Who is your favorite videogame company?
Favorite Videogame Company
it's not a dog
My cat trusts me so much with her kittens
If we are talking AAA, it's definitely Rockstar.
>loyal and friendly
>at least he doesn't make you pay for anything
looks like this chart needs updating
Kojima Productions
we really need to update the valve one.
A dog would be more cooperative.
Dogs are for insecure people that want unconditional love and loyalty, cats have a deeper bond of love and affection but you have to earn it first.
>gets more flack then they deserve
Cats don't even care about or love their owners you fucking doofus. Look up any study done on it.
Cats can be sweet but we need a few more thousand years to get them anywhere near the love and loyalty dogs feel for their humans. Cats just view humans as property and a source of food.
Probably Platinum.
Capcom used to hold first place for the long time. Hell, I remember times when Capcom's logo was like a seal of quality for me. Still, that's not the case anymore.
That's no cat.
Meh hardware, but dem games.
Bullfrog - ded friend
theres no doubt in my mind
>I've never owned a cat
If you find a stray cat out on the streets and give it a home it'll become more loyal and love you more than any dog could.
Capcom before 7th gen. They were so fucking good and then it just fell apart.
>dem games
>literally nothing but zelda and mario
I'm sorry, I just couldn't not laugh at you.
Cats are for cucks who love getting shar all over.
Yikes, the toxoplasmosis has gone too far in this one. Put 'im down.
I still love Valve and Capcom
Long time ago it was Bioware. They had a great recipe for video game. Cliche stories with great characters in hub-based world.
Well, they are in a shitter now.
Blizzard was for long time a seal of quality. But they turned into nuFun company which gave us Diablo 3, Heroes of The Storm and Overwatch's matchmaking/balance.
Probably Devolver Digital. They publish some great indies.
cats are for fags
>video game companies are my friends
was there really a time you guys believed valve was really a nice company?
boy, you guys are dumb
Cats are walking houseplants-
Fuck Dorkly.
Anyway, it is Alicesoft.
This comic is so biaised, pff
>save a cat off the streets as a kid
>it hates me and only likes my dad
Catfags are delusional.
does reddit still love valve?
Sup Forums seems to have turned on the fat fuck years ago.
I fucking hate Dorkly.
>Videogame company
you need to make games to be one.
Alive vidya companies or do dead ones count as well?
In the last couple of years, Nintendo has given me
>Kid Icarus Uprising
>Planet Roboto
>Pikmin 3
>Tropical Freeze
>New Leaf
>Sun & Moon
>Wonderful 101 (its their IP, so it counts)
>Bayonetta 2 (NEVER EVER)
So yeah, dem games.
And I don't know why you're trying to pretend Zelda and Mario titles aren't fantastic anyway. You can proceed to imply things about the games I listed that aren't actual criticism now.
>Blizzard being a neckbeard
What is this 12 years old? ActiBlizz fans are fucking normie faggots nowadays.
Cats are less intelligent then dogs thats the reason they seem aloof its becuase thier to stupid to actually take orders
It is old, it says Sony doesn't charge for online and everyone loves Valve
>open pic expecting a collage of multiple games
>its just one game
Nice lineup
you're confusing loyal and obedient.
>What is this 12 years old?
Just 5 years old according to google.
Literally none at this point
t. Cat
>be 3 years old
>hear kitten meowing in empty lot behind house
>get mom and go investigate
>black and white kitten alone in the weeds crying
>we scoop him up and decide to adopt him
>throughout the years, tease him and annoy him in every which way
>he never hates me for it
>he would always hover around me and sleep on my bed or on my clothes
>continue this for the next 21 years
He was a great cat.
cats will eat your corpse even if they have other stuff to eat
But Nintendo wasn't my childhood, only SEGA.
>at least he doesn't make you pay for anything
>last couple years
>Kid Icarus Uprising
That game is over half a decade old now. I still remember the hype threads as if it were yesterday. Where did the time go?
Rockstar. Even for the micro transactions bs for gta online. Most of their games are hella polished.