First code in the game

>first code in the game
>it's not 0451


Other urls found in this thread:


did the first one have a first code with 0451?

How old are you?

its like the 3rd code you find if I remember correctly. That one actually has a cool way to find the code, but it is pretty far away.

Every Shock game as well as Deus Ex uses it



How is Prey connected to Sys Shock or Deus Ex in any way?

Nobody cares

It's marketed as a "spiritual successor" yet the devs clearly know fuck all about it

yeah boy, why dont you google it on knowyourmeme and you can act like the other trash on Sup Forums

holy shit is it 2006 again?

It's not.

It's an "immersive sim". It follows the Looking Glass and Ion Storm design principes.


what's the proper way to find that safe code? I just came back when my hacking was high enough

Well the only thing all those games have in common is that they are all shit

Maybe you should kill yourself.


Doesn't count. We making game look bad so fuck off.

>random fag finds out about the 0451 thing
>DUDE, you're a hardcore gamer if you ...
Please never post again.

The game is literally just Michael Crichtons PREY book in game form.

Out of curiosity and since this shit thread is going nowhere fast anyway, can anyone recommend Prey to me? Hours of fun provided? Estimation of worth? 80$ is fucking out of the question, but I'm interested in buying once the price drops. Just want to know how long I ought to wait.

Except it has literally absolutely nothing in common with that book. Zero. Nada.

Explain why this is a bad thing when 99.995% of the world's population has never even heard of that book.

LOL haha xD epic

let me try

haha lol

Who are you quoting, idiot?


I'm too old for this shit but I want to murder you faggot teenage contrarians. Prey is system shock 3 with an alternative title. It's a great game and probably my GOTY. It should be noted that System shock 2 is my favorite game of all time so that says a lot.

If you are trying to hate on this game make sure you actually played it and use actual arguments otherwise you're just shitposting.

Morgan's looking Glass videos are recorded in the same room and the code is still written on the whiteboard.

thats the worst bait I ever saw

I'm about 29 hours in, reaching very close to the end - still have a couple of side missions left to sweep and there are still about two locations out of I think twelve or so that I haven't even visited yet.

And I'm already looking forward to the next playthrough.

There is a lot of shit to do and a lot of stuff to explore in the game, it's DEFINITELY not content starved. Though it does blow it's load quite early on: you'll get basically all the weapons and toys and see all the enemies around the time you reach half of the game. From then on it's just tighter and tighter application of the same.

In general, I think it's one of the best games of the decade. It has some issues and some quirks. Hell, I had to completely change my opinions on it three times so far: early game, mid game and late game each feels like a pretty dramatically different experience: despite the fact that the core mechanics remain the same.

It's a proud sequel to System Shock 2, that is without doubt. But a lot of what makes it so damn great is smaller stuff, and it seems to me that most people don't see it, so I'm not sure if my recommendation is going to have much of a universal value.

Things to keep in mind:
IT'S NOT A SHOOTER. The gunplay is basically derived from System Shock 2: the shooting is not particularly satisfying (not unless you invest in upgrading your weapons and combat mods). The enemies are designed basically as little puzzles: it's about running gunning, it's about thinking ahead and planning your encounters.
The story and presentation is meh. It's not bad - lot better than people make it seem - but it's not amazing. It lacks charismatic villain like Shodan completely.
It's a slow game about methodical progression and evinronmetal challenges.
It's lethal. Not necessarily had, but quick to kill player.
The difficulty IS NOT WHAT IT SEEMS.
And it has some of the best environmental design I've ever seen in a videogame.

hot damn
that's cool

>this whole thread

>Explain why this is a bad thing when 99.995% of the world's population has never even heard of that book.
That is hardly true. It's a bad thing to say though because it's a lie. Crichtons book is about a fucking man-made grey goo scenario ravaging earth.
This is about consciousness-eating trans-dimensional aliens ravaging Moon-orbiting space station while the main character suffering identity crisis due to injecthing himself with alien neurons or something.
There is nothing the two have in common what so fucking ever.

This happens when the usual shitposting brigade that tries to be negative about everything stumble upon a really good game and Sup Forums tries to defend it.

>code isn't my pin number (5348)


do you have autism?

Welcome to Sup Forums buddy, where everyone is either retarded, pretending to be retarded, or pretending to be pretending to be retarded, or just ironically retarded. It's like walking into an autism daycare center like it's a fucking zoo.

