>Naoto is still "Ace boy detective"
>Rise model photos aren't aged
>Murders still happening in some rando hick town
So P5 is concurrent with P4?
>Naoto is still "Ace boy detective"
>Rise model photos aren't aged
>Murders still happening in some rando hick town
So P5 is concurrent with P4?
I'm pretty sure it says that it's the "second coming" of the ace boy detective, implying Naoto has somehow stepped down.
So maybe it's the year or so after? When is P4A placed?
No. The game takes place in 2016.
Nobody ever says that Naoto is currently the detective prince, just that Akechi is the second one.
Rise's pictures are photoshopped.
Rise is also 15-16 in P4.
She's 23-24 as of now, asian genes + anime art style = no visable aging.
>Naoto is still "Ace boy detective"
Nope, she is not.
Which is funny tho. She only making her mind about leaving only on her shrine date with Yu
They say she's 20 in the game.
She's not a boy detective anymore, she's a normal girl detective now with a robo-boy cockslave.
Naoto is ace woman with massive tits detective now
Keep dreaming detective fag
No, because the game mentions Kanami and the events of P4:DAN as well as mentioning that Rise is starring in a new movie on her 20/21st birthday.
There's news reports for a lot of the P4 cast, one early one features Naoto passing the role of detective prince to Akechi, I don't have a picture of it though
Also Chie is at a police academy and Yukiko still works at the inn.
Rise probably just had tons of plastic surgery. Had to fix all the damage done by the execs and producers she "worked" with to get her idol jobs
Yukiko is such a fucking cuckold
How much of a failure of a man do you have to be to get your ass handled to you by a junior in HS.
plz no bully
>being the successor to a business
Okay bro
I'm so fucking mad we didn't get a single P4 cameo. FUCK.
First, Yu is from Tokyo. What the fuck was he up to when Mementos came crashing out of nowhere. He's a fucking badass that killed a god on his own. He wouldn't just sit idly by.
Second, what the fuck did Naoto do when she inevitably heard about the phantom thieves. It absolutely wouldn't be like her to not at least sniff around a bit.
Third, sure, we got a Rise poster. But it's a fucking poster. At least let us overhear an interview with her or something on the TV?
And WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T THE FUCKING KIRIJO GROUP APPEAR. Shit is going down in the middle of Tokyo and it's about to swallow the fucking entire country, and they're just lazing about? FUCK. Why even establish these characters and groups IF THEY'RE NOT GOING TO DO ANYTHING FUCK
Because the games work better when they're all their own thing. I don't want the shitty Shadow Ops from the spinoffs involved in the mainline entries.
They're all too busy doing who the fuck knows with the Shadow Ops.
Sorry, P4 is old and busted and also better than the "old protagonists becoming suddenly weak" I rather have then not appear at all
We had detectives, criminals, why not victims next persona?
Though I suppose some of the guys in P4 almost end up victims.
>Muh connections to other games
Jesus shut the fuck up, let the game stand on its own two legs then save the crossover shit for spinoffs.
Calm down user. It's the same excuse they gave for P4 in Arena.
The Kirijo Group probably noticed all the shit going down, but before they could act it was solved on its own, just like in P4.
P4 is set during 2011 and Rise is 15-16 years old. P5 is seemingly set in 2016 so she should be around 20-21.
>Officer Chie will never pull you over and make you eat her out to get out of a ticket
>P5A turns out to actually be a game just called Persona featuring the casts of P3-5 with the reintroduction of P1 and 2's casts
Please make it happen, Atlus. Fighting games are such a shitty way to expand the Persona franchise's overarching story.
>dude le world sucks xD
>This will probably never happen
At least we can hope the P3 and P4 cast meet the P5 cast, that I can see happening.
I doubt that they will include P1 and P2 casts since that would require effort from their parts. I could see P5A with P5 cast, and half of the P3 and P4 casts. Remainder would appear in P5AU.
Also didn't P2 ended with that if the 2 protagonists talked to each other again the world ends?
Don't jap cops learn self defense?
He was probably only talking about the EP cast, not Tatsuya nor anyone else from the IS team.
can lavenza give birth to a child without dying
Good. Persona 4 sucks and you should let go.
Sure, if she can get pregnant in the first place.
Well, everybody from persona 1 except for Mark and Ayase could come back, and EP characters are fine, but Tatsuya and Maya would make it an issue.
Just bring back #1 guy.
reminder that P4 still had flip phones.
so no.
and Rise is not gonna physically age anymore until menopause at 50-60 or never considering the future of genetic therapy
>One of the highlights of Persona 4 is getting to go to Gekkoukan
>Instead of having the cast of Persona 5 go to Inaba for a cultural trip, they go to Hawaii, which happens immediately after you go to the beach with your friends
>The team does absolutely fucking nothing in Hawaii and complains that they're doing the same shit they were doing back in Japan
>The ONLY thing you take from the trip that affects the story is Okumura, and you could have easily found that out literally anywhere else
Off the top of my head, persona 3 had the hop springs trip and the trip to that one island where you go babe hunting.
Vanilla Persona 4 had hot springs again and the culture festival where you crossdress.
Persona 5 didn't really have any breaks from the main plot to spend time with the characters. Even during the time out parts it's all phantom thieves business, all the time.
why would he be under investigation 5 years later?
I'm guessing a lot of politics were involved behind the scenes too, that prevented the Shadow Operatives from acting against Shido and the SIU.
>turns up a year late to save the world
Shit Mitsuru, your team needs to get their fucking act together.
