>nuke goes off only a few miles from them
>they look directly into the flash
so you're telling me these people wouldn't be instantly blind from the light?
>nuke goes off only a few miles from them
>they look directly into the flash
so you're telling me these people wouldn't be instantly blind from the light?
Other urls found in this thread:
Todd Howard was never really good with realism.
it's a video game
so it doesn't matter
so if it's a videogame nothing matters?
only some things
google "rule of cool" and stop being autistic
I know you are being sarcastic, but this is unironicly true.
You can go blind from the light?
In a game with talking mutants, you're arguing about realism?
Is that what that retard said when someone pointed out the Jet being mentioned in a prewar terminal entry?
It's almost as if vidya isn't real life.
Yeah, the flash will emit more light than your eyes can take in so it will blind you from being too bright.
Fallout radiation is literally magic at this point.
It's used to explain all sorts of shit including teleportation and immortality.
No point in worrying about it out off all the shit wrong in FO4.
Sup Hines, you look weird and greasy.
yes, the flash is so bright your eyelids won't do shit
What if I look slightly away so I can still see with my peripheral?
The flash itself is also bright enough to burn any exposed skin
You were right.
I was north of Spanish Fork. Took the 77 along Provo Bay to steer clear of town. Would've been home in an hour. Engine died, truck just stopped. So did a Chryslus in the other lane. Knew right away.
First nuke hit SLC inside a minute. I was looking South - Lucky Man! Flash behind me so bright world looked on fire. Old couple from the Chryslus starts screaming they can't see.
Didn't watch you die, Char. Saved my eyes. Counted 12 more flashes next 7 minutes. Ground shook each time, 18 seconds later.
When nothing hit for half an hour, took a look. Globe of fire where you and Alex died. Didn't kid myself.
Didn't know what to do. Grabbed my pack and rifle.
Saw to the old couple. Sat them up against car, let them hold and comfort each other. Told them I was going to get help, everything be okay. One bullet through both heads. Instant.
Five day hike back to Zion.
>muh realism
you should consider killing yourself
Then why do movies do the whole shockwave thing until it reaches the person and burns them then? Like Terminator etc.
What, did you think they wore those glasses because they look cool?
Rule of cool.
Light moves faster then the shockwve
Well I remember them saying this shit about the Eclipse back when I was a kid, but I looked at it and I can still see.
Right. They aren't actually people standing next to an actual nuclear blast, it's there for story telling purposes. Lighten up.
Why are you being pissy again? Because Bethesda did it? Fuck off, 90% of Fallout lore has been magic nonsense ever since the first game came out.
because movies aren't realistic user
a nuke and an eclipse is two very different things though
Dummy, you locked your thought chakra.
I wish you couldn't get banned for posting images of people eating scat, because that's the only way to describe anyone who defends Fallout 3 and 4.
So the flash would burn your skin, blind you and then the shockwave would do the rest?
who was in the wrong here?
Why are you asking me? I only know about eclipses and their cosmic effects on us.
and then comes the radiation
not him but tell me more please user
Why didn't we just bomb their troops? Why'd we attack the civilians?
God I fucking loved finding that dude's journals
because the illuminati love human sacrifices on a big scale
Because MURICA, any excuse to test trial a bomb on an actual target.
you had already firebombed a whole lot more civilians
only moral fags think the nukes where somehow worse
it was a rational move to force and end to the ar before the soviets got more time to occupy land in asia and too save soldiers
>These leaflets are being dropped to notify you that your city has been listed for destruction by our powerful air force. The bombing will begin within 72 hours.
>This advance notice will give your military ample time to take the necessary defensive measure to protect you from our inevitable attack. Watch and see how powerless they are to protect you.
>We give the military clique this notification of our plans because we know there is nothing they can do to stop our overwhelming power and our iron determination. We want you to see how powerless the military is to protect you.
