>MMOs can't be goo-
MMOs can't be goo-
Oh that's the Archeage ripoff, yea no it's pretty crap.
Would you recommend this game? I'm on the fence about it and I haven't felt the desire to dive into an mmo ever since WoW turned to shit.
pic unrelated
-k grindan gaems
Daily reminder that recently Black Desert Online paid shills have been spamming the board with their shitty game in order to save it because it's dying (6k players)
It's a fucking trash pay2win game that nobody gives a shit about. Everything is garbage, unbalanced and boring.
Do not fucking play this trash
MMOs reward people by sinking their time in the games and adding number, not by making them enjoy more the game by improving any skill. This is why all of them are shit. Give me some MMO where item management, battle strategy or combat skills are relevant and any newcomer can stand a change against some retarded who vegetate for years but have 999999999gold and you're ok
Its a sandbox. Only good non themepark mmo on the market.
Worst part about this game is the forced grind to get awakening. Fuck that noise.
grind you stupid casual normie
>Hurr its buy to win!
Always easy to spot the wowfags who know knothing abotu Black Desert
easy to spot the shills like you
For everybody in this thread, do not fall for the shills. This game is dead and shills and autists who wasted $$$ on pay2win shit don't want the game to die so these threads are their desperate attempt at saving it
mmorpgs are all the same boring ass repetitive grindy gargabe
I can understnad how themepark babies think getting +30 seconds of underwater breathing is pay to win. But you are incorrect.
>Fishing PvP mmo
it's literally the best MMO pleb, sure it's not perfect but still a damn good game with the best combat by far, people who complain about P2W don't know about the register limits on the ah
I quit a few months ago.
Making me buy the game and then forcing a p2w cash shop just burned my goodwill. At least I only wasted $30...
>it's literally the best MMO pleb
It's literally WoW but worse, just like every other shitty korean grinding MMO
>bought game because the customization to home and character seemed interesting
>literally fucking anything beyond the basics behind a retarded paywall
Fuck microtransactions. I fucking hate modern video games.
It's fun until you hit the soft cap. It's kinda a fake sandbox which brings a lot of fun extra shit to do. Combat is really good for an mmo, graphics are decent too.
However there's only like 7 sets of gear in the game, so everyone you see will look the same for the most part. Almost all activities are based around being afk. Has the least player interaction I've ever seen in an mmo, you cannot build things together, cannot farm together, cannot ride a wagon together, cannot trade items, there's no dungeons needing classes and coordination. The only thing you can do is kill them or grind mobs together. The endgame is literal grinding RNG. Skill has zero place in combat, it's all about gear and levels.
Worth the $5 when you grab it on sale, but don't expect a lot.
>playing MMOs
>in fucking 2017
Fuck off, the genre is dead for good and every game is absolute shit, no exceptions.
>single player mmo
The only time I stopped in a vidya to think and ask myself why I'm even doing any this grind.
I really like that it has wizards and a lively world and all that shit, but it's kind of pointless.
It's shit.
What we have so far:
>20 provinces of tamriel besides Cyrodiil
>Imperial City
>Imperial City Sewers
>Orsinium (orc land)
>Abah's Watch (thieves guild)
>Gold Coast (dark brotherhood)
>Player housing (several dozen homes, with more being added)
What we are getting in the next year:
>Morrowind expansion (the entirety of Vvardenfell)
>Argonia and the black marsh expansion
>Clockwork city expansion (dwarven capital city)
>Spiral Skein (Mephala's plane of oblivion)
>craftable spells
>craftable jewelry
With full voice acting, an ensemble cast of all-star actors to play the significant character roles (Kate Beckinsale, Lynda Carter, Malcolm McDowell, Bill Nighy, Tara Strong, John Cleese etc etc), a thriving economy, build variety that could fill an encyclopedia, a seemingly infinite amount of customization (10 distinguishable ranks of light/medium/heavy armor, 49 armor styles to craft, 10 possible weapons, 7 armor slots, HUNDREDS of dyes to color them with, and dozens of preset costumes), gorgeous graphics, amazing music, dozens of enemy types, dozens of emotes, hundreds of housing furniture, and a commitment from the devs for the long term.
