Itt: the last game you played and your reaction to it

itt: the last game you played and your reaction to it
>mfw undertale

Is that going to be your next review Mr. Smegma? Good to know

Hey Smegmaking what do you think of Ape Escape?

you can't escape my ape ;)

Assassins Creed Rogue
suprisingly decent. should have been the main sequel to BF and unity should have been the proper sequel to rogue
syndicate shouldn't exist

Remember the third game with that girl?

dark souls 3

The Last of Us on Grounded mode

Payday 2

>Fallout 4

persona 5


>Pokemon S&M

Nier automata

Endings C & E

>risk of rain
Just completed a run to providence on a huntress
>mfw 4x heaven crackers, SSx8, predatory instincts and lens stacked out of the ass, topping it off with 5x bazookas

Gravity Rush 2
So only royalty get pets that give them superpowers?
How does a baby from the top of the world get adopted by people miles below?
also the entire world is one girl's dream but that is never really explored so for most purposes she's just like one of the other gods that watch over the world?

There's a reason why Silent Hill's director isn't as popular as Kojima

Kat and Raven are the same person (which is never explored further) and Kat is a cosmic horror that dreams dreams, yes

>The Witcher 3



Dota 2

How in the fuck am I supposed to get energy credits when everything I make takes 2 a month from me


>P4DAN on hard

Don't starve together
>Tfw actually have someone to play it with

DOOM 2016


>mfw Terraria

Revisited Planetside 2 today. The days of massive vehicle convoys are gone. It's a bunch of nothing now.