>Systematic destruction of city after city will continue as long as you blindly follow your military leaders whose blunders have placed you on the very brink of extinction. It is your responsibility to overthrow the military government now and save what is left of your beautiful country.
>In the meantime; we urge all civilians to evacuate at once.
RIP in Peace Randall Clark
Good little cuck.
the light itself will penetrate your eyes. I dont think you understand how terribley destructive these things are. They are not cool and you should not be enthralled by them. you should fear them. they are weapons of complete and utter destruction not fun toys for the big guys. there is a reason every country on earth keeps those things under complete and total security. Even world leaders fear those things.
>dude lmao rules of reality don't matter in a story focused game
kill your parents then yourselves
So for storytelling purposes I can blow my main characters head off and then he can grow it back in 10 seconds without explaining it?
Eclipses are the collection of every single human's ignorance of the cosmic truths. Staring at one allows your spirit to absorb a small bit of the whole, more than enough to corrupt your chakra; it's one of the only ways to actually destroy a chakra.
It takes light some time to travel, you fucking retard. It's not some instantaneous force that just magically teleports to your location.
Ever wondered why you can hear thunder before the lightning flash? Dumbass.
So you're ok with ghouls and giant mutated scorpions and mutant orc people but seeing a nuke blast is where your realism autism flares up?
It was a fake memory implanted into the synth.
Because a nuke by it's very nature targets civilians, you don't build a bomb that can take out a city because you are looking to be precise, that's the whole point of nukes, everyone is a target.
Pete pls
speed of light isn't that fast, at the distance the nuke denotated it would take 5-10 seconds for the flash to reach them, by which time they're already in the bunker
do your research before you shitpost
>your son gets abducted etc you are sole survivor
>if you literally do anything other than the main quest immediately then you break character relateability
this is why i hate FO4's story the most ever
the speed of light. on earth with are scales the speed of light might as well just be instant.
>hear thunder before the lightning flash
are you fucking retarded. the speed of light is 299,792,458 m/s on any place on the world that would be pretty much instant.
Yes, retard
You shouldn't talk about your mom's ass like that
>I dont think you understand how terribley destructive these things are.
I don't think anyone does unless they see it themselves, but then they'll be dead.
Fallout 1 is the only one that did it right by having a time limit
You can't just hand wave any problems with your games lore by saying "it's not real life", particularly when you are being lazy and completely ignoring things established in previous games. Pete Hines is a literal retard and Bethesda's writing staff is shit.
Yeah, and radiation totally creates ghouls and supermutants irl. Fallout has never been about realism, it's supposed to be ridiculous. It's like you pretend to have played the classic Fallouts and shit on Bethesda for all th wrong reasons. They fucked a lot of shit up, sure, but shit like this has been in Fallout universe since day one. Radiation is literally whacky as fuck magic there.
their troops don't all bunch up in a small obvious area for you to drop a bomb on them
the point of the bombs was to demoralize the nation into surrender, they were already defeated in the military sense
Since you're making world-destroying mistakes, might do it all the way!
To add to that, a nuclear weapon is not a first resort weapon to take care of some measly troops. Its a be all end all solution. Basically strong arm your enemy into submission like the US did with japan. You cant fight an enemy who wields the powers to obliterate one of your cities without sparing any troops. That is why ww3 won't be a traditional war but it will be the final war and we will all burn in nuclear holy fire.
It does matter, because world building and believability is extremely important for RPGs.
It's just another proof that FO4 is a terrible RPG.
You'd still go blind, your eyes can't handle it at all no matter how little of your eye you use to watch it
no RPGs or video games in general are realistic
Missile shields are developing. Look at Israel. They can shoot down tiny mortar rounds in metal casing launched from Gaza. Soon nukes won't mean a thing.
>Saw to the old couple. Sat them up against car, let them hold and comfort each other. Told them I was going to get help, everything be okay. One bullet through both heads. Instant.
