What was his fucking problem?

What was his fucking problem?

No, seriously, memes aside, why did he hate Zero so much? Why did Zero let him do whatever the fuck he wanted instead of just killing him?

Other urls found in this thread:


English is evil

>ruskies massacre his village and leave him horribly disfigured

He reminds me a lot of someone else, come to think of it.

He was a fucking asshole and was fed up Zero's and Big Boss' bullshit. Add that to his innate ability to have zero scruples due to being blown the fuck out several times during his teenage years and the fact that he was a part of the NWO / Illuminati / Patriots / Chiper machine by being the head of the their strike force and you have Skullface.

>>ruskies massacre his village and leave him horribly disfigured
ruskies were called for aid by afghans
english is evil
go replay the game you abysmal autist

He was a poorly realised character in a Hideo Kojima game.

the reason quiet hesitated to speak english is to avoid getting infected with the vocal parasites
but she still did and saved venom from dying
joost in new upcoming mgs confirmed

vocal chords parasites

>ruskies were called for aid by afghans
>skull face is hungarian

nigga, what are you talking about

what does that have to do with anything

No idea.


What I want to know is why he wears the mask.

>ruskies were called for aid by afghans

I have to admit when you got in the jeep with him and the music played, I was cringing, that scene was terrible.

Skullface and Quiet were the worst part of the game.


>that long ass nonsense monologue because Kiefer was to drunk to record any new lines

He never got to do the Moonwalk.

Look, I see that you have missing braincells and don't understand anything regarding Skullface or the russian outposts in afghanistan. But him being hungarian has fuck all to do with anything.

we are all infected with and going to die soon

Without having played the game or knowing anything about the character, maybe it's about the Hungarian Revolution of 1956? Warsaw Pact armies had been called in to quell the uprising, perhaps that's how his village got destroyed?

Yup. That's why Skullface hating the west instead of the Soviets doesn't make any sense.

>Without having played the game or knowing anything about the character
has nothing to do with it, autismo
Skullface would be way to young during the events of GZ and TPP and the tremendous hate against the English is not out of thin air. He has his reasons.

>Spend weeks writing your speech and rehearsing for when you finally capture Big Boss
>You've got it perfectly set out, even left time for him to call you mad/evil/whatever, with multiple rebuttals prepared for any argument he attempts to make
>Finally capture him, it's finally the day
>Launch into your impassioned speech with barely-contained excitement, it's going great
>Halfway through you sneak a glance at Big Boss to see him playing base management tetris on his phone
>H-he's still listening, right? That's probably just how he focuses. Or maybe he's asking his support team to help him come up with a rebuke
>Finally finish my speech, Big Boss lifts his head to look at me for a moment, then returns to his phone
>Wasn't he meant to say something? There's still ten minutes until we get there... He didn't even care about me secretly being the reason he finished Operation Snake Eater... This sucks
>Reach over and turn on the radio to break up the awkward mood


George Soros is Zero, not Skullface.

>Hungarian Revolution of 1956
even if this was somehow related it was started and supported by the NATO,
but NA education lacks everything so not really surprising again.
You have to play the game in original Japanese language to make sense of those vocal chord parasites and Skullface's hate against the English.

It's like that shin godzilla movie, the west is the evil and surpressing Japanese people in every political decission they make. A stupid amerifat like yourself won't and can't understand this type of things.

But based Kojima knows his stuff and reflects it his games.

>Born in the ~30s
>Associated with Nazis
>Hates the west with a fiery passion
>Tries to destroy it through underhanded methods

Nah. I have my own theory on who Zero is, but can't be 100% sure yet.

The only ones suppressing the Japanese are the Japanese.

Nice irrelevant opinions. How many US bases are in Japan right now? You lost count I bet.

Right, the US just drops the Nukes and acts like the Japanese supresses themselves. Lmfao.

Does anyone have the theory that Skullyface was the real Big Boss/split personality? I was reading it last night on here and have some questions

He was born in a small village

There are US bases fucking everywhere, including Germany. It has nothing to do with Japan's own self-determination. Stop making excuses. Name ONE way in which America is suppressing Japan. And I'm talking about the present day, not the past. No, the lack of a real standing army doesn't count, that's due to internal opposition, they could amend the constitution if they wanted.

Yeah let's just ignore how Japan was a militaristic madhouse that was ravaging East Asia, and it was more than 70 fucking years ago.

I remember after GZ everybody thought Mr Skeltal was going to be an amazing villain, from the monlogue he gives on that tape and what he does to Chico and Paz.

