"Soulslike, Metroidvania, Lovecraftian, Procedurally generated"

"Soulslike, Metroidvania, Lovecraftian, Procedurally generated"

potion seller....

Sword seller, give me your strongest sword

>2 of those are good
>1 is overrated
>1 is shit

Which is which, Sup Forums?

>"Soulslike, Metroidvania, Lovecraftian, Procedurally generated"
"Female protagonist"

"anime" "meme" "open world" "crafting"

red flag tags thread?

"Action, adventure, puzzles"

The red man isn't anime

Metroidvania and Lovecraftian are good.
Procedually generated is overrated.
Soulslike is shit (as in games like Dark Souls that aren't made by Fromsoft).

>Metroidvania, Lovecraftian (latter is still overrated desu, mythos don't translate to games at all)
Next question

>Next question
Will you go out with me?


Good - lovecraftian and metroidvania
Overrated - soulslike
Shit - procedurally generated

'Action packed trip to Detroit'

user, you know I'm seeing someone else... Yes

Spelunky, BoI, nuclear throne, enter the gungeon, FTL, risk of rain, and crypt of the necrodancer are all really fun roguelike games I've played
Pls stop with this meme that this category is bad


god I hate that "metroidvania" is a genre
It's like just as retarded as calling openworld games "grandtheftworldofwarcraft"

What should it be called, then?


early access

The _______ of __________

Well, how about 2d sidescroller or action platformers?
Inventing a new genre by mashing two game names that share similiarity is just plain stupid.

You don't call Ben Stiller & Adam Sandler movies genre "Jewhumor", no, it's just comedy even if you have a more fitting genre name for them

>Tamamo literally calls him Detroit Archer

Only correct answer.

they re just underages pieces of shit castlevania had maps before super memetroid

>while how about [two completely generic and useless terms that put Super Mario Bros., Contra, and Metroid in the same basket].

Fuck, no one tell this guy about music genres or he might have an autistic fit.

>tfw keep falling for it

Lovecraftian is as mixed as the bag gets, but I'm a sucker for anything with cthulwhos so I'd pirate it because I can't afford all this dumb shit
There's a small chance it could actually be good but I'm not banking on it

>"its a video game"

Immediately dropped

>Well, how about 2d sidescroller or action platformers?
Neither of those convey the same information that metroidvania does

desu the maps in the castlevanias before they went metroidvania didn't really serve as much as something to look at as the next stage loads
it's not like you had a ton of choice over where you went
>inb4 dracula's curse

What's the issue, redman?
Games that deal with themes often explored in and popularized by Lovecraft's works.

Do they ever explain why the male Alters have dark skin while the female Alters look pale as fuck?

CĂș Alter has white skin though?
There is no rule, GO is just a milking machine of new designs without care for quality control.

Looks kinda dark to me, but then he was irish originally and they don't tan well.

>Early Access
>First Person Shooter
>Open World


>inspired by Earthbound/Mother series
>game is nothing like it

He is pale in game.

Literally Bloodborne

>it's Skyrim with_______