Who is your favorite Vault Hunter in all three games?
What do you want in a Vault Hunter in the next game?
Who is your favorite Vault Hunter in all three games?
What do you want in a Vault Hunter in the next game?
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Always the siren, because the rest of the specials are usually shit tier compared to hers.
>Borderlands 1
Roland and lilith
>Borderlands 2
Gaige and Maya
I just want the game to go back to being about a crazy, untamed, wasteland about ancient vaults and mysteries, with murderous corporations fighting for control.
Instead we got shit and memes.
Athena for delicious Captain America action
Borderlands 2 DLC Character Krieg.
Never had so much fun with a melee character build.
I like the design that you do more damage the less health you have, so can unlock buffs and perks that actually damage you more which would be insane and counterproductive for any other build.
So have you have stuff like
"take bonus damage from teammates hitting you"
"take extra damage from explosions"
"make your melee axe throwable"
"attach dynamite to said axe which in turn damages you again"
Its a big balancing act.
Play Tales From the Borderlands, it's pretty solid
I'm burned out on BL. Fallout 4's Nuka World gave me Borderlands PTSD flashbacks.
That trailer/movie thing they did with him was legitmately the greatest Borderlands shit ever made
I played through 2 recently by myself and at one point in the game it made me feel so lonely. I was at some area where there were animal experimentation and labs and I got these audio recordings and it made it painfully obvious that I was meant to play it with friends.
Anyway, I like Gaige.
Fuck off randy
Krieg + the hunt DLC shield that gives HP + %damage reduction instead of shield + shield depleted talents = GOAT
I wish he had some more backstory or lore in the game
Gaige or Krieg erryday
Their playstyles allow me to go in guns-blazing/swinging
Psycho, easily the most satisfying and unique playstyle out of all of them
That and Krieg looked the best out of all of them as well
Fuck I swear there is some solid lore and characters to the series but it gets so buried in all the shitty memes and Butch's awful writing
Krieg, Jak Clone, and Lilith.
Brick is my favorite in B1, and Salvador is my favorite in B2. I've never played the pre-sequel. I hope in the next game they let us play as some of the older characters and don't just introduce four brand new characters again.
I like the theory that Krieg was be Tiny Tinas Dad or stepdad before he got experimented on and lost his sanity
Not very likely to happen. You'll probably get a new st of characters, but the old ones are there to give you quests and stuff.
Bl1 brick
Bl2 Zero
manlet steroid user Salvador all the way
Sniper class to both questions; did zero have an equivalent to mordecai's two shot skill?
Don't you mean watch?
I think so. Tw0 Fang is what I think it's called
Great, just finished 1 and now I'm starting two; shame about revolvers, I had a x4 lightning one and two shot made it into a handcannon.
Main classes I used in each game were Roland, Axton and Misha
Probably mix it up and not use a turret character in BL3 if there is one
The closest thing to a turret class would be Enforcer who has 2 independant drones as his main skill
Doppleganger was fucking great, followed close by Krieg
Just want more like 2 but with less cringeworthy shit
I've seen a good few Borderlands threads on Sup Forums recently, all of which have subjects and replies that don't sound much like your typical Sup Forums poster.
Call me paranoid, but I think something BL related is going to be announced soon.
It's almost as if Sup Forums isn't a hivemind or something.
Mania build Krieg is such a blast.
Proper abuse of Unleash the Beast plus healing from overkill makes you nigh invincible if you just never stop murdering.
Funny how a game focused on collecting guns is most exciting with the character that least uses them.
Still being a Memelandsfag requires more laughing and shrugging shit off than a lot other fanbases, so I'm not surprised that we're outliers on here.
Borderlands 3 is coming though, that's kind of old news.
Tales from the Borderlands is "free" in playstation plus.
Rhys and Fiona
>more lore
>less memes
>back to Borderlands 1 dark humor and grit
>less modern day internet references
>more playable character interaction / banter
>less lelsorandumb one-liners
>more mordecai and brick bro team action
>less memes
>more revolvers
>less shitty weapon gimmicks
>better weapon feel and gunplay
>less "fires as fast as you can pull the trigger; ammo capacity: 1"
>even more less "consumes 2 ammo per shot" because ammo isnt some kind of pool of power what the fuck were you even thinking with that dumb shit
>more weapon varieties
>less forced humor
>less memes
>less memes
>no reddit
Hope and dreams die young.
>fires as fast as you can pull the trigger; ammo capacity: 1
As retarded as it is it was always funny to get a weapon like that.
Athena was pretty fun but Gaige's anarchy tree is my favorite in any RPG.
I hope the game is literally filled to the brim with memes. Every voice line and gun name should be a meme from somewhere. Only so that the people who care so much and complain constantly about it can not play the game.
Why? Are you Anthony burch? Do you like bad games?
I write this in every BL thread, but holy shit i will be so upset if Timmy won't be in new game.
I like games. The bullshit random characters say does not effect me in any way. If BL3 is anything like 2, I will be watching something on another screen while I have the game volume almost muted.