>Black people are in the cult too
>You can make the MC white.
Why are people losing their shit?
>Black people are in the cult too
>You can make the MC white.
Why are people losing their shit?
Other urls found in this thread:
Just riling up the 12 year olds
this is another hollywood anti-christian and anti-white propaganda, it's not like having 1 or 2 blacks in the game can mask the racist message.
Honestly, man. Who gives a shit? Bitching about the game isn't gonna make the game not release. You're literally giving Ubisoft free advertising.
Wasn't the MC in the trailer le empowered blxck womyn? Seems like the only reason they added customization to the character was a pathetic attempt to avoid the backlash they're currently receiving.
sjws false flagging so they can whine about how racist gamers are
so you american keks consider cults to be actually christian?
Because the thought of colored people being in videogames is all too much for the edgelords to handle. Also, it's a good excuse to hate on a game
Seems like a bad excuse, actually.
>mormons aren't real christians
>some gang of redneck prosperity gospel cultists who worship a mortal man are christians and this game is an attack on christianity
>black people in rural america
Huh? That's pretty rare.
Because it is the same tired shit since the 60s. It is the type of tired shit that makes atheists look like sophomoric angsty high school students who never got over having to go to church once when they were 10.
It's boring. It's predictable. It's been done so many times in games, movies, tv, music, paintings, statues, and performance art.
No, I think it's the fact that the in-game cult is actually directly connected to Christianity
Because you won't stop making threads about it, this series had two good games and anyone who likes the last three should be ashamed, so anyone with ANY interest in this game ought to fuck off wheter it be politically motivated or genuine enthusiasm for the garbage Ubisoft puts in your plate, all people who care can just leave
But here's the thing, why give a shit? Just don't buy the game. Bitching and moaning is only solidifying you being a close minded crazy person.
In case you haven't noticed, they cry about asinine things constantly, they're no different from SJW's.
Yeah, there's a Bible verse on the wall of the church.
>You can make the MC white.
Just like in mass effect andromeda?
A lot of real life cults are also "directly connected" to Christianity, retard.
actual christians usually despise cults like jeowah witnesses and scientology
Just like all your churches are. Boo-hoo.
Insane whackjobs who wander out into the woods to start these sorta Waco-esque cults is as much an attack on Christianity in America as a rogue French duke being the antagonist in a game set in Medieval Europe is an attack on white people in Europe.
just you wait, some user is going to post an MS paint comic and you'll be so embarassed at how wrong you are.
I just wish Sup Forums shitstorm on Sup Forums will die until 2018
>But here's the thing, why give a shit? Just don't buy the game. Bitching and moaning is only solidifying you being a close minded crazy person.
Because it'll get 10/10 reviews and we'll get more of this dillusional shit.
Whacky Christian cults built around violent personalities is a huge thing in the post-1950s American psyche.
Or did you think the Jonestown Massacre or Waco Siege weren't built around cults who took wholecloth from the Bible? Hell, even the group being a bunch of insane "Free Citizens of the Land" isn't odd, since Sovereign Citizens are absolutely a thing and they're one of the dangerous sorts of domestic terrorists we've got.
This game isn't racist. This game isn't targeting anybody but domestic terrorism, which tends to be white and a toxic sort of Christian.
You were doing so well until the last sentence.
Are you not afraid of cultural marxism? Of losing your free speech rights and your way of life? Why do you not consider those directly opposed to sjws as a necessary evil, assuming you're a classical liberal?
Because this place went from blue Sup Forums to blue Sup Forums
Hellooo /reddit/
>Whacky Christian cults built around violent personalities is a huge thing in the post-1950s American psyche.
>Or did you think the Jonestown Massacre or Waco Siege weren't built around cults who took wholecloth from the Bible? Hell, even the group being a bunch of insane "Free Citizens of the Land" isn't odd, since Sovereign Citizens are absolutely a thing and they're one of the dangerous sorts of domestic terrorists we've got.
>This game isn't racist. This game isn't targeting anybody but domestic terrorism, which tends to be white and a toxic sort of Christian.
Jim Jones and his cult were commies and the branch davidians weren't a cult and we're murdered by the feds.
>You were doing so well until the last sentence.
Why? People are bitching and moaning about the enemies being white Christians, which... Domestic terrorists tend to be?
Oh hush, it's a valid word to describe a branch that pollutes the message of the tree.
>the branch davidians weren't a cult
they were fuck off heretic
This game is giving me so much Todd material.
That's bullshit. Every belief has their wack jobs that kill people. It even happens in the US.
They were a bit odd but they weren't bad people. The u.s government literally burned them to death.
He's just tanned.
>Of losing your free speech rights and your way of life
You autists are the ones flipping their small dicks about the game having a white cult as the bad guys
>triggered by a common word
Really not much different from an SJW getting offended by words like retard or faggot.
People were mad because their waifu is canonically gay and they cant ship or want to fuck them or whatever
Far Cry 2 was the best game in the series by a country mile. This shit is going to be trash like the every Far Cry game since. Fuck Ubishit and the casual shit they keep pumping out.
>inb4 muh malaria and muh respawning checkpoints
user, you don't know what the term trigger means
Fake controversy riled up by ubishills to sell their next DoA game to gullible normalfaggots without spending an actual penny on marketing it themselves.
>Every belief has their wack jobs that kill people. It even happens in the US.