Its a reference to ss1 and looking glass in general
It's also just 451 ss2 just added the 0 because all codes in the game are 4 digits

Its the code to the first safe in the game. Not Arkane's fault you didn't try it since you're such a veteran and all.

So does Sup Forums hate this game just because it's good and Sup Forums doesnt actually like games?

Technically its a Fahrenheit 451 reference.

Its good, but for many Sup Forumsirgins shitposting is better than damn near anything else.

>It's marketed as a "spiritual successor"

I've never seen them market it that way. Post links.

Sup Forums is one person in solitary confinement yelling at everything around them as well as themselves on a daily basis. Do you want to trust the word of that?


I shitposted about this game because it looked like a fucking corridor bullshit cookie cutter shooter from the trailer and marketing material.

When I actually played it I found out it is a system shock/deus ex succesor and of high quality so now I love this game.

The shitposters are just people that didn't play the game and assumed it was crap just like I did because it was poorly communicated what this game actually was by bethesda.

>I've never seen them market it that way. Post links.

0451 is Morgan's room code, jesus these autistic.

They're randomly generated though

>So does Sup Forums hate this game just because it's good and Sup Forums doesnt actually like games?
Very much. It definitely does not like games like System Shock 2 - there may still be some love left in this board for Japanese games with a lot of cute girls.

Technically you can fuck off to /lit/, because the code has nothing to do with that shitty book

None of the codes except 1 are randomly generated.

That's what some random journalist made up. When did the devs or the publisher market it that way?

>0451 is Morgan's room code, jesus these autistic.
I'm pretty sure OP was just jesting and the thread went fucking crazy for no reason.

>has nothing to do with that shitty book
I don't know if the code has anything to do with Farenheit or not, but if you think that book is shitty, you are a complete idiot. It's actually the single most accurate and visionary distopia written so far.

>Play SS2 for the first time in 2016
It's fantastic
>Play Nu-Prey in 2017
It's boring trash

Stop memeing, faggots, this stupid game ain't got shit on SS and DX

0451 is a reference to the book Fahrenheit 451, you fucking uncultured swines.

Probably because op comes off as a colossal fag, even if he was just baiting first post.

The number first appeared in the game System Shock (as 451) and its sequel System Shock 2 (as 45100) developed by Looking Glass Studios. It is a reference to Ray Bradbury's dystopian novel Fahrenheit 451, in which it represents "the temperature at which book-paper catches fire and burns". 0451 was also the door code to access the Looking Glass Studios offices.
So yeah, you are an idiot.

it's actually a reference to the orignal room number that looking glass studios worked in. It has nothing to to with Farenheit 451.

how are people finishing prey so fast? I've played 27 hours and barely made any progress because the sidequests keep piling up like crazy and the ship is now swarmed with enhanced phantoms and other shit making it very hard to sneak around. the lobby is fucking infested with enemies in particular. playing on hard difficulty

Quick question: why are you lying? And who are you lying to more, us or yourself?

0451 is code to Morgan's office where the looking glass is


quickloading killed the game for me.

You're apparently a really slow player, I'm on my second run and I took a week break.


Those two must be obese.

See Most of them who claim they did: didn't. Few rushed it, ignoring most of the side content. Some just dedicated few days and completed the game. But really, most of people I saw claiming they finished the game turned out to be lying. I particularly enjoy this one faggot who posts basically a copy-paste four paragraph post explaining how the game is terrible, and then claim that he "finished the game twice or hardest difficulty" - which has been doing since two days after the game's release.
I can't imagine who could the game be played without quickloading, at least on hard and insanity, considering that even a single mistake can very easily be lethal. I don't mind it. I guess I cold be avoided by maxing out your health pool or something.

>implying a clunky ass game from 1998 plays better than this
Opinion discarded.

Most people take around thirty hours finishing the game (if they ever finish it), doing most but not all the sidequests. Yeah, lobby gets crazy after you return after the lock-out in particular. Two telepaths, two greater phantoms, bunch of those fucking cysts and around ten mimics hidden around. Clearing that shit out burned through my resources HARD on nightmare.

>Arkane studios
>Dishonored is a Thief homage
>Prey is a System Shock homage
Do people who worked at Looking Glass start that studio or something?

I had thousands of ammo and hundreds of mats at the end of my first run, wasn't enough enemies if you search everywhere desu.

No, they just don't have any original ideas.

That is top level

look at this shit. 10 sidequests. and every time I venture towards one of the objectives I usually stumble on at least one more new sidequest. it's getting ridiculous. none of my weapons are very effective cuz I've been focusing on stealth and it doesn't help to have that giant faggot that always knows where you are appearing in every other area


Just looked it up. Its a really fucking weird connection.

