Tomb Wader Gameplay
Crash Warped Tomb Wader Gameplay
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Future Frenzy at E3 then, good
what´s up with this eternal flying in this level? was that always possible?
Power-up after defeating the third warp room boss, this is a level from the fourth warp room, so obviously it's to get you to learn how it works
Sort of, once you got the upgrade.
Some guy is fucking lviestreaming a shit load of levels.
wow I really need to replay these games.
Let me wait and see if these comes out for pc, when not I will play the superior version.
> It's perfect
Holy fucking shit, they did it the madmen.
> Fixed the model and colour scheme
It's almost like Activision want people to like their game.
Now I feel kinda retarded, I beat this level and the rest of the game without knowing it
hyped affffffffffffffffff
>superspin doesn't emanate yellow particles
0/10 worst remaster ever
Any footage of Hog wild or any of the other animal riding levels?
>a remake/remaster is unironically going to be GOTY 2017
Why does spinning seem to kill all upward momentum? Otherwise it looks great.
>mfw the warp room
>dat feel when Jack Trenton won't be there to be assaulted by Crash Bandicoot at e3
I'd bust a nut though if Sony/Activision had someone running around in one of the old Crash costumes though
sucks that it's some random guy, but it's a lot of new footage
>Each death needs to be funny, needs to be amusing
>We have over 100 death animations
personal favorite has to be the one where he turns into a angel playing the billabong as he floats to heaven
There's gameplay of Gone Tomorrow on Youtube.
>that shitty warping animation
Fuck, this game is looking more and more like a cash grab.
>Wanna go for another level?
>steps onto Gone Tomorrow
>that new dance
>nerfed SFX for the spiked sarcophagus
fuck graphics
are there going to be new levels?
>non speedrunning footage
that game is so easy, it's boring
>that lighting
>that lack of color
Future levels look godly
>I didnt watch any of the videos
>Post yfw GAME....OVER
>no orient express/midnight run footage
>Ocean in the background
hope they put the 3 island there too
Careful mate, mods are nazis and remove and ban stuff related to bandicoot girls.
>mods are constantly called faggots
>they ban people for posting cute vidya girls
It all makes perfect sense now
They fixed 90% of the colors and did you see Coco's warp room model?
Game is looking good now.
Maybe they realised most people buying this game will be people who played the originals and thought it was a good idea not to piss them off.
I'm guessing it's not hard to changed colours on textures though. Literally going Shift+A and moving a hue and contrast slider up and down
Fuck do I really need to buy a ps4?
What's better on the pro for this game?
I love Coco!
>All those visual fixes
>Made the multihit boxes quicker to break
>Feels like OG Crash
My god, it's been so long since I saw people caring about making a game.
>they gave Crash an edgy bazooka weapon
Way to ruin the Crash series sony.
Source pls? I've only seen the version with the shirts on
The multihit fix was part of the original warped.
There are no shirts in the original, you doofus.
This would've been easily GOTY if they decided to include CTR in it and made it a multiplat instead of their 1 year exclusivity deal.
Its an edit someone made and posted here. Either pray for someone to post it or dredge old woah threads.
Looks nice and cozy.
>the water looks like shit
Was it? I can't remember. I should play the trilogy again. Are the boxes in the 1 and 2 remake also fixed or not?
Is it really coming to PC?
Not a fan of the N. Gin render, but at least he looks better than Titans.
That...isn't saying much, but still
Plays in 4k, that's it.
Normal PS4 is still 60fps
They said a couple of times it's not a real exclusive so most likely yes.
According to previous footage, no.
fuck man god exists after all fuuuaaaarrrkkk
Well fuck buying a nogames4 then
And no, I don't like souls game so idgaf about bloodborne
I really don't like how washed the colors look in this game in general (that and the fact the water is muddy as shit, as opposed to the crispy clean water in the original), but other than that, i hope it does really well once it's out.
>crash eats the crystals and takes them out of his mouth at the end
>Original trilogy pushed the PS1 to its absolute limits
>N.Sane trilogy just reuses the Skylanders engine and only look "okay" compared to its contemporaries
If they ever remake Spyro they better be the best goddamn looking games on the system.
Aku-Aku confirmed for BUDOOGAH. ROOTABAGA, BOOGAOOGA, BAZINGA fags and etc all BTFO.
and its not even 60fps btw desu desu
Spyro next?
Only to Activision's brand new botnet launcher
I'm going to need an actual source on this before i get hyped up
it's a didgeredoo or however you spell it. or is billabong the same?
He's using the superspin. Have you even played Crash 3?
The bazooka also was in the orginial you stupid fuck
>Playstation Ireland
>durr these games are hard
Most of us beat these as kids
>official twitter account doesn't count!
Why don't you just say it how it is. You're a falseflagging sonyfanboy and wanted a reason to dismiss the source, even if it's a fucking official sony source.
no official word, but there may have been a few slip of the tongue
also no ''exclusive on playstation'' on the cover.
aswell as Shawn Layden never stating that it was exclusive back in E3.
Uhh, no
Why not hold this stuff until E3 when they have more visibility? Is Sony retarded?
I can't believe we might actually get a good HD remake of a great franchise
Who the fuck cares if it's exclusive or not, just buy the ps4 alfuckingready, unlike 2 years ago, now it has lots of games and you won't be able to play this one anywhere else for a year at least.
nice bait
Not with that Unity it won't
lol fuck off
Unity is a REAL engine for REAL developers you bigot
hey dad