Final Fantasy XIV Stormblood

What class are you levelling at the moment in preperation of Stormblood?

Other urls found in this thread:

Trying to finish off WAR so I'll have all 3 tanks at 60 and ready to go. BLM is my waifu DPS job though. Not really interested in either RDM or SAM so I'm thinking it's going to be fairly comfy on the way to 70.

I just don't have it in me to level crafters or gatherers.

You have 30 seconds to explain why you're playing a WoW-clone. Saying you're not and instead playing WoW or another WoW-clone is not an acceptable answer.


Yes chef! I prefer the setting, job roster, player housing, crafting and gather!

SMN because that Bahamut shit is tight

I don't have to explain anything.

This is not bait. This is a serious question.

WoW & WoW-clones are not MMORPGS. They're virtual jerkoff chatrooms for children who couldn't play the real deal.

Thanks for killing the genre.

theres already a thread up with 100+ replies

stop spamming this board, thanks

I already got everything I wanted to play to 60 and all the others to 50.
Only MCH is 42.

I'm more concerned on what I will main in SB tho, I went WHM in ARR, SCH in HW but if t hey nerfed the fairy too badly I may as well go AST in SB.

>Trying to finish off WAR so I'll have all 3 tanks at 60 and ready to go.

That sounds like no fun at all. Isn't having one tank more than enough?

Anyone else ERP ironically? haha

Serious question for you faggots.
So I bought a sub a few months back and played. Sub ran out and so I'm thinking of resubbing. If my first go around was purchased through the online store. Can I still play with my character this round using steam or no?

>less than one week before every cat and aura fag is running around with sice hair

No sadly, the PC version (bought physically or off Amazon/SE store) =! Steam version from what I understood.

>sice hair

That's all the genre has ever been. Even back before graphics were introduced and they were literal chatrooms.

They didn't kill the genre, you just fell for it sooner.

Are you ready to take mmo gaming to the next level? Tired of the boring grind of ffxiv and paying $200 a year for the privilege?

Black Desert is on steam, it's $5.00 and has some of the best housing in an mmo ever made.

No sub, just pay $5.

the chick from type 0
the next event adds her hair in

Fuck off faggot alt+tab back into WoW.

Play for an hour and tell me how much communication you did with other players to achieve something in game.

Let me guess. Oh first I'll open up my Dungeon Finderâ„¢ with one of my trinity classes (since having support classes would just be too hard to balance). Then I'll instantly teleport to anywhere in the world I want with no player interaction, thread or time taken. Then I'll rush through this dungeon as quickly as humanly possible without saying a word to anyone else in the party because that's how fucking mindless and boring each dungeon is.Once I am instantly teleported out of my instanced dungeon, I'll go back AFK in the town since there's nothing to do until the next expansion because player driven content is just too difficult to design! And how else will Activision keep children playing unless they're constantly being handed new gear on a silver platter with a shiny new "ilv" slapped on it.

Fucking legit autism.

You know, I kind of wish you were a viral marketer. It'd be so much better for Sup Forums to know who is a paid shill and who is an excited fan.

That said, fuck off, if I can't play as an attractive demi-human then I don't want to play at all.

MMO where you can breed your own horses.
Can have pets, dogs and cats
Best housing in any mmorpg.
Amazing graphics.
Massive world to explore
No level cap
Amazing nude mods.

All this for $5? That's crazy!

>MMO where you can breed your own horses.
Pay real money for the only decent ones!
>Can have pets, dogs and cats
Pay real money for the only decent ones!
>Best housing in any mmorpg.
Pay real money for the only decent ones!
>Amazing graphics.
Every class looks exactly the same! Gear does not affect your appearance! See that Wizard? Wow now look at that Wizard 100% identical!
>Massive world to explore
On Auto-walk!
>No level cap
That you'll literally need autism for if you plan on going past the soft cap! Oh and GL doing so with open world PvP!
>Amazing nude mods.
You'll need them to continue playing this shit game!

How is this not a bannable offense?

game sucks

You're confused, we aren't talking about ffxiv right now. I know ffxiv has a massive cash shop..

>muh level boosters
>muh paid mounts
>muh pretty outfits
>muh retainers
>muh dyes
>muh subscription game with a cash shop lamo

It is, it's advertisement. Why can't we have a thread to talk about our game without people dogpiling it trying to "convert" us to other games? fucking retards

yeah but ff14 is a good game

I hate XIV as well. Your game is just as shit.


