How do we solve the problem of the sudden influx of hyper-sexualization of the main female protagonists in video games...

How do we solve the problem of the sudden influx of hyper-sexualization of the main female protagonists in video games? Is it any wonder why the main stream still doesn't take video games seriously?

The western devs are better about this but the japanese are still stuck in the 60's when it comes to women's rights. What should be done about them?


There is no problem. They weren't trying to cater to a filthy normal like yourself.


you mean how do we fix the problem of games not doing that right ?

We don't, because we are virgins.

If 5 OP needs to give me a footjob

>Is it any wonder why the main stream still doesn't take video games seriously?
why should i care if other people take my hobbies seriously?

It's working desu. I want to play this game after I build a new gaming pc soon.

What do sexy female characters have got to do with women's rights?

you're the problem anita


>sudden influx
>devs are stuck in past

Didn't know, user? Fictional women are just like real women, and must be treated the same.

sometimes I wish I was a woman and I could show some goods like those, I'd actually need to work out less and I'd get much more attention

>sudden influx of hyper-sexualization
>when it comes to women's rights
Fictional characters don't have rights and trying to change the standard because of "muh woman rights" is infringing on the right of the artists

Games are not to be taken seriously now go delete your thread, retard.

Absolute territory will never qualify as this.

It's okay OP, we all know you love cock.
You're only hurting yourself by staying in the closet.

>How do we solve the problem of the sudden influx of hyper-sexualization of the main female protagonists in video games?
We don't.

Now go back to trolling

the film industry is more explicitly sexual than games, the last time i saw explicit sex in a game was wolfenstein the new order

What is that fabric called? Satin? I get hard by how shiny and soft that fabric looks.

It's neither. gb2kitchen.

Look mom, I posted it again!

Just keep voting with your wallet and hope the problem fixes itself.

jesus christ 2b is so perfect, why rl japanese grills arent as beatful

t. westcuck

Because she's an android you retard.

t. cuck

Is this a new feature? Where do I add the exclusion tags?

Idk what the cosplayer is wearing but 2B is supposed to wear leather boots and a velvet dress.

yeah bro every game from japan totally falls into one of those categories

I mean his underwear.

3D women are not important.

Go to your queue and click " Customize your queue" right above the "next" button.


Haha someone's jealous
the only thing wrong with the game is that you get to kill robots and not minorities

She needs to wear more leather.

Much appreciated.

it's not a problem, it's a solution
I'm glad I grew out of western games

Lol. Good bait.

Nier Autonoma made me realize robo-waifus are the future

i know its bait but serious question, how is it that while 2B for example being hyper-sexualized still has alot of character and personality but characters like Alyo for example are basicly nothing but "look at my realisticly crooked teath thats really realistic that makes me a realisticly relatable character"
dont get me wrong i would actually approve developers trying to not just doing the "sexy same face" weebfags bragging about all the time ... a face with some flaws != ugly (see witcher 3) ... but it just blows me away how characters like 2B and A2 who at first glense are nothing but sexy fanservice and for there are bigots who actually dont even play the game because of that have more personality than most of any western characters during the last decade

Surprisingly enough, in my late teens/early 20s I wasn't a huge fan of hyper sexualization simply because it got tiring after a while. I mean, me and my dick always liked it to a point, I just didn't like when it felt like it was shoved in just to make a bit of extra money. But after all the crying about it in recent years, I'm starting to not mind it.


>No problem to solve
>No "Sudden" influx
>No such thing as "hyper-sexualization"
>Male protagonists are also "sexualized"
>video games is a bigger industry than movies and still "not taken seriously", as if that is needed.
>Women's rights aren't violated in video games as the characters don't exists and therefore have no rights.
>Japanese make "stronger", more independent women than the west but because the women are sexy it doesn't count, as if being sexy and "strong" are mutually exclusive.

This reeks of a person how is to embarrassed to play games with sexy women because he's afraid what others think of him. Or a woman who desperately what to be the center of attention and can't stand that she's not the most beautiful thing in the vicinity. Or just bait. Take your pick.


>no Early Access tag
Explain yourself.

Because she's a realistic android in the context of the game? I imagine that if humans irl had the technology to create robots like her (with the AI and power to behave like that) then it wouldn't be a surprise that they get more than perfect bodies (whatever your definition of perfect is). hell, I'd say that getting the perfect bodied robo waifu would come sooner than the AI for getting someone lik 2B.


japaneses are already going in the "sex android path", in some decades well have our own 2b sex slave.
we shall be slaves of womans no more

OP who do you think you are not allowing a video game women's right to be sexy?

I think the most important part of combating the hyper-sexualization of females is to fully know the concept and being able to recognize it.

In sake of this, it would very well serve the cause for everyone to post sexualized female characters.


The only problem is the mainstream not taking sexuality seriously you fucking plebeian.

>Is it any wonder why the main stream still doesn't take video games seriously?

Sexualization is a thing in most mainstream sports and hobbies too. Normies dislike video games because we're nerds.

Why contain it?

You can fix it by chopping off your balls to make your transition complete, you god damned FAGGOT!!

t. nu-male

I want to fuck that frog.

enjoy your 500 replies

you dont deserve them but theyre coming anyway


In a way I'm kinda worried about making robots too human-like since as AI gets better and better there wouldn't anything that separates humans with machines and there will be a moment when they surpass real humans with their advanced intelligence and perfect bodies.