You have literally 4 seconds to explain why you don't play literally the best MMO and best TES game of all time
>It's literally WoW but worse, just like every other shitty korean grinding MMO
you're kidding right? WOW is pretty much entirely instanced BDO is entirely open world, you don't know what you're talking about
all that drama was caused by that autistic youtuber kid and retards who followed his logic and are now kicking sand with nothing to play MMO wise
like I said there's a limit on registerable items and barely anyone actually does that to try and P2W due to the sheer amount of money you would need to spend compared to just spending a few hours in game and getting the same income
It's not even close to being shit
It's beyond shit
>you're kidding right? WOW is pretty much entirely instanced BDO is entirely open world
Who gives a fuck if it's open world. ITS LITERALLY WOW. If you can't see it then you have to be autistic or retarded in some way
You go from NPC to NPC, do shitty grinding quests, then do meaningless PvP that gives you nothing
That's every single WOW ripoff ever
>Oldschool Runescape
>EVE Online
You are just ignorant to what is around you
>sandbox game
>everyone just grinds mobs all day
Fuck off shill.
trash absolute garbage themepark game literally hit cap and throw directly in the trash, piss poor combat system as well
you still haven't explained how it's WOW, there's no dungeons and that's currently like 95% of what WOW is
>all that drama was caused by that autistic youtuber kid
He wasn't wrong though. Pearl Abyss cited gold sellers and botters as their reason for implementing horribly restrictive trading rules (which really introduced an awful economy btw), but then they turn around and introduce a way for you to literally convert cash to gold.
That was when I realized they were jews and got out of there.
Also by the time I quit there STILL wasn't an end game and it was just pirates 24/7. Even the hyped world bosses turned out shit and was largely an exercise of wailing on a gigantic enemy that randomly does an OHKO move here and there.
>Defending P2W korean MMOs
Jesus fucking christ, you people have no fucking soul
That alone make it worse than anything currently on the market
I hate steam fags shilling shitty old games just because it was newly released on steam.
>You go from NPC to NPC, do shitty grinding quests
no you don't, you literally haven't played the game fuck off shitter
>top cock boner
oh boi
>16 yr old mmo
>spreadsheet simulator
Say what you will, it's dead, pal.
you go from a NPC to NPC, get the "go there kill X mobs and come back", repeat it until you're max LVL
Then all you have left is pointless PVP
And the game doesn't even have trade between players kek
mmo players are dumb as hell. They deserve to be ripped off time and time again.
>I choose to grind mobs all day so the game is shit
awesome rebuttal
They are the retarded cucks who keep the MMO jew business running
The reason every MMO that came out after WoW is a garbage shit grinding autism simulator is because the fucking autists will buy it and waste $$$$ on it as long as it has a loli character in it
It's like a job where you pay to work instead of having them pay you.
I don't know anything about the MMO except that it's fucking gookshit, so right off the bat I can predict a few things about it.
>Fap bait for thirsty slopes because porn is illegal in their shithole country
>Real money cash shop for slutty cosmetics and P2W
>Disgusting levels of grind
>Awful user interface
>Fatigue system because retarded gooks have no self-control
Let me know how many nails I hit on the head please
>typical korean p2w grindfest
yeah look, we were all sperging out over the character creation sure, but thats all it has.;
>it actually can't
The user interface is pretty slick but everything else is spot on
>pop up 2 feet in front of you
in an attempt to make the game stunning, they made it ugly
>Pearl Abyss cited gold sellers and botters as their reason for implementing horribly restrictive trading rules
this is really the only way to combat chink sellers though, every other MMO except BDO is fucking plagued with them
Try again retard
I fished all day and quit because the devs wanted grinding to be number one income source
Game's still fucking shit. Now fuck off shill.
do you even play games or do you just lurk Sup Forums all day and shit on games?