Not leveling but trying to finish the story post HW. Currently at doing Xelphatol. How much more of this do I have left?

Ok just bought a resub.
now where the FUCK do I find this long as registration code i'm supposed to have so I can redownload this shit
fucking thanks square



You're close to the end

good. Thanks.

>They're virtual jerkoff chatrooms
If only.

They're more like dress up apps with a half assed game attached to them.

Didn't get anything in the email other than congrats for resubbing. and the fucking mog station is so fucking stupid and awfully designed i'm legit mad right now holy fucking shit thank you square

New player here, currently MRD.

I can't take Lalafells seriously. Every time I see one I just want to kick them. Smug little assholes.

lalafell master race

Which server?

>mage a general on Sup Forums
>against the rules
>fuck the rules
>someone else does somerthing you don't like
>ban he!

Are you that unsure of the game you play that a single post can persude you to quit?

Just ignore it doofus.

Making a thread about a popular game isnt a general. Its just that popular that everyone is making thread lately. Sup Forums isnt just for obscure games.

Monk and Armorer. At first, I had a lot of trouble getting into MNK. But now I'm really liking it. Especially after getting forbidden chakra. And the reading Lominsian cursing is always fun. I think I'll be able to cap MNK and get Armorer to 50 before Stormblood, while doing other shit like squardrons and diadem. I'm catching up with shit after coming back. It's a fun, little game to play for burst now and then.

Here's hoping Stormblood will be at least as good as Heavensward. Even splurged on a new card. Probably need to anyways. Think my half decade old card is dying.

Male lalafells are disgusting, fuck off.

Zodiark on Chaos.
Loooots of frenchies there.

So when are you gonna take care of the drawthread, Mr. Hall Monitor?

make me

I liked Final Fantasy.

male lalas are the best!

>break rules
>it's ok when we do it
o ok

Overwatch, wow and battlegrounds are fucking massive compared to ffxiv, they don't break the rules and SPAM.

Only you niggers do it.

>"take generals to /vg/"
>"yeah we have one there, we want two"
>"take it to /vg/"
>"we dislike them on /vg/ tho, we need to chat away from them"
>"make a thread on trash and chat there"
>"we can't shill there tho...."

If you really feel that way you should support Pantheon.

Maybe if Pantheon didn't have Everquest graphics. It's not okay to have animations from 1997 just because your game design is from the same time period.


There aren't any fucking rules on how often Sup Forums can talk about a game, faggot. People want to talk about FFXIV more than those games. Fucking cry about it and then learn to hide and filter you redditor newfag bitch. But you won't, because all you know how to do is cry for the local authority to take away the things you don't like because they make you angry.

Bruh theres like a half dozen OW threads up at all times.

While it is a fair complaint, it's still really early in development and they've said they plan to work on the animations and such later in development, focusing more on the basic content and mechanics. Visual wise the graphics aren't too bad, but yeah the animations will need work.

Is this the shitpost thread or the circle jerk thread?

>being mad about a post on Sup Forums

What a loser.

>Play for an hour and tell me how much communication you did with other players to achieve something in game.
>Let me guess. Oh first I'll open up my Dungeon Finderâ„¢ with one of my trinity classes (since having support classes would just be too hard to balance). Then I'll instantly teleport to anywhere in the world I want with no player interaction, thread or time taken. Then I'll rush through this dungeon as quickly as humanly possible without saying a word to anyone else in the party because that's how fucking mindless and boring each dungeon is.Once I am instantly teleported out of my instanced dungeon, I'll go back AFK in the town since there's nothing to do until the next expansion because player driven content is just too difficult to design! And how else will Activision keep children playing unless they're constantly being handed new gear on a silver platter with a shiny new "ilv" slapped on it.
>Fucking legit autism.

I hope you don't play XIV, because if you do, the irony would be fatal.

THIS. BDO is the best MMO, play BDO weebs

>Overwatch, wow and battlegrounds are fucking massive compared to ffxiv, they don't break the rules and SPAM.

That's why they can't help but enter every other thread on the board to bemoan that people are doing something other than playing their precious games, right?

They should just delete dungeons and make them three boss gauntlets without trash mobs and harder boss encounters.