Then TPP comes along and hes this weird clown who wears a zorro mask for no reason. Every scene hes in is strange and akward, from the jeep ride to "WHOOOOOOOOO", and his plan/motivation make no seanse at all

>triggered amerifat
go back to Sup Forums they explain to you why
I'm here to discuss games

>I'm going to throw the world into chaos by making people unable to communicate
>I will do this by removing english, not mandarin, english

metal gear stopped having good villains after MGS3

never forget

I don't think even the people who believe in the theory fully understand it. They have some pieces but there's still major questions.

It's basically a Fight Club thing. Every time Skullface appears he's not really there. When Miller "kills" Skullface with Big Boss that whole entire scene is apparently a figment of Boss's imagination. Boss becoming Skullface in the launch trailer and presence of Diamond Dog containers at OKB Zero are two things the theorists constantly bring up. Chico freaking out at Big Boss when he rescues him from the cage (because Big Boss was the one torturing him), but I don't really buy that because Chico is nonchalant towards Big Boss when he notices the bomb in Paz and calls out to Boss. Zero also calls out "Jack" towards the end of his tape with Skullface, as if he's actually calling out to Boss on the other end of the phone.

I don't understand why Big Boss would order XOF to destroy MSF in GZ, seriously, what the fuck motivation could he possibly have?

Not to mention the entirety of the truth tapes are absolute nonsense if you ask me. I'm a bigger fan of the TPP is a coma nightare / VR simulation possibilities.

>talk shit
>get hit
>can't think of a good rebuttal

Nice backpedaling.

Interesting, do you have anything else to say on the topic?

I think Skullface suffers from GZ being a separate game. All the really evil shit he does feels so disconnected from TPP, and nothing he does 9 years later makes you hate him more. He also doesn't really care at all about Big Boss, despite the huge hate boner Miller and Venom have for him.

one of these threads, huh?

Miller hates him because he already knew about Venom at the start of TPP and is mostly pissed off about the whole thing

>talk shit
Who me ?
You were showing your autism since the first reply about ruskies being the bad evil and somehow Skullface had other intentions with the vocal parasites. I'd bury you alive amerifat I just can't be bothered after what I've read.

Retcon bullshit and Kojima's headcanon that he didn't include in the game.

And those reasons are..?

he wants to know who is doing this? Who??

>metal gear stopped having good villains after MGS3
Gene in Portable Ops was fucking great though. But of course Kojima didn't make that one.

>throw the world into chaos by making people unable to communicate
but there are more languages than just English
his goal was to remove English and those who spoke that language would die with it or become parasite unit members to serve him

>Skullface was actually Sokolov
>his burns are the result of Grozny Grad's destruction
>hes just pissed at Zero and Big Boss for leaving him behind to die

gene was fun but he's just liquid snake for big boss, and the idea that outer heaven wasn't his own idea but something someone basically just told him is really lame

but what about all the other languages that aren't english? they never even mention them

Nothing you haven't already heard. The GZ helicopter "crash" simply DID NOT HAPPEN. Kojima said we would revisit Camp Omega and the first day of E3 (or before) we will. The helicopter "crashing" is the entire reason TPP exists so something is obviously up. Something happened to Big Boss when they returned to Camp Omega.

TPP is either a coma nightmare or VR simulation. When coming up to reasons for this you're really just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks. I'm guessing Zero has a hand in this, he's somehow fucking over Big Boss and trying to manipulate him. Maybe VR simulation is him attempting to implant false memories or desires into Big Boss so he can use him to eliminate Skullface.

Zero, the big bad known for information control who is supposed to be at WAR with Big Boss is suddenly his best friend, deciding to rescue him from the helicopter "crash" and nurse him back to health. He was even sweet enough to create a fake Big Boss to draw his enemies away from him. Zero, the big bad of the series, known for information control and media manipulation, who is supposed to hate Big Boss and be at war with him is for some unexplained reason suddenly the series hero who nursed Boss back to health.

Something is seriously wrong with TPP.

there are other languages but Skullface's hate is towards the west and English
The other languages might be next once this plan goes through. Whatever Kojimbo has planned.

What did you mean by this? How is caramel related to this discussion?



How can I explain ...

>mfw Kojima just ripped Liquid Ocelot's story from MGS4, adjusted it for a protag, and gave it to Venom Snake in MGSV

Kojima relying on his tards fanboys going "RUSE CRUISE GUISE" making shit up for him so he didn't had to

Wait, is this another nonsense meme like the "quick rundown" and ugly twins?

oh boy

Silent Hills is called Silent Hills because there will be multiple otherworlds. There are five otherworlds. The six blocks around Norman's neck have equations on them related to black holes and interdimensional travel. The six blocks will allow him (the player) to travel between the five otherworlds and the real world.

There are two versions of the suicide playing on the radio. In the dominant version of the suicide Reedus hangs himself with a garden hose, representing the PT otherworld. The version of the suicide where he hangs himself with an umbilical cord is leaking from the Death Stranding otherworld. When Lisa kills you she snaps your neck, then you hear the sound of unzipping and tearing flesh. She removes Norman's clothes and tears something out of his stomach. When you awake you find a bloody bag containing an object that talks to you. She ripped a fetus out of Norman's stomach and put it into the bag, hence the C-section scar in the Death Stranding otherworld.

