Is he right, Sup Forums?
Is he right, Sup Forums?
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glitches are all about ingenuity and creativity. breaking a game is a great thing, not a bad thing.
Why would I collect stars when I don't have to?
>people will think this article is at all serious
>playing videogames
You know what takes more ingenuity? Beating the developers at their own game without cheating.
No, and doubly no given cheat engines exist and glitches are definitely different from those. Take your (you)
This is the worst part.
>Clongus Blugo
If people take this seriously they should be shot.
The first part is right at least for the majority of millennials anyway
>By clongus bulgo
Following the set path and rules laid out is the exact opposite of ingenuity, user.
>Sup Forums in charge of recognizing parody
that just shows how bad gaming jornalism is today
just because his name is silly doesn't make him a joke
that guy fucking sucks, that whole sphere of twitter has gone to complete shit over the years
>Clongus Bulgo
maga chud xDDDD
>Decent joke
>Sup Forums is too fucking retarded to recognize it as a joke.
All of you have autism. The real kind. Not the Sup Forums buzzword kind.
You know, you could have just pretended not to be a triggered Sup Forumstard. I would still have known, but it would have been better trolling.
>it's not nintendo's fault for refusing to do bug testing on this game to ensure that the bugs can't exist, especially ones as huge as these
>no, it's obviously the customer
Should have included that some are too lazy to press the A button and only press it halfway
>Yfw "Millenials" is anyone born between 1982-2002
Why would anyone get mad that i didnt beat the game 'your way'
I would be perfectly fine if someone had the choice to beat the game with no stars.
If thats the experience they want out of their game i have no right to tell them not to
the key to this kind of humor is the exclusively about getting it so that you can signal to others that you get it and feel superior to an imagined mass of people who don't
not a coincidence this stuff mostly comes from a sphere of twitter posters who used to frequent something awful, where not just fitting in but broadcasting that you fit in was essential so that your account would survive
explain to me whats funny about the joke other than the fact that other people might take it seriously?
>le funny SA goons who used to say "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER" in 2010 and now tweet about how communism is great and break character to get mad at Republicans
>you are ACTUALLY braindead
>It's the journalists' fault!!!
if you can't understand how someone could not be a Sup Forumstard and not find this shit funny then that explains a lot
That's the spirit
>explain to me what's funny about the joke other than the fact that other people might take it seriously
>Tell me what to laugh at because this joke is too complicated
You can't be for real, dude. Describe the events leading to your head injury, because no one could be this stupid with a fully intact brain.
What cares? What does it mean? They beat the game with 12 stars, good for them.
Yes it is cheating. The developers never meant glitches to happen. They never meant for players to be able to backwards jump the infinite stair case with only 16 stars.
You can do all the mental gymnastics you want, you know i am correct.
>Beating someone's own rules by using them against them isn't ingenuity.
Such a simple mind
>no insight as to why the post is humorous
hmm, i wonder why that could be
maybe if you lay off the soy your brain might be able to string a proper response together, until then fuck off
>mfw people born in 1985 complain about millennials because they think it means people born after 2000
>You can do all the mental gymnastics you want
Oh we're bringing up fuckery now are we?
Alright then mate
>The developers never meant glitches to happen
Glitches are by definition unintentional, this sentence says fucking nothing of use. You might as well have said 1=1 for all the use this sentence has.
The following sentence is the exact same except with a specific example.
I'm not wasting my time giving the time of day to people who spend two sentences saying nothing and try to pass it off as an argument
Oh ok, then by your logic, I should be able to win a monopoly game by stealing the left over money every once in a while, while no one is looking and call it a glitch. Hey, the makers of monopoly did not intend me to play like that but hey, It's a glitch!
>I'm not wasting my time giving the time of day to people who spend two sentences saying nothing and try to pass it off as an argument
Yet you're here, replying to me.
You are not a smart man, user. Stop it. You're only making it worse.
False equivilancy faggot
I can't believe I have to share this board with you. How do you guys remember to start breathing every morning?
Don't breed, there's no room on earth for homunculi like you.
How many folds does your katana have right now
No actually I just updated it it's now from ~1936 to last week.
If you don't identify with meme kids on twitter you're a shameful weirdo.
>Some are going even further, completing the game without pressing the A button.
Come the fuck on.
There's nothing wrong if you get away with it faggot
Go beat sm64 with no glitches, I'll clap for you user
>Clongus Bulgo
I fucking lost it
Just wanna confirm with you guys, this is real, right? Don't these people know that you can't speedrun real life? God, this is so stupid.
Have you ever realized that modern videogame journalism is like Sup Forums ?
Whoever uses the most buzz words and shits on the most people gets the most attention
Really makes you want to kys
Stop consuming buzz-media.
Limit your singularity exposure.
>shitposting and bait gets the most (You)s
It's a rule of life, not just 4chin.
Im trying man, but I still encounter enough to make me bitter
Journalism is a joke.
America is a joke.
His journalism is so fucked, fuck sjws and liberals and niggers.
I'm glad I voted for daddy trump
>Too dumb to even recognize why you're being called dumb
fuck, dude.
That's not true at all. Some of the shit people have done with glitches is a lot more creative than just beating a game normally.
True and fucked up at the same time
Get with the times Grandpa, kids these days are Hyper Speed Wall Kicking to beat the game with 1 star.
>Millenials are entitled and shit cause they exploit glitches in a single player game
great news you got there smeghead
Work smarter, not harder
You can't tell us to find ways to succeed in a competitive world and tell us we can't game the game. Hate all this millenial criticism shit.
Metroid Zero mission has developer intended shortcuts
Get fucked
>look guys I beat the game in like 3m because I walked backwards for 10 seconds, ate a fruit loop and pushed a pie against the wall
>seriously I beat it legit
Stick to your shortcuts, they're probably the only reason you've finished anything.
In how many A-presses do millennials finish SM64 though?
Are millennials the new boomers?
it's the boomers' fault for destroying the