will we ever get a mh game as good as this one?
Will we ever get a mh game as good as this one?
ITT: nostalgia goggles
maybe MH5 on ps4
Yeah it's called 3u
Sony tards always in denial.
it has objectively better graphics better gameplay and more content than all other monster hunter
are you trying to argue againt facts?
Right here senpai
>tfw double G rank
yeah monster hunter 4
>This opinion
Weapons feel like shit after they've been updated in the newer installements with improved movesets, monsters are much better since they're more than just "dude, flying wyvern lmao", hitboxes aren't as fucked anymore, a million quality of life improvements over FU, you are an idiot if you think this is the best monster hunter in existance
lol no. Not better than 4U and 4U is FANTASTIC.
>he doesn't know
Switch ver. is getting new features and content.
*turns towards you robotically*
*charges at you instantly*
*hits you even though you weren't even making contact*
Git gud
>not better because I haven't played it
We already got.
Unless, of course, you're nostalgic sonybro with no taste that enjoys mutilating his hands and gen1 garbage.
4U kinda tops it
>git gut at eating shit
Yeah, nah, we'll leave it to you.
>gen 2 and 1 garbage monsters
t. Zinoge
3U, 4U, XX
>t. Unranked shitter
Are you implying Zinogre is bad?
>It gets good after 20 hours, I promise!
Okay bub
they really need to fix the dromes and khezu t-posing garbage if they're going to be in more games
it not only looks sloppy but it's just plain bad for the game's flow
It was a lot of fun, but calling it the best ever is a crock of shit user. There are some pretty glaring flaws that you can't overlook.
Some of 2nd gen mons are quite alright
Gen1 is irredeemable rotten trash though
Zinogre is horrible. Boring piece of shit monster with an obnoxiously repetitive theme.
Fact: The deciding factor as to which MH game is the best is based entirely on how comfy the village is.
The masses think otherwise.Zinogre is easily in top 5 favorite of people's monster list
I don't give a shit what the masses think. Some of us are able to formulate our own opinions independent of how others feel. I fucking hate Zingore and that's all there is to it. Brachydios was a much better flagship as far as Gen 3 is concerned, and Glavenus, Seregios, and Gore Magala are better flagships as well.
3U is best then
also Cha-Cha and Kayamba were good little buddies, don't know why they got hate
I don't like you user.Pls stop insulting Zinogre
Well, it's better than XX. That's about it.
I wanna sincerely thank you.
Your tears, delusion and bitterness has made a rather than crappy week into an enjoyable ride.
Thanks and keep them flowing
4U > 3U >>> XX >= FU
P3rd then.
>that farm
I just can't stand playing MH on a 3DS
And I won't buy a switch or wii u
actually its 200 hours
Fucking this