ITT: games no one on Sup Forums hates
ITT: games no one on Sup Forums hates
I hate that game
Weakest game in the PS2 trilogy.
Gotta be this one, right? What's there to hate?
>reading comprehension
But it's still not bad. 5 and Zero just dominate it.
>What is 5
5 is by far the worst
>85 missiles
into the trash it goes
No one except plebeians
Nobody will ever convince me AC0 is better than AC4. I will never understand this.
Nothing in 5 is as bad as those "Bomb shit for 20 minutes" missions in 4.
AC4 has the best atmosphere of the PS2 games, 6 was better if you skip the cutscenes but its gameplay is pretty stale and repetitive compared to the other two.
Mobas literally ruined gaming
People who started with 5 or 0 didn't get the impact of 4 (and people who started with 4 didn't get the impact of the earlier games).
Personally, I like 2 the most just becuase I started on it, and I stopped loving the series starting with 5 (despite the fact I was actually very active in the community and was the first to rip the sound track from the game itself).
The pacing of 5 felt really shitty to me compared to 4, the game felt like a slog for some reason.
Atmosphere is a massive meme but after reading this post the mission briefing screen and music popped into my head
Add pretty much all Kirby games to this
>That Megalyth music
Ace Combat briefing screens are invariably fantastic.
>post yfw plot twist happens and the briefing music changes
I don't remember any thrashing on this game
Subjective. If assfaggots have something to spark against each other between assfaggots then it can be considered to have an opposition. assfaggots in general have heat here. So no, it is hated by at least someone here, plebian or not.
Putting Louie in the game made some tasks more tedious than usual. The last couple of zones are definitely not comfy to complete.
not a single person on this board has EVER voiced any dislike for any of these games
How new are you?
I hate it.