Forced communication is never the answer. You can get more out of modern MMOs if you take the incentive to communicate and cooperate.

Someone tell me what class to play now that I literally can't play DRK since the server moved. I never wanted to play anything else and now I have to.

Grinding for Ironworks caster gear in preparation for RDM.

I've got the tomestone and tokens for the weapon, the chest, the pants, the boots, the belt, and the earrings. I've got to get the gloves augmented next.

>can't play DRK because of server move
wtf are you smoking? I had 200+ ping before and played DRK fine.

Play a different game.

But thats bullshit and you know it. Nothing in XIV or WoW requires coordination or cooperation outside of savage/mythic raiding. At best you'll have someone bitch at you for messing up a mechanic because they assumed everyone knew it. MMOs SHOULD force cooperation and communication. You should have to make your own groups for most content. Content should be difficult enough and contain mechanics even in normal dungeons to force you to plan out a strategy. All dungeon bosses from level 15 in WoW and XIV should at LEAST be as complex as the final boss in Gubal Library. Why are people afraid of being challenged as a group? Why are people who manually making groups not being rewarded more? Why can't there be actual incentives to leveling in the open world and in groups such as way stronger enemies that force cooperation to level?

you can stick to crafting

Nothing wrong with being a Blizzard drone. People stick with what they're comfortable with to the end. That's the whole point of playing games. Nobody wants to ditch their nostalgia & effort in their favorite games.

>grinding for gear
>when the optimal way to level is through palace of the dead

I prefer this version of wow to yours

>A game with nothing but MMO mechanics and nothing but Boss encounters
>Basically Monster Hunter but with MMO hotbar mechanics and combat

I'd play it. Sounds fucking fun. Just cut out all the fat of red grinds, leveling, etc.

I just unsubbed from ffxiv and downloaded this from steam.

You have to explain why you prefer it

Kinda like how XIV-fags come into every WoW thread?

Oh no it's another one of these people who think that removing teleports, forcing transportation to take real time, and removing quick party organizations will help people become social butterflies in video games.

its fun

I'm not saying that guy is good but I am saying that you probably weren't.

DRK needs a pretty good ping to really play well.

>yfw it has gear given to you the same way you get gear from the starting AST/DRK/MCH quests now

Kind of like how XIV fags come into every fucking mmo thread and shit it up.

Does anyone wanna do dungeons or something together?



I'd rather sodomize myself at Yoshi's Castle than run another dungeon in this game

This isn't the late 90s/early 2000s anymore.
Most of the people who play MMOs now aren't teenagers with nothing better to do with their time.

Almost everyone I've ever talked to about oldschool MMOs, be it UO, Anarchy Online, Everquest, Old WoW, Final Fantasy 11 etc were almost all either teenagers in highschool without jobs or young adults in college/uni or just had introverted tendencies. The reason these games could manage to hold such dedicated communities of people who were willing to spend the time to learn deeper mechanics and participate in sophisticated team based gameplay was simply because they had the time to kill. Modern games are not designed to be huge timesinks because that's not where the money is, even in MMOs. These people were always a minority to begin with, and now many of them have grown up, moved on with their lives. Modern games in general, including new MMOs are all designed with the lowest common denominator in mind, a platform for subscription and cash shop revenue because that's what is successful in the modern market. Among average players, most don't give a shit about being social or having to coordinate, they want their content on demand (dungeon finders) and they want to be able to clear it easily in a way that makes them feel that they're doing it effectively. The higher you go in difficulty, the fewer players are going to try or even bother with the content.

Sure, you gonna make a PF? What kind of stuff do you wanna do?

I played DRK at 100ms ping. It was fine.

Pre-echo 480+ All Star

Can I join too?

I didn't really have anything in particular in mind, I just kind of hit the point where I don't really have much else to do other than all the EX Primals and Savage stuff I'm behind on, but no one wants to do learning parties for those now.


And yet I managed just fine, the only thing I couldn't do was double weave, which I can now. The game runs fine at 200 ping, the devs have said so as well that it's designed to function effectively at that level.


Don't bother trying to explain reality to self-absorbed faggots.

Make a party in the PF with a password then I guess.

it's harder to clear dun scaith now then it was during the release week, what the fuck is going?

Of course user, is there anything in particular you want to do?
I still don't know what to do though!