Creative mediums take artistic liberty with how things actually work in order to deliver an experience, a message or whatever they're intended to.
Obviously this freedom should be used wisely, carefully and always with consideration that it serves to improve the experience. Random unnecessary wacky stuff in an otherwise grounded story could be included, but would make it worse if the serious tone is important.
Things like how nuclear explosions work in reality, how radiation works in reality and so on don't matter in delivering the things Fallout gives to the players.
What matters are how they exist in the minds of those who will consume Fallout. The mushroom cloud may not be exactly the way it would be, maybe they get some details wrong, but from the perspective of the experience, it really doesn't matter because the idea of the world ending is properly communicated.
If a novelist writes a good book, where distances between real world places are relevant to a murder mystery and he gets the distances wrong, that wouldn't invalidate the book or make it worse. Mostly because people don't know random distances off the top of their heads.
Because obliterating shitty little islands in the pacific doesn't have the same psychological factor of obliterating cities on the mainland.
And it was before the world got uppity about killing civilians so it was okay
Friendly reminder that there are children on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW. that are so autistic it prevents them from spreading fiction from reality.
deflecting a missle doesnt magicly make it not go off. It will either blow up in the air or land in some shithole they decided to intercept it at to blow it up. If 15 nukes are flying your way you ares still fucked unless you can deflect them into the ocean even then 15 nukes going off at once if we are talking tsar level. will probably radiate the entire earth and we are fucked by cancer anyways.
Why is all the vegetation dead in Fallout?
This is Chernobyl.
what's the difference? a game doesn't present the science of a large explosion correctly, it doesn't present the science of mutations caused by radiation correctly either
it's a video game
Missile defenses don't matter if you can just overwhelm them with sheer numbers. We already have defense systems in place but that doesn't make nukes irrelevant
I bet you complain about plot holes or things not happening in movies as well.. jesus christ
I feel like they could have made the time between Shaun's abduction and Survivor's awakening about 80-100 years apart, with the time of each pod opening logged in the terminal for the Survivor to find. That way the survivor is given a blank slate to start a new life, thinking that Shaun is most likely dead by then, only to find him using some life-prolonging shit to run the Institute, should the Survivor join a faction that intends to destroy Institute.
there is a difference between big nuclear blasts destroying kilometers of land and fallout from a factory. Then again after 200 years plants would be back anyways.
I always loved the Ferris Wheel in Chernobyl, it's a beautiful touch. Is this place seriously still damaging to people?
>And it was before the world got uppity about killing civilians so it was okay
Nah it was already a thing a few decades back when yellow journalism became a thing.
>so you're telling me these people wouldn't be instantly blind from the light?
No they wouldn't. Why do you think they would?
Hiroshima and Nagasaki don't look like fallout.
Fallout literally has super duper magical nukes to explain the massive desert wastelands
Nuclear weapons do a really good job at burning everything down
Fallout should be set a year or less after the war to explain the lack of vegetation and buildings that aren't just some shitty little houses
So the entire game is totally believable when it involves magic radiation n shiet but when an explosion that is featured for a mere second it isn't?
ya but we have tsar bombs 100 time more potent than the one used on japan. but ya fallout is ridiculous about the vegatation.
The bright initial flash of a nuclear weapon is the first indication of a nuclear explosion, traveling faster than the blast wave or sound wave. "A 1-megaton explosion can cause flash blindness at distances as great as 13 miles on a clear day, or 53 miles on a clear night. If the intensity is great enough, a permanent retinal burn will result."
this is what happens when you look into a nuclear detonation without eye protection
Not only should they have been blinded, at that distance they probably should have been more or less instantly vapourised
Yes, but that's the least of your problems. Your skin will peel away immediately.
Some people are living there and are fine
And the plant itself was operational until 2000 and the workers were also just fine
Flight from western Europe to ukraine and back would give you far more radiation than a week in the zone
As long as you avoid hotspots