This is Link. say something useful to him!

This is Link. say something useful to him!

>that hooked nosed kike Ganon has messed with hyrule for the last time
What did he mean by this?

I want to cuddle with link

>still no human x Lynel porn doujin
When is comiket?

>It is written, only Link ibn al-Halal can defeat Calamity Ganon, the great devil pig, and usher in paradise on earth for all of Allah's faithful

Man fuck BotW and RIP lore

Hang yourself

She's totally checking his bulge between her fingers, pure my ass she's a total slut

Who wouldn't?

Link is gay

Even skeleton arms want to fondle Link.

Purah is cute

>check it
does he mean my 8?

This is the 2nd gayest thing I've seen.




that is just some fujocrap

what's the gayest?

It's not slutty to take a lil peek


The smell fumes are hot at first but then I remember dudes don't smell that good no matter how cute they are.


>boyish musk
>not good

*whips out dicc*

Here, take this






saa saa~!

>cutting the ponytail


Maybe I've never had the pleasure of smelling that, but my manish musk doesn't smell so great to me.

So, Why did they please the pedos so much with this game?


Because they're like 75% of the Nintendo fanbase.

Just look at Splatoon's sales.

Are you sure is not because gradeschoolers are their target audience?

you know something

link isnt a little boy user.

They really fucked up with that decision tbqh

Is there a more bro character in all of Hyrule?

And neither is Purah, yet she looks like a little gradeschooler girl, hard backpack and everything.

Why is he trans?

i wanna fuck you in the ass right now
nvm just found out your a girl


It's a girl


Why didn't you fuck her Link?

yuri on ice, i don't even watch but it's notoriously gay so if you like gay stuff you've probably heard of it

>Tfw I enjoy futa and traps but have never heard of this show
Really gets me thinkin.

What do I know user?

Its dangerous to go alone! Take this.

Hi Link.
Where's Kass?

I'm kind of glad that most gameplay demos only showed off the more bland areas of the game so that the nicer environments were more of a surprise when I played it myself.

Daruk was a bland Darunia clone.

>Behold, Calamity Ganon. The terror that has destroyed our lands for millenia. The legend states that eons ago, he was once a simple hook-nosed sand-nigger, trying to get his grubby little hands on any power he could. It took the Hero of Time, the blonde haired, blue eyed warrior of the white race to stop him and restore balance. You are that warrior, reincarnated. You, Link, are the champion of our race. The Hero destined to crush the inferior Gerudos, and stop Ganon.

Jesus fucking Christ. They really took that M rating to a new level.


>going through the Gerudo canyons to the desert
>suddenly Rhoam's Wall is towering in front of me
>can't see any other way into the desert so I climb the stairs to the top
>see hundreds of skeletons lying in front of the wall on the burning sand
>memory spot on the top of it
>Link remembers visiting Rhoam while he's shooting arrows at starving Gerudos down below
>"Link my boy, only by wiping out these hook-nosed infiltrators can Hyrule know true peace and our race be preserved. Death by the arrows of my men is a gentler fate than they deserve, but it is faster than waiting on them to die on their own. Well worth every rupee in arrows, I'd say."

Rhoam didn't fuck around

Watch out for Zelda, she'll dump you after fucking a few times because that's what rich spoiled princesses do.

Post more cute Link.

Why is Link so cute?

because he's just the right amount of androgynous.

>mods deleting posts in a dying thread


If a post violates the rules, it should be reported.

OP is autistic


snitch spotted


cute granny

He clearly gave her dick to calm her down when her Orb was stole. Why else would the scene close off in the first floor, only for it to start again from her room, next to her bed?