cant wait for the CPY/baldman crack

you make Hwoarang a pirate
i will play Tekken 7 a pirate

If people pirate this then does that mean they can't play online? I'm oblivious to this Denuvo shit. Spoonfeed me.

guess ill wait until they remove it to buy it. dont want this performance killing possible botnet on my system.

Get cucked, cucks.

I'm not buying it then, I will not download that malware in my computer

>fighting games
>on pc
Enjoy your dead community

>p-pls give us c-crossplay

Quick question, you're running probably a beast rig for this system, yeah? How could you possibly worry about performance at that point.

I'm getting it for PS4 so you don't have to worry about me, but I'm interested for another perspective.

>$110 dollars to play the game for a year online
>calls others cucks


This might be the first fighting game to keep a population

if he worries about performance and waits with buying that means he is fucking poor

>willingly downloading malware on your system
>dont even own tangible vidya
Stay mad, cuck

That's unfortunate for a lot of the PC guys, I've seen the bullshit Denuvo does to computers. Wouldn't want that anywhere near mine.

>Denuvo on a game nobody would play in singleplayer anyways

Pirates will never recover from this.

I'll get it on PS4 second hand. Namco can go fuck themselves - Harada ain't responsible. But Namco can burn.

An invasive form of DRM requiring always online activity that's a rootkit.

PC is more alive in europe than consoles.

Denuvo and no cross play?

Welp, looks like i wont be buying after all.

AFAIK shit like tuungle and hamachi only handle games you can play on lan.
I don't think it would be possible to play T7 with either.

>playing on hardware DRM
>calling people with software DRM cucks
only on Sup Forums

Except the idea that denuvo kills performance has been debunked. It's unbelievable how many people still parrot the Russian guy at around DA:I release.

Singleplayer is the only option for PC cucks. The online community will be dead in weeks and these autists will never dare leave their basement to actually play with people, so SP is all there is.

Oh yeah, no, they'll realize that fighting games require skill so they'll just drop it all together LEL

Jesus, the Steam forums will once again devolve into a shitstorm about >Denuvo.
Tales of Berseria has Denuvo as well and it doesn't affect the performance at all.

you can play Siege on tunngle
you can played older Mortal Kombat games on tunngle

its all up to the modder/cracker to do it like Revolt

>p-pls let us mooch off active PS4 p-playerbase

ToB is a goddamn game capable of running on a fucking toaster. Like MGSV is.

Tekken has infalted specs because of Denuvo.

By the time there's a tunngle mod for T7 it will be cracked too.
Nips have such an irrational fear of pirates that they are willing to waste money for nothing.

So much projection. Why are you so passionate?

tunngle "mod" comes after the crack since its for the cracked version

>Tekken has infalted specs because of Denuvo.
>source: my ass

The game is supposedly a pretty hard buck for toasters, so that's not feasible since 60fps is the target here. Why bother if your system can't competently run it for shit?

Always-online sounds reasonable for a fighting game on PC, constantly playing online matches only to break in between to practice and couch play. ...sorta. But I mean I doubt you'll be playing this locally to often if you got it on PC that some normalfag platform.

The rookkit issue does sound like a threat though. But doesn't some legal reason would stop Denuvo from doing some merchant misery?
I'm not defending this practice, don't wrap your head around that idea, but I'm bringing up questions that reason it's existence.


>The game is supposedly a pretty hard buck for toasters,
if thats true then it has shit optimization

the game is nothing impressive. i can understand AC Unity running like shit, but not Tekken

>source: my ass

Source: the store page. Every single denuvo based game that is 3D has had inflated specs.

It's not okay since Tekken never was an online only game - sure, the purpose of it from PS3/360 era on was to be online. But there was always plenty of offline stuff too. In fact, Tekken is probably close to Blazblue in that department.

It's the fact that it requires a special tool to remove even after the game is removed. As well as starting up automatically on system boot, etc

Miharu almost confirmed.

>Every single denuvo based game that is 3D has had inflated specs.


This is why I play on PS4.

>no Lili


>no Lili+Asuka background either
why live


>denuvo on a multiplayer based game
Almost retarded as EA putting denuvo on the new battlefields

russians playing dota on their toasters doesn't really make it alive

That is the case everywhere tho.

t. mommy buys his games for him

On a similar note, For Honor has it.

>requiring always online

People complain on Steam forums when a game doesn't have denovou.

Alright I need some help guys.

Do install this on my HDD or SSD??

I heard denuvo literally kills SSDs

>looks up from playing his pirated copy of Prey, which is using the uncrackable denuvo

Did nobody tell the japs that it doesnt work?

>if thats true then it has shit optimization
No, that's their fault on that part. If the game can run on PS4's hardware, they're expecting you to have at least something decent from around that year, which is at least 2013 or 2014.

That's a good 3-4 years ago. PS4 boasted to compete with top of the line hardware back then (only to be outdone spec wise just right after the E3 reveal conference by Nvidia), so it's not likely that there was anything more powerful to compete with a PS4 from 2012 and before.

I'm lose the point, I'm trying to say that at minimum, the specs for the game are as demanding as a PS4 which isn't too demanding nowadays. If you have anything less, anything less to compete with a console from this generation than it's entirely your fault.

But why though?

Dunno about him, but it does need to reverify after an unknown amount of time, which is BS for limited internet users.

yo dudes, I want to play this and some other games like over cooked on steam on my couch

would this shopping list be good? or should I just reuse some decent old parts and build my own steam link? (might cost me $200 to build it but it'll be able to record streams while running AS a steam link from what I understand)

Just move your PC to the lounge. Fighting games are the worst genre to ruin with latency.