I think that currently we still see robots and AI as a tool for humans to get results which would drastically change when the singularity comes and there just will not be a place for humans as the dominant species of the earth any more.

>caring about the main stream
>racist remarks against the japanese

Going all out with this bait

>oh no she has a revealing outfit!

The obsession the """fanbase""" has with 2B has nothing to do with the actual game. Besides the fact that you can see up her skirt, 2B isn't really sexualized at all. None of the cutscenes play it up, none of the characters mention it, etc etc. Obviously there's 9S but he's not a pervert or anything, his love for her is more than just sexual. The ONLY thing I would call sexual is the choking scene, and it was a tasteful thematic kind of sexual, it wasn't fanservice.

Also, making them more human like would make us empathize and feel for them seeing them as more than just tools which would lead us to giving them rights maybe even autonomy, enabling their superiority even more.

(You) just don't buy it. Happy?

My biggest problem is decoy protagonists. Nothing pisses me off more than leading me to invest in a character I expect will be the lead, then you swap them out at the last second. "The other one? Oh they're worthless, fuck off."

Even my normalfag friends at work were interested in Automata because of 2B's booty.

Sex sells, and it keeps prudes away from video games. It's a win-win.

>sudden influx
What's it like to be 12 and have no concept of what it was like before your got squirted out of your dads dick?

AI progress is going so fucking slowly, today we cant even make a robot understand what is a wall, we have at least 200 years till real AI.

I agree user, purely for research purposes.



>letting your tastes be influenced by retards
Wew lad



>the huge sack tits on human females in that game

We must approach this subject with an empirical mindset. We should quantify just how sexualized a character is in a scale from 0 to 10.

I suggest we first determine the 10.

Only fat ugly feminist and nu males care about it.

I don't have a problem. I just don't play them :)


To answer your question (I hope): I think to the japanese, looks is just another layer. Personality is separated from looks.

Look at the Senran series. All of the characters are very beautiful and sexy but that doesn't play into WHO they are... most of the time. All of them have things they like and don't like. Things they worry about. Goals. Interests. etc. But their looks don't reflect their personality to the core. And that's more accurate. Just because you're black doesn't mean you like hip-hop and shit.

The west more often than not play on stereotypes. If there's a scientist she must have a small chest and be sophisticated because "that's how things are". Making the appearance part of the personality. But since it's fiction there is no NEED for this. She could be a crazy, big breasted lesbian with a fetish for explosions and shaved hamsters... but still be a genius when she needs to be. Maybe the explosions and hamsters led her into the scientific path. THAT'S an interesting personality. Not realistic but interesting. But the west don't want interesting personalities. They want realistic ones (because they want to be taken "seriously" for some reason) which is why characters like Alyo(Aloy?) are boring, copypaste characters. They are the stereotypical "strong female" that we've seen in movies and games to death now.

At least the Japanese can make a "strong female" with a personality that goes beyond "I'm a strong female".

I know this is rambly but maybe you see what I mean. Also please stop using the word "Hyper-sexualization", it doesn't exist. It's like unironically calling someone a super-racist.

that's clearly photoshop

need more asses and titties in games

How do we get more sexy male protagonists rather than the endless parade of boring cinderblocks?

Ask Japan.

>im going to condescendingly make vague allusions to fiction dictating social morality, now shut up and obey the thought police
meanwhile murder and other violence in video games continues to get more graphic and intense, but no broad problem of "murder culture" in modern society

What? I wasn't influenced by anyone, I was just tired of so many things from Japan looking like softcore porn, mostly because when there's too much fanservice it becomes pointless. It's best when it doesn't show up as often as it has more of an impact, which it's something you see every couple of seconds it loses something. It's like a guy who tells a joke and everyone laughs so he desperately tries to elicit more laughs by making every single thing he says a shitty joke. And there's the fact that a lot of things that are ladden with fanservice are often devoid of anything to like beyond the fanservice, it's used to make up for shitty writing and/or gameplay. That's why I grew tired of it for some years. When fanservice is used sparingly and it's not there to make up for bad writing/gameplay, it's absolutely fine. Something like Nier: Automata is fine though because the game has more to like than just android ass.

Stop trying to change an ancient foreign culture because it Russell's ur Jimmies

>meanwhile murder and other violence in video games continues to get more graphic and intense,

Only towards males though

>after all the crying about it I changed my opinion

>I-I wasn't influenced by anyone

These two claims do not mix

>What should be done about them?

We should try to bully them on twitter and if that fails, write angry blogs calling them nazis, misogynists and rape supporters.

Get on it, fellow feminists! The virtual female skin showing in video games must be stopped.

>a comic book can[...]
Where are the proofs? Who the fuck even read comics anymore? I'm led to believe fucking no one after the SJW's took that shit over, at least that's what the Marvel VP of sales thinks. Truth is western comics are viewed as a childish and infantile medium due to the harsh rules and creative restrictions the CCA levied on the medium back in the 50's. Yeah it's all but abandoned now, but the perception still exists because of how the industry was creatively cucked during it's coming of age. I pray the genie is out of the bottle for video games and it'll never come to that.

way ahead of ya buddy

Ask hollywood or Playboy if anyone takes them seriously

We should stop making these retarded threads as they've never been clever or funny.

lets talk about Advancements in the A.I camp
when you think we'll make androids pretty enough to fuck(with inbuted lubrification)

>What should be done about them?
Don't play this game and delete your worthless thread.

>sudden influx

name 5.