Honestly, I think seeing a Big Bang Burger in Inaba of all places would have hit players a lot harder. Sure, they had Junes, but imagine if you saw a Big Bang Burger in the central shopping district, possibly replacing somewhere like the beef bowl shop, how much that would sting.
>school assembly
>having no breaks
I'm in LOVE with Lavenza
He doesn't entirely feel that way and he said it more based on that he couldn't explain his actual goals since he'd sound crazy, and he wants to atone for his crimes.
Court cases very, very often take forever especially in the plugged up japanese court system
That doesn't cover that Adachi's crimes are evidenceless
>breaks from the main plot
All they talk is about is phantom thieves this and phan-site that.
Fireworks is a tiny cutscene.
The beach is about recruiting worst girl to the thieves.
Hawaii is non stop "look how popular the thieves are!"
Buffet is about forming the thieves as a group.
Thieves thieves thieves thieves thieves thieves thieves.
>but imagine if you saw a Big Bang Burger in the central shopping district, possibly replacing somewhere like the beef bowl shop
don't you fucking dare, take Souzai Daigaku if you must but don't touch Aiya
I wonder what her mouth feels like?
Very soft, tiny orange slices but without the citric acid and the scent of strawberries
Do you think she'd enjoy having her hair brushed?
Not a fucking chance
Fuck. It looks so silky and smooth. I bet it smells nice.
>Persona 3
>can't date the loli
>Persona 4
>can't date Nanako
>Persona 5
>can't date Lavenza
Fuck this so much wasted potential.
I want Caroline back!
I thought it was like a cop show based on his case, not his actual trial
>dating nanako
Those quotes are from a TV show, they likely had a "dramatization" of the Persona 4 case
I'd really hoped that P5 would have given us an Inaba trip just so we had an excuse to see teenage Nanako in a Yasogami Uniform.
>Phantom Thieves are a HUGE national issue and major mystery
>Naoto doesn't even make an attempt to investigate the case
This really bothered me.
How would they explain Yusuke and Jun basically being gay twins?
Not small-town enough for her.
Damn,lavenza is so pretty, i' would definitely wait 10 years for her to grow up so I can fuck her
Too busy getting her womb flooded with brotags sperm
Wouldn't she would look exactly the same though?
She's a perma loli
Many things wrong with this
1) During the later months, there is a TV report about Chie being a junior police officer
2) How can Igor man the Velvet Room in Persona 4 if he's spending the majority of Persona 5 being kidnapped?
Most important question how old is best P4 girl?
as old as she was in P4
So she is like forever christmas cake? Nice.
The plot is better because of it though. Even with time to get to know the casts of both P4 and P3, they are still pretty poorly characterized. P5 handles things much better, and this is beyond debate.
We'll see that in Persona 5 Arena: Back to the Inaba
Fuck,what a waste then
>teenage Nanako in a Yasogami Uniform.
Wouldn't she still be just 11 or 12?
Also there's a decent chance Koromaru's fucking died of old age by P5
Man, fuck that for existing even in a non-canon capacity.
No the real question is; what Philemon and Nyarlathope doing? Plus the gift of persona is Philemon's power.
Come on nigger Nyarlathotep is not that hard to spell. And Philemon is busy being a butterfly.
I didn't want a cameo but I did want to go to Inaba like in P4 when you go to Gekkoukan
Ideal energy levels are on the rise my friend, Philemon soon.
Give up already.
I would since one of the images of them from Arena implies most of the EP cast (minus Tatsuya and Maya) and Reiji are part of it and it'd be nice to actually see those characters get used again.
Yeah, but at least it ripped off one of the best girls out there in anime being Touko so it's not complete trash.
I replayed p5 and realized that the people you were eavesdropping on at the buffet were probably all on shido's ark, like the IT executive. Are there any other pieces of foreshadowing?
Reminder that they can't go back to Inaba because they'd have to show us adult Yu and at least imply who he's fucking. Because there's no goddamn way Yu would ever go back to living in the city for any longer than he has to after the game.
Do you think Nanako is secretly having her own adventures in the TV world with her middle school friends?
>Sharp detective
>Needed a bunch of teenagers who are a bunch of fucking dumbasses solve the case while the culprit was right under his nose and almost jailed his innocent nephew
On my second playthrough it struck me that Ann's codename, outfit and association with the Lovers Arcana is probably a reference to the Pink Panther.
Requesting that someone post the Akechi with the faded Akechi behind him. You know the one. I can't figure out where I saved it.
I'm so fucking glad there wasn't a single P4 cameo. We got like what almost 8 years of spin off bullshit and the last thing I wanted was when we finally got to P5 with a new cast, is to have the P4 characters and overshadow the new ones.
Anybody wanting P3 or P4 characters popping up in P5 is an idiot. However I would be fine with a P1 or P2 character despite what I just said.
Nah, it's just a reference to the cat burglar archetype. Just like Ryuji is a thug, Makoto is a biker gangster, and Haru is a robing hood type.
They aren't references to specific people
I was more surprised Doujima never had a serious talk with the MC even though it became obvious he knew something about the case after second or third disappearance. I get he was trying to spare Nanako's feelings, but it's a fucking murder case
there was a program in tv where amagi was wearing a kimono and shit, so yeah
I was more surprised that Yu didn't STICK HIS HAND IN THE GODDAMN TV
igor exists between time and reality, mind and matter
he repeats it every time he possibly could, how did you fail to catch that
wait, it was "dream and reality"
well, anyway, there is no reason for igor to not be able to move through time or unlimited igor works or whatever else
If you finish Yukiko's social link she decides to take over the Inn. Max social links is canon.
I wanted to play through the whole year, not be effectively locked up from Christmas to Valentine's Day.