america is fucked, in 20 years it will be nothing

who gives a fuck

don't buy it if you don't like it, it's real fucking simple

better fucked than cucked


Kekked at Molino Eric's comment

Why are people getting so assblasted
It's just a fucking game Jesus christ

the fuck is wrong with people

>He looked at the comment section of youtube

worse than any discussion site desu

>these people are so hysterical that they feel the need to shoot virtual right-wingers

>picture has nothing to do with the game
>it has to do with the response to it
>"jes dont buy the game, man"

I thought they hated violence and guns.

Brainwashed by pure hatred, it goes both ways goy, lefties wanna kill righties and vice versa, no one sees who's pulling the strings

tfw too intelligent to understand

>killing blacks in RE is wrong!
>killing kids in skyrim is wrong!
>killing gays or blacks in watchdog is wrong!
>hooray killing whites is the best!

>all commenters have mexican and shitskin names

Because 'muh white pride' is just as easily triggered as sjws.

>B-But Trump

Why do these fucks always have to include him in shit that doesn't even make sense? Someone tell me what this game has to do with Trump.

Liberal impotent rage

Thats kind of the point of a cherry picked image user.

Leftist here, guns are awesome. Then again I'm a liberal in the sense that I want people to be free to do what they want with good governance providing a strong military and social safety net.

>Sup Forumstards making fun of lefty lolcows for years
>game makes backwood religious rednecks as enemy

Sup Forumstards are just as sensitive little cunts as SWJ, go back to your containment board you fucking faggot

You need a mod to do it in skyrim though

>social safety net
Kill yourself.

bet it wont sell as much as resident evil 5.

say that to my face mother fucker not online see what happens

You realize you kill brown people in other Far Cry games right and nobody gives a shit, right?


its ok when it's not Sup Forums then
got it

>mother fucker
>not "face fucker"
Its like you dont even get the meme

These are shill threads.

>he knows everyone's opinions about every game and this is how everyone thinks
kys retard

>I'm so high strung, I don't know the difference between "triggered" and "provoked", because my response to literally anything I don't like is completely and utter hysterics

There's literally no reason to feel compassion for the lesser races when they're parasites who are only in video games because of white progress.

what game though?


>Finally someone let us kill some Americans

What does this fucking idiot mean by "finally"? Killing Americans is not even remotely uncommon in video games.

>he doesn't know

The people in those comments should be gassed.
However, anyone still complaining about this game being a "narrative" or whatever should also be gassed. It's fucking not. It's not even about Christians. They're a cult. You literally play as a Christian Pastor for fuck's sake. I hate the misuse of the word "triggered", but that's exactly what Sup Forums is right now. They're unreasonably angry for no good reason. They've grown so accustomed to knee jerk responses that it's all they know how to do.

>tfw latino but too white
>get all the disadvantages of being latino
>get all the disadvantages of being white

its over for me

>tolerant liberals!


Is Far Cry 5 the only game where you can actively play as the villains? How are they going to justify you going into a random church on Sunday and spraying everyone down with a loaded machine gun?

After they slay everyone are they going to pour gasoline on the floor, light a cigarette and ignite it while walking away and say something cheesy like "Facists, not even once" while an elderly white woman is screaming in pain from being burned alive.

I can imagine how it starts too, some white guy with a MAGA hat walks into service and the player follows him and makes the assertion that the place has to be a place of neo-nazi white supremacist worship.

Can never have too much of a good thing.

Congrats, you're now a domesticated human!



What disdatnavges do you get of being latino? I'm Mexican and also white like a motherfucker. The thing that irritates me is I go into any Mexican supermarket or restaurant and the people talk to me in broken English because they think I'm white. Even when I respond to them in fluent Spanish. I also get nasty looks in certain places.

You're paranoid and insane.

I'm literally on Sup Forums right now to get away from them

>How are they going to justify you going into a random church on Sunday and spraying everyone down with a loaded machine gun
Sup Forums literally did this with dylan roof

Because being an angry "politically active" fuckwad wasn't the number one trend few years ago

Do you mean a half kinda thing or are you one of those that wishes he was white so bad that he tries to act white?

>haha we get to kill some Christians

Muslims already did that today in Egypt for the 5000th time

But not all Muslims of course, islam is peace


Not that much into Sup Forums and shit memory, what does that mean?

tfw the same
im also gay too, so i double lose

only advantage i ever got was i have a higher chance to get hired because of race quotas


If your eyes are brown you don't look white.

>dude christians are just as bad as muslims
>see, we created this game to prove it

woah everybody we got the meme curator over here

It's how white america is.

Almost as sad as people so hysterical and buttmad that they feel the need to spam threads on Sup Forums 24 hours a day about how mad they are at the game.

i dont know how to act white, im just who i am
but i am latino

Why is it in my experience liberals in 2017 are way more hateful than conservatives?

>t. Ubisoft shill

>Wanting to kill people in a game is the same as wanting to kill people in real life

confirmation bias

Only the finest memes for the finest places, such as Sup Forums

Because it was her turn.

They are brown and they still insist on talking to me in english even when they can barely speak the language. I see more hispanics that look whiter than me and they treat them like one of their own.

Name a game where you're a not-american killing americans?

Because liberals actively support a death cult.

54 percento.

This isn't video games.

Because it's literally true
But Sup Forums is still full of triggered retards, don't get me wrong.

Blame ted cruz.

>say "murder trump supporters" on twitter
>get 50000 retweets 67,000 likes and 5000 followers

>say "i support our troop #maga" on twitter
>get doxxed
>get employer spammed with emails
>get fired


when humans are given a reason to believe that their violence can be justified, they will be more than happy to indulge

leftists only hate guns when they're owned by icky wrongthinkers

>youtube comments
Nice thread.

Stop posting western garbage

>conveniently forgetting how Sup Forums wants death camps

Even Twitter screenshots are too high brow now.

Are there such things as latino "hapas?"

this doesnt happen

i doubt you've ever held a job

ok mr. curator keep up the good work

>i dont know how to act white

If you're productive member of society that respects women and has no criminal record then you're acting like white people.

Any call of duty multiplayer

leftists have always been more hateful
they let the mask of compassion drop since they thought they had won forever

Nah bro you see, they put one token black guy into the cult so all is good :^)

it wasn't political in resident evil 5 tho, right



>comparing an autistic image board to mainstream leftist opinion

fun fact: the rednecks were a gang of rebels who grew tired of the rich and banded together using a red scarf to identify fellow rebels


Because they mad that they lost an election.

Gta 4

Yes, a game that's been in the works for well over a year and releases in 2018 was made to comment on today's politics.
The cult definitely isn't inspired by Waco or the Mansons or the Church Universal and Triumphant, it's all about what's happening right the fuck now.

oh then I'm acting like white people
but i only pretend to respect women, Im usually disgusted and revolted by them

It's like how children's voices are designed to be at just the right frequency to annoy you and make you angry, but with women its 100x worse.

>le enlightened centrist substituting cynicism for intelligence

>spammed on Sup Forums and Sup Forums 2 days nonstop
>suprised to see meme tards spamming on YouTube too
Let me guess, only on Sup Forums does trolling and pretending exist, everyone else must be the real deal?