>survived for 16 years
Sure thing sweetheart
>If I'm not doing the most efficient thing I can't have fun
BDO haters in a nutshell
All the hair clipping is also absolutely awful
That's exactly what Sup Forums is you retard. If you wanted to talk and circle jerk about games you should fuck off back to your general.
you could make this argument about literally any fucking game right now it's such a generic tired fucking argument made by jaded fucking faggots
>playing games
I don't even care about the p2w crap, the fucking grinding is massive and the entire crafting system is basically single player.
And yet BDO's economy is still trash because it doesn't let itself grow naturally resulting in requiring tens of millions of gold for outdated items one expansion ago.
Trying to hard.
how the fuck is the game supposed to make money and keep operating dipshit? are they supposed to operate on your enjoyment?
Its fucking garbage.
Let me go ahead and explain why with some quick points
>There are only about 8 armor models for each class so they can sell you cosmetic baddass armor easy since you look like a poor piece of shit even after weeks of playing.
>World bosses are the most certain way of getting loot, but you need to do a high share of damage to it to get a higher chance of loot.
>But the bosses kill non tanks in a few hits, and if you die you have to run back.
>But don't worry! You can buy P2W potions that rez you on the spot so you can keep dpsing the boss for a higher shot at loot!
>Also PvP is imbalanced as fuck and Witches destroy everything.
>figure I'll give the game a shot
>create an account, download the client, go to start downloading the game
what the shit Sup Forums, this game better have absolutely everything
To be fair the game was sold and advertised as a sandbox where you can do literally anything. Unfortunately it ended up being a theme park where the only relevant thing to do is grind mobs so it's understandable people felt betrayed.
Maybe they can, you know, sell expansions like WoW
what the fuck are you talking about? you can literally buy anything on the AH right now and because of the sensible limit placed on items fucking AH kikes are non-existent so there can't be fucking jews that just make all their money sitting leeching off of the AH all day another terrible part of MMOs
Boy, you can surely bet it'll have
as long as you pay the price, goy
>>There are only about 8 armor models for each class so they can sell you cosmetic baddass armor easy since you look like a poor piece of shit even after weeks of playing.
The most ironic thing is that even the cash shop p2w sets make everyone end up looking the same since there's not a lot of them.
It's literally impossible to look unique in this game, which is tragic since the character customization is quite good.
How about they don't make a shitty autism simulator and rely on autistic neckbeards like you as their target audience that keeps the business running
shut up faggot and make the xiv thread so i copy and paste my post there, your job is to keep the post bumped with my post in it!
Get to it!
Black desert would be my dream game without all the idiocy. Remove the offline profession shit, it serves no purpose, it's bad for the environment, and it's trash.
Also give me a better pc so the game doesn't make my pc worryingly hot.
I don't understand why you have to be connected for life skills. is it to prevent 50000 bots?
It's alright, but I hate how the economy is not coherrently connected. The market doesn't allow undercutting or anything of the sort. It's regulated by the developers. An Epheria Sailboat costs like 180 million on the market, eventhough it takes literally a week to build for build time alone, not considering the fact that you need a shitload of resources for it as well and CP investments. That means under any circumstance it is better to get everything from the market, because the prices are fixed. You literally make 10 mil a day staying AFK. Because the market is fixed, supply and demand can never even out naturally. Pre-ordering exists, but if you preorder an item for 5 million that costs 2k on the market, the seller still only gets 2k. You cannot rely on players grouping together, because it is actively discouraged by the fact that you simply cannot trade anything. Instead, you are forced to make a ton of alts to play the game solo. That's not fun. There's no real goal in the game other than killing shit, participating in events and making more money to buy all the things you'd want. No player interaction. Nothing.
A game that does this a million times better is SWG(emu).
I believe you.
They're so desperate they're shilling to pokemon go fags.
Go home lazypeon
>what the fuck are you talking about?
The economy sucks, plain and simple. See:
>muh waifus
Any dumb asshole with good modelling tools can release a shitty game these days and use waifus to crutch how shit his game is and retarded thirsty teens would flood over it.
