Why did no one tell me about this masterpiece?

Why did no one tell me about this masterpiece?

I guess you didn't pay attention.

This game ruined mx dick for a week

Is there a nude mode?

Is there a sequel or some games similiar to this? How is senran kagura? I am literally turning into a weeb in this moment.

Senran Kagura is comparable, it's a beat em' up with tits as a main focus.


More. I NEED MORE TITS PLS SENPAI. How is the atelier series?

This looks like my wet dream. Is it on the ps store?

Atelier is pretty different. Less tits.

>not the Banana Split outfit

End yourself.

I need to try it I guess. The only games I ever played were Witcher or GTA but my friend showed me this game onechanbara z2 and now I can't get enough of this feeling. It feels surreal, I am in ecstasy right now.

It was briefly talked about when it was announced and once more when it was released.
It´s mediocre. You´re better off playing Senran Kagura. I buy most fanservice-heavy games and even I thought the outfits were a bit too much (not in a "I´m offended by that filth" way, more in a "it´s not nice to look at" way). I ended up dressing most of them in that Gothic-loli default outfit.


The combat is surprisingly awesome, too bad pretty much everything else about the game is garbage.

D3 should make a propel sequel, leave the combat intact.

the magical uniform is fucking godlike, it pretty much changes the game to something completely different

same for the manyuu hichenko costume, i bought the game solely for that costume

I liked it so much I got the platinum without realising it

Also the music is awesome

i-is this I can buy?

Onechambara Z2 Chaos

What game?

Goat simulator

> Oversexualized waifu bait
> Masterpiece
Wanna know a master piece? Red Dead Redemption, Metal Gear Solid 3, Ninja Gaiden Black, those are masterpieces; not this shitty meme garbage

It's part of a series, though I think the only other one that got localized was for the 360.

The Senran Kagura games are a lot more shallow than these in terms of combat, so you'll probably be disappointed if you're in it for the gameplay.

>budget game
>a hack'n'slash budget game at that
>master piece

Just emulate Rumble Roses, it's got the tits and enough time to appreciate the tits instead of flashy zombie slaying shit.

How can you oversexualize something or someone?

How does the game change?


>no thighs anywhere
>loli has tits
What's the point

Go back to fapping to half naked muscular men, loser.

pathetic little prude you have no power here

So, that's it? I am on the weebiest site of the internet and you anons can't recommend me another game like this and onechanbara? I am disappointed.

Senran kagura


Senran kagura it is then. DMC I already played the whole series.

As much as people cry about how oversexualized women are in video games. These type of games aren't as common as you'd think.

Senran is the contrary of Onenchabara,
mildly interesting story and bad gameplay, it is on the same line, but the combo variety is almost inexistent

if you wanna know the other games of that series, search for One-chan-bara

also, since you asked>Why did no one tell me about this masterpiece?
I guess you were just too young, little Johnny

Some shitty arena hack 'n' slash game that feels more like a puzzlegame.

But i need moooore. Pls.
I have to try and see. It was on a sale once for 5€, gonna wait a bit for the summer sale.

Looks like shitty fap bait for perma-virgins

maybe, Dead or Alive Xtreme

Nobody is saying it's anything else

Of course not, you idiot, it's not an h game.
Why do people always ask shit like this?

There is no loli in this game, scumbag.

Most games like this not only are incredibly shit and nigh on unplayable, but never come out of Japan.


>waifubait game played with one hand in your dick

Typical Japanese ice queen, not a loli, user.
You are contrasting her with her sister who is clearly a western analogue.

She is a twintail loli tsundere user. She is younger than aya and aya is 16, she is 12 or so.

She doesn't have a loli's figure or features, and I believe she is 14.

because they are horny 13 year olds who need nude mods for all games.

Well, atleast she is pettanko.

More like she is your average Japanese girl around that age who is athletic, in a game where everyone else has an exaggerated figure.

She is the best for sure. She is my waifu though, keep your hands off her.

You can have her, mean bitches aren't my thing.

Two of the games have been localized, one on 360 and one on Wii. Of those two, the Wii one is much better.

The PS4 one is pretty good though. Really fun beat em up with a tongue in cheek sense of humor. Should be easy to find for around $20 these days.

is that a saeko costume?

Is the gameplay decent or is it just eye candy?

>mean bitches aren't my thing
U gay?

Yes. Yes it is.

I still wonder how it even made it to the game.

Calling it a game is bit of a favor to it. I completed this game couple years ago and it was terrible.

There's no nude mode.
However there is a nude mod.

Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae.
Think DMC's Bloody Palace with only one style/character.

Most people who "completed" the gameonly played through the normal difficulty.
On hard and higher you actually need to git gud.

I need more waifu sword games. Pls. I know I'm being a faggot but please.