Kojima said he wanted to make Silent Hills an open world game and Death Stranding is said to be an open world game. Admittedly he also said Death Stranding will be an action game like Uncharted but he also denied any involvement with The Phantom Pain when that was being marketed as a HORROR game. He marketed The Phantom Pain as a horror game when it was an action adventure game, now he's calling Death Stranding an action adventure game when it's actually a horror game.


....makes me think

why do you ruin any mgs5 thread with this same ridiculous autistic tripfag conspiracy theory shit, nobody cares, metal gear is dead. just fuck off


damn this actually could be a thing

but wasn't Sokolov just a scientist?

Yeah, that's one thing that really didn't sit well with me was how they dropped basically all of the MGS story leading up to V and never touched on it that much, even though, as we see, there were plenty of opportunities to do so. Even then the way it was mostly dropped was just... odd.

I guess you COULD use the excuse that it was venom and that was the point, but eh...

Sokolov shows up in portable ops


What did he mean by this?

Portable Ops isn't canon.

I see him being it but Huey killed him in TPP ?

you're slow aren't you

Yes, in fact I am.

Eli and psychomantis have the last capsule that wasn't destroyed with the virus

>Skull Face never got the chance to talk to the real Big Boss

I think that was the biggest disappointment in the entire game.

Of course he didn't. Venom didn't either.

From FOX, two phantoms were born. They're both split personalities of Big Boss created to cope with the atrocities he committed.

After how they hyped him up and then how much of a disappointment he came to be it made me realize that Kojima is a hack.

The major story beats came from Kojima himself, and he said he was simply unhappy with how some of it was presented


Skullface's apparent motivation was killing the lingua franca of the world, the most commonly spoken language: English.

He hated Zero and BB because he was essentially the cleanup crew after Snake did the cool stuff. So, basically, jealousy.

>get the game 2 years after release
>already knew the story was going to be shit
>main character rarely ever speaks
>replaced Snake with a female qt operator
>modded in 150 female qt operators for my army
>role-played the entire game in "Charlie's Angels gone rogue" style
>never gave a fuck about the story and had an absolute blast

God it feels good not caring about most video games their plot.

MGS canon should have stopped with MGS3. Meme. Gene. Scene. The rest is fan-fiction and spin-offs.

What mods

MGS3 was the first game in canon though, are you saying that every other MG game is shit?

This save file nexusmods.com/metalgearsolidvtpp/mods/450/? together with a bunch of armor/texture replacers purely for females


What kind of a name is SkullFace?

He knew what it was like to have his identity stolen and replaced and saw Zero's plan of uniting the world under one tongue and ideology to be that on a grander scale. Skull Face thought, dumb as it sounds, that culture and individuality could be preserved through nuclear deterrence, but only if EVERYONE had nukes not just the big guys, so smaller cultures and groups can resist domination. VOCAL CORD PARASITES were back up basically, if worse came to worst then he could halt Zero's plan by making his chosen code lethal. And Zero had no idea he was doing any of this shit even after Ground Zeroes, not until Skully poisons him in 78 or whenever. After that point he's too weak and senile to give proper orders and falls into a coma after initiating the V project to save Big Boss, and Skull Face is running XOF and Cipher at large. So in the end of MGS4 Big Boss and Zero's war is actually a lie and Big Boss died not knowing that Zero didn't hate him because he used a body double and fucked off back to the US for a while.

>"Words can kill..."
>Oh man I wonder what he meant by that, how mysterious!
>It's just bacteria that kill you if you talk.

Zero was a cultural Marxist. He wanted the world to be free of borders and race is the hopes it would end all war, but at the cost of individual freedom.

Skullface wanted to increase tribalism by removing the unifying language of the world.

They were both extremists yet at opposite ends of the spectrum.

>So in the end of MGS4 Big Boss and Zero's war is actually a lie and Big Boss died not knowing that Zero didn't hate him because he used a body double and fucked off back to the US for a while.
Except Big Boss would know Zero didn't hate him and MGS4's end credits scene makes no sense whatsoever. When coming out of his coma Big Boss's first question would be "why the fuck am I still alive and why the fuck is there a body double of me".

what are you

>Venom didn't either

Venom was literally stated to be a friend of big boss (or at least worked with him) as a medic before he became the phantom. Then there's the fact that Venom now remembers it all so..yeah.. he spoke with big boss a lot in the past.

I'm saying REAL LIFE ADDITIONS to the canon should have stopped with MGS3.

Whom did the pin belong to?


i think you mean "To whom did the pin belong"
