutal Doom on classic mode with Black Metal and fast monsters is the best way to play it.

I love the crazy puzzle like encounters people design in their custom wads. Having a blast with the new Stardate. It shows that doom always had this potential but the original levels never got crazy enough.

Wrong board you fucktard

Meant realism mode, Black Metal is too easy.


Objectively incorrect

Sup Forums in a nutshell:
>It's shit unless I have nostalgia for it


.t 18 years old kid

He gave you reasons why its shit

>Head shots do critical damage
Who would've known?

What a good thread we have here. Please do keep going.


>this entire thread



Project Brutality is pretty fun coop.

The same guy is shitting up the /vr/ thread as well


try this

>>enemies attack once a year
Stop playing on the easiest difficulty.

Duuude I love DOOM hahaha one of my favorite games. I don't care about RNG it's fun

Difficulty doesn't affect how often they attack retard

Remember guys it's not about how big your dick is it's the skill in which you operate it

>5. Monsters attack more rapidly, demons and spectres move faster and several monster fireball types fly faster.
>Monsters attack more rapidly


Reminder that Sup Forums.wad is legitimately good and also hilarious.

>enemies attack once a year
>There are people that don't play Doom with fast monsters enabled

Doom 1 is supposed to be played on keyboard.
Try it and say it was easy again.

>easy = bad!
>literally unironically judging games on hardcores like a TBG skit

Nah fuck you, but i agree with the rng damage.
Doom is fun because of the leveldesign and pacing first and foremost for me. (Atleast when you play m+kb (not how a lot of people used to play it back then) the speedy movement is another part of this.)
Once you progress (I'm including 2 and thy flesh consumed etc.) the game moves out of the realm of tutorial and is more and more about crowdcontrol and puzzles/labyrinths. The emphasis on these shifts around as you progress with more atmospheric and puzzlelike maps and action oriented dodgingfests. more emphasis on exploration or bossfights.

Maybe you are really good at Doom, wich is good for you i guess, but i wouldn't call the game easy on higher difficulties and pistolstarts.
First console was gameboy/segamegadrive, last played it 3 or 2 years ago. Liked the first the most because of its pacing even though i love cute levitating tomatoes.

Are there any Doom mods that let me fuck male monsters?

Kids should learn to not post if they only play on easy. OP even made up lies about a game that everyone knows better about.

While I think rng is a problem I don't consider any of those things bad enough to dismiss the game as shit. Quake is the better game


What really blows my mind is how the fuck do people play this shit in [current year]. It hasn't aged well at all.

Your blatant shitposting isn't creative, funny, witty, or anything but annoying. Just shut up.

New brutal doom it's better.
I play complex doom invasion and the one with 1 life hardcore mod.

Multiplayer it's fun when playing doom.

What about megagame wads? Are those underage too? I think most of the dommers are +19 years old.

I still seems the same players from 8/6/4 years ago, and a very few news.

Whodunit and aow2 should be mentioned.

>what are mods

kill yourself seriously it's not that hard to come up with that conclusion

but honestly even without mods Doom has aged better then most 90's games

I feel so jewish when I get hours of A+ entertainment out of free megawads. I dunno if any mappers take donations though. The sunlust team probably deserves a couple bucks from me... Then again, the doom mapping community hasn't historically been open to money, has it?

I just want to support the mappers..

Quake is better

isn't doom guy more of a "smash the potion on my helmet so it dribbles into my wounds" sort of guy? Seeing him just glug it down doesn't feel right

t. nothing to respond with because he knows the truth has been heard
just because you dress up a pile of shit doesn't make it no longer a pile of shit

you talk like a fag

yeah it is

I think the level design in Doom 1 is a bit better/more consistently well made throughout the game and only starts to trail off in Inferno

Doom 2's level design starts great gets kinda shitty then gets great again

Actually doom guy is just a giant disembodied head holding weapon with his teeth and using the tongue to push trigger.

I always enjoyed doom, my first true fps was wolfenstein, but doom seemed to capture more of the immersive feel

>a bit better
I love Doom 2 but 1's level design is vastly superior.

ITT: OP wasnt even born when Doom came out, tried to play it to blend with the 'muh old wise gamers' and didnt like it cause its not as smooth as the COD he's used to.

Opinion absolutely discarded.

except you fail to logically explain why it's shitty so the only shitty thing here is your argument

Doom 2 level design is shit all around
Also reminder that Romero made official remake of E1M8

OP, doom is easily the most iconic game ever next to super mario land. you lack cultural insights to perceive this.

just play dark souls and enjoy your clunky hardcore enemies-turn-180-degrees-instantly-while-attacking gameplay

I played Doom for the first time a few years ago and it became once of my favorite games ever

>Doom 2 level design is shit all around
The first 7 levels are great. Everything after that, not so much.

This guy gets it

I love DOOM to pieces but Quake 1 remains undefeated in every way. Gameplay, music, aesthetic and design; it's literally a perfect game.

yeah I just don't shit on Doom 2's level design as much as I should because they were trying to make the levels better for deathmatch while also making them fun maps when filled with monsters


Chasm is kino.

Quake's problem was low monster numbers due to PCs not being ready for it. So the monsters are bullet-sponges and game only feels right when you pick up the quad. Malice is much better.

How are people falling for this blatant bait?

Just a mode that prevents 88MPH running, does immense damage so that zombies shotgun can insta kill you etc.
In other words, you have the same health as a zombie human since you're.... human.

>someone was autistic enough to record all the deaths when the majority of them are the same

That's because Sandy made more levels in Doom 2.

Barrels o' Fun.

Fuck You Nu-Male Underage

Unpopular opinion?

I like MAP08: Tricks and Traps

Pedo scum.

>slowing down doom
Kill yourself retard

More like Barrels o' Shit

It's fun.

I like The Chasm.

>enemies attack once a year
turn on fast monsters and play on ultra violence you retarded ape

If you're retarded, yes. Monsters are not bullet spongey in Quake.

Pretty unpopular opinion indeed.

I also don't like Nirvana and I love the song in Refueling base, so much that I "like" the level.

Nirvana is an awful level.

There is not single weapon in Quake which could kill Ogre in one shot without quad, probably the most common monster.


Quake is too bleak.

You really need to play past the first episode, kid.

>Medieval and gothic architecture blended with hints of sci-fi, theology and lovecraftian horror

In the exquisite palette of red, brown and gray.

I played through Doom 2 again about a month ago and I was surprised at how much better The Chasm was compared to how I remembered it. Overall Doom 2 has some amazing levels. The Crusher and Tenements are some of my favorites, although I think Suburbs might be the worst level in the series.

Red? I remember mostly brown

If you honestly can't appreciate art because it's not bright and flashy enough you should probably get some better taste


I like DOOM 2, but when I come to The Pit I always turn off because it's so boring.

Yeah, blood.

I can but there is not significant variety between realms.

Hexen is so much better than Heretic desu


Find awesome Wolfenstein map
Find another awesome Wolfenstein map in the wolfenstein map

Surely you meant world

Is Hexen the one with the boring same monsters all the time?

Yeah, especially the centaur that block/reflect your attacks half the time. And there's only 4 weapons for each class. But the level design is damn good.