Yeah, and that's when people break out the proclamations that "the person was not a real Christian/Muslim" or they were "radicalized" and following a "fringe" of the religion, which is another way to say a toxic form of the religion as it turns what is typically a good message into bad.
>It even happens in the US.
Yeah, it happens all the fucking time with Sovereign Citizens (who tend to be white rednecks) going out and killing people. This is what the game is focusing on, Christian cultists with a strong flair for "muh dirt, muh freedom" which, surprise surprise, tends to be predominantly white in America.
That bear looks Photoshopped in.
>black person
That's obviously a white male hispanic.
Black and Hispanic guy on the right. Yet people still lose their shit.
To bait people into giving the game free press and shilling it. Is like you faggots forgo about bacterial marketing 101.
You can change the MC now? This game is getting more and more generic. I wonder how limited the story will be.
Ahem, they're ITALIAN, you racist.
Because people losing their shit will give shitty "journalists" material for clickbait
Depicting christianity and white people as evil is directly corrolated with cultural marxism and removing old structures and replacing them with new.
It may not be a conscious effort but it is part of the problem, though I don't think it's that important honestly. The attention directed to this game is a bit misguided.
/k/ stop this meme
What are you even bitching about?
That's literally who the game is against, wack jobs that kill people in the US.
It's not Ubisoft's fault that white wack jobs are domestic terrorists while browns are foreign terrorists.
I'm convinced most of the people here that are upset are edgy teenage Sup Forumsacks or Ubisoft marketers in an attempt to keep this in the public eye.
Americans are scum of christianity protestantism pls go away
Please clarify it for me, then. They seem pretty triggered according to this site's definition of the word.
That is truth. No one should tip toe around the reality that homegrown terrorism in America is ultraconservative in nature the majority of the time. Denying that is as dangerous as denying islam terrorism is the main form of global terrorism
>white Christians, which... Domestic terrorists tend to be?
That's not actually true user.
The real list goes: blacks>hispanics>whites>asians>middle easterners.
Highest kill count was some gook who got 59 people singlehandedly (excluding 9/11).
Like it does in any warzone city, i.e. New Orleans, Chicago, etc
If anything it's worse because retard and faggot are slurs, they're supposed to be offensive words, that's where all their power comes from.
The SJWs are getting overly mad about words that insult groups, while flipping shit over "toxic" is just getting overly mad about an adjective that only insults who it's directed at.
>good christians vs. Cultists.
>white southern belle
>good white working man father
muh muh muh muh oppression muthafuckas im so oppressed im part of the biggest religion on earth but im the victim
Wtf I love muzzies now!
Last I checked there wasn't dogfights over the skies of Chicago
>Why are people losing their shit?
They aren't, but acting like they are guarantees that any thread they make hits 500+ posts.
>nigger can't have an italian accent
SJW are larping as offended meme lords pushing the hurr durr white genocide shit since reveal to push the hurr durr Sup Forums is like SJW shit
You can easily spot them since they make everything about emotions
Sup Forums will shitpost about anything. Are you surprised shitposters shitpost about things they know nothing about?
No, it's not
Great atmosphere but the lack of content got me to drop the game eventually. Is this still a problem in the newer Crys?
holy shit guys I think I found the main character
>white US marshall that appears to be saying "please no"
Indeed, praise the lord!
You're questioning the setting but not the fact that you are going to kill thousands on your own, heal yourself within seconds after you caught 10 bullets with your chest and liberate that town solo or maybe with a handful of retarded companions that die after two hits?
Source your info my man.
>"Actual Christians"
>implying modern Christians are anywhere close to how true Christians are supposed to act and behave
Like the pot calling the kettle black. I'm an atheist but I can't stand hypocrites who claim to be Christian but act like degenerates
Far Cry 3 was better than 2 but 2 had a neat charm to it
4 is just a bad clone of 3
Fuck, now I love Far Cry 5.
You're being purposefully obtuse user, logic is much harder to ignore when it comes to plot and story over gameplay.
its hard to tell with the contrast and saturation cranked to the maximum.
When was the last time a white person killed some else in the name of Christianity in America? Fucking forever ago. The whole redneck gun loving Christian that's racist is just a stereotype about people in southern USA, which Montana isn't.
That's all game play suspension of disbelief, which you gotta grant, but if you're setting doesn't hold up at all its silly
>Branch Davidians
>domestic terrorists
Yeah dude, I'm sure all those innocent who burned to death were totally planning 9/11
He tried to get out of it but his contract had a claws in it he couldn't get out of.
holy fuck
Black pastor actually makes a lot of sense.
Black people are fine as long as they arent niggers.
Plus the cultist man is definitely middle eastern.
Sounds historically accurate
>create a character
>vehicle and gun customization
>plane dogfights
>comfy setting
>side characters are nice friendly christians
>enemies are just evil cult
I'm kinda looking forward to it.
wow you sound just literally like sjw chimping out, one can easily mistake that last phrase for them. congratulations retard, the abyss does stare back
Oh no, stormfront got mad! All those billions down the drain! Good thing they viraled it though, since we saved millions in advertising!
Yeah it makes a lot of sense for the man killing white cultists to be black, since white people did put them through slavery after all
Since when has Sup Forums swung left?
Tfw You will never be this fucking retarded. Wew fucking lad.
This. I feel like the teaser and cover really set the wrong image for the game. Total misstep