>brainlet: ps4 for "competitive" tekken
>normal brain: pc for nude mods
>brain with galaxies inside: Not buying it

That was completely made up.

but I can't dude.
Would you suggest A. Steam link, with cat 6 connection straight to my router or
B. rebuild old computer with slightly older graphics card and use this as steam link with direct connection to router?

Tekkenfag here, yeah. Just don't buy it if you're not interested. The oldest saying in the book but people are forcing themselves just because SFV dropped a little in players.

The reason why you couldn't is because your parents won't allow it.

i can play Naruto storm games and i also played Splinter Cell blacklist at 720p30fps fine on my shitty laptop with intel hd graphics.

for your comparison:
Blacklist came out in 2013 and ran fine on a integatred intel graphics card from 2011.

as i said, shit optimization, especially since a fighting game with barely anything to render and process

>Lucky Chloe got in over Lei or literally any other legacy character at release

Harada you waifufagging bastard

dude you dont know me, got my main computer in my den and my living room would look shit with a tower sticking out.


It's fucking temporary. When you're finished with the gaming session, just move it back into the "den".

Lucky Chloe is a new character so I don't see problem with her being in the game. But Miguel being in the game instead of Lei is infuriating, and I like Miguel.

it is an online game anyways. who wants to play tekken Vs the AI? I mean it would be nice to pirate just to see if your pc runs but 80% of the game is with the online mode. unless you do local tournaments and v is shit at games so nobody here is a tournament fighter

man you're no help. Thanks anyways.

I can't wrap my mind around why people are so excited over DRM. It's like a more advanced form of autism. Do you love these corporations that much?

Harada didn't want people pirating their DLC costumes


It's bait, desu.

What are you going on about? Miguel's great.

>Wanted to buy the game
>For same reason the price just doubled a few days ago for some reason
Well,wasn't thinking about pirating it in any case so doesn't matter much.

How much is a Ps4? I'm about to fall for the Sony meme

>It's been debunked
>Meanwhile each game that has it completely removed by pirates shows performance gains

It kind of sucks since we now have no Jackie Chan character. But you have to keep in mind, literally NOBODY played Lei. This is like people bitching about Zasalamel in SCV. Yes he was cool as fuck with a bitchin and unique weapon/fightstyle. But nobody fucking played him.

Did you miss the line where I said I like Miguel. The point was that Lei has been in every tekken since 2. Miguel was introduced in 6. Lei is nowhere to be found in 7.

I want to support Denuvo but I don't give a fuck about fighting games

sell this to me

>The point was that Lei has been in every tekken since 2
Which is a nonsense point, nobody cares how long they've been in.

Character no one plays vs a character many play

gift it to someone for nudes


No, your poor reading comprehension failed to see my argument, even as I stated it. I said that Tekken 7 is expected for you to run on something as demanding as a PS4.

Blacklist and every Storm game before 4 were all made around that time for LAST gen, based for last gen specs.

Storm 4 released so recently but relied on reusing the same engine and assets that the only reason it wasn't for PS3 was so they could push sales to a coming profitable platforms.

your entire last statment,
>shit optimization, especially since a fighting game with barely anything to render and process
is just wrong in general.

The game runs on Unreal 4, a game engine not made for last gen console hardware. The game uses more modern real-time rendering shaders and effects too that TTT2, USFIV and MK9 to compare.

SFV only gets away with this for using their unique artstyle than focusing on photo-realism out of the several games running on Unreal 4. But I doubt your specs could run that game 60fps non-stop too.

>Meanwhile each game that has it completely removed by pirates shows performance gains
But this isn't true, go ahead and post proof.

Dumb dead pepe poster.

What are some essential martial arts kino I should be watching to hype myself up for release? preferably stuff on netflix.

shit, several fighting games recently that use Unreal 4.

I'm referring to SFV, IJN2 and MKXL.

>>willingly downloading malware on your system
what do you mean by this

>b-but we had this character nobody played or gave two shits about since forever. Why wouldn't they waste time and resources on him???

I don't even know why they bothered with Denuvo. Without online features this game is useless.

I care. I played. It's not the end of the world tho. But I would not buy T7 if either Paul or King wasn't in the game.

Literally play any cracked game where Denuvo wasn't just disabled or worked around but actually removed.

Who the fuck gives a shit about Tekken and Fighting games?

If you are 11-14 okay, I will admit I played Street Fighter 1 too, but older than that...

Literally post proof because it isn't true.

All the Bruce Lee movies, all the Jackie Chan movies up until Thunderbolt, Raid movies, Donnie Yen movies, Jet Li movies, Tony Jaa movies just for the action.


The Nou Veau

--Win again bby

>Pirating a multiplayer game

are you retarded?

>No, your poor reading comprehension failed to see my argument, even as I stated it. I said that Tekken 7 is expected for you to run on something as demanding as a PS4.


No, your poor reading comprehension failed to see my argument, even as I stated it. I said that Blacklist is expected for you to run on something as demanding as a PS3, since it was a fucking PS3 game.

Except it ran on something way shitter just fine at the same resolution as a PS3 with a bit worse graphics.

That means Tekken 7 with 2 fucking characters and tiny ass map on screen should run perfectly fine on todays toasters if Blacklist ran perfectly fine on toasters of its time especially since Blacklist is way more complex.

what a retard

Not proof. Concession accepted.

>Street Fighter 1

have a (You)