>There are only about 8 armor models for each class so they can sell you cosmetic baddass armor easy since you look like a poor piece of shit even after weeks of playing.
you can easily get cosmetic items buy buying them on AH with in game money it's one of the easiest things to do in game lol
>World bosses are the most certain way of getting loot, but you need to do a high share of damage to it to get a higher chance of loot.
wrong, there are multiple tables a lower tier threshold and an upper one with higher damage played, everyone has a chance at loot from bosses and BTW I don't even do bosses anymore because they're not worth it for me
>But the bosses kill non tanks in a few hits, and if you die you have to run back.
all bosses have patterns and specials that can be avoided if you're not a shitter
>But don't worry! You can buy P2W potions that rez you on the spot so you can keep dpsing the boss for a higher shot at loot!
you're listening to the retarded youtuber again who btw has already redacted his statements about the game
>Also PvP is imbalanced as fuck and Witches destroy everything.
actually it's Korean so your gear = your ability in the game best system tbqh
It's probably related to incentivising purchases at net cafes or something, maybe some kinda engagement strategy? more likely to play the game and buy stuff if it's always open. Ultimately it's just environmentally unfriendly and obnoxious. And it makes it impossible for active players to get ahead on life skills, which I hate.
>almost all activities are based around being afk
so basically Runescape then?
>actually it's Korean so your gear = your ability in the game best system tbqh
You are the first person I've seen unironically defend this.
But what if you fight a maxed out BiS Witch?
>nigger desert
>nasty ogre bitch
this is the most unsocial mmo I played, and I have to make sure my gf doesn't spend all her money on new costumes
Someone post a good comfy picture of housing in BDO please.
I need it for reasons.
Downloading this shit is like downloading files on old Sup Forums
That's the idea that they would like to sell to you, but truthfully, I think it's because of analytical purposes. It's not secret for example that Blizzard loves to flatter themselves with things like "60 million players!", but they leave out the fact that for their WoW numbers, it includes people who have logged into the game in a span of 12 months, even if they are not active subscribers anymore or if they were playing the free edition. I think Kakao Games is trying to appease their investors with it, by showing them that they have 500.000 people online right now, but leaving out the fact that 90% of them are AFK. It also attracts newer players more easily if they know that cities are busting with players. Offline and online should be treated the same, there's no reason why I have to keep the game running with my 1080 GTX at 85°c in the background.
the AH is like that for a very good reason refer to my previous statement about AH leech kikes who sit on the AH all day and undercut everything trying to turn a profit, casual players can put shit up and make money instantly and easily unlike if you tried to do AH in other games where you're constantly undercutted also people try to sell shit in general like horses and rare gear all day so he's not exactly right, like I said trade is a double edged sword of the chink plague
Never played runescape so I couldn't say, I grew up in the rural iowa and didn't have access to home internet until college.
But pretty much everything either has timers counting down, requires you to auto travel large distances (going offroad with a wagon is a bad idea), or is encouraged for you to have the game minimized to your taskbar while you do it.
Seriously, this is the worst "mmo" I've ever seen. No player interaction and about the only thing you can do as a player is kill things. Farming only takes a few min a day since. Still a lot of fun until you hit the soft cap on your first character, but a really shitty mmo.
literally all Asians prefer it as it's imfuckingpossible to balance any game, get on their level
It is the only MMO I've played where gear doesn't actually drop from the world and you have to buy the best gear from the store.
Literally only basic shirts and pants drop and any armor that takes effort to make is on the store for real money.
Think about that for a second and realize how fucking retarded your question is.
It was made to be a mobile game.
There's a mobile version out or will be out.
thinkin of downloading the russian version and playing with an english patch
worth it?
I mostly just wanna test the waifu creator
runescape is an economy simulator of course you would hate this game if you're not an economy jew
>the AH is like that for a very good reason refer to my previous statement about AH leech kikes who sit on the AH all day and undercut everything trying to turn a profit
Not the guy, but have you even played the game?
The majority of top players all just do this. They sit at the AH and snipe items, because the incentive for re-selling items is low due to this artifical demand created by those players. There is no way for sellers to increase the price on items in response to the demand. I was trying to get logs this week off the AH and I haven't bought a single one, because it kept being bought by the same person over and over. So I'm sorry if you think that buying low and selling high is a shit market concept, but being forced to hog resources since there's no possible way of selling them at the value of the demand is ultimatively ten times as worse.