Even weirder using prey for a system shock like game

Some of Looking Glass went to Arkane, yeah.

Oh fuck, hadn't noticed that. That looking glass shit makes for brilliant game design

Prey was originally built as a spiritual successor to SS and no intended to be called 'Prey.' The name Prey was used by Bethesda to legally keep the name.

All I'll say is 30 hours in.. this game is fucking great

A shame it sold like shit tho

I'm talking about when you consider the original Prey by 3drealms

Nothing wrong with taking your time. I did every quest on my first run and it took 25 hours of play according to the save.

What difficulty? Because if you say Hard or Nightmare, I'm going to assume you are lying. Or that you skipped a lot of the content.

I thought the game was WAY too easy around mid-game: sure. It showers you with loot, neuro-mods, powers - everything feels way too easy, player feels way too powerful.

The problem is: in the late game, as you are forced to revist the older locations, and enemies respawn, but the loot does not: it just starts running low. Like: there isn't that MUCH loot. I'm currently scouring through the locations I've already looted and picking every little tibbit I can, and I'm seriously starting to worry that I may have screwed myself. Or that I'll have to do something crazy, like start collecting all furniture in the level and use Recyclers to recycle it.

The enemies have massive health pools. Even with powers and upgrades, they still take a lot to take down. And the amount of stuff IS limited.

Again, you can invest in that improved recycling yields upgrade, but if you had not done that from the start, it's may be too little too late.

I'm really damn surprised about the difficulty ramping up like it does in the late game. I love it, but damn it's kicking my ass. I am playing on nightmare though.

>none of my weapons are very effective cuz I've been focusing on stealth
What the fuck for. I've got 1 point in firearms and 1 point in gunsmith. Zero alien neuros. Nightmare is a fucking pushover since it can't even follow you anywhere. Combat focus paired with shotgun and pistol kills everything. This is on nightmare difficuilty. Git gud, fagit

>Even weirder using prey for a system shock like game
That was purely producer decision, Arkane had no say in it. In fact, they vehemently opposed it at first. They only agreed to make a "Prey" titled name after Bethesda promised them unprecedented creative freedom - like even greater than with Dishonored, and they figured out this was an opportunity to create their dream System Shock sequel.
This is not true though. The game was only proposed AFTER Bethesda pushed the Prey IP on Arkane.
It also has nothing to do with keeping the name legally: there is no expiration date on the Prey IP for Beth. They did it to shut up their own board of directors and shareholders, and presumably because they (incorrectly) though it might just benefit the sales due to IP name and search leeching.


>erggghhh all the MCs in Shock games are designed with a blue motif, and Prey doesn't do the same!

I was on nightmare, went and looked at my end of the game save, had 180 9mm, 150 shotgun, 1600 q beam, 60 medkit, 1300 goo, 700 disrupt or, 27 recycle charges, 10 of every other grenade, and 100+ every resource.

But it is.

all my neuromods are in stealth and hacking and repair skills, movement speed, and suit upgrades

Isn't this kinda pathetic?

>Its not a shooter
I found the exact opposite to be true, I'm only 11 hours in and I'm near the end with most side content cleared, about five or six hours in I stopped using the Gloo gun because it was just easier to shotgun everything, and the game dumps supplies on you so much it's not even funny, I'm sitting in over 50 medkits, 100 shotgun rounds, several full heals worth of food and all that after having crafted well over three dozen neuromods in addition to the ones found throughout the ship. I haven't even bothered with stealth because of combat focus giving you so many free hits

>Going stealth in a game where shit jumps at you on a regular basis
Why though

I just squinted real hard at the erased numbers and was able to make out the last three, then I just did trial and error for the first.

this is my first time playing and I didn't know anything about the game before going in

>prey is system shock 3
I wish retarded fuckheads like you would die already
was your first SS game the shitty pre-alpha demo for the remake?

>every code in the game
>not 5643
Yeah right

Yeah. See I don't get this. This is some serious bullshit here. What the fuck is wrong with you people?

K I'll take a screen shot. BRB lol

Considering that actually the vast majority of the encounters are intentionally telegraphed, and ambushes happen extremely rarely and only in second half of the game, actually his strategy is not bad. I would not go for steath because I like to have my time lotting and figuring out more interesting approaches to the environment, but stealth route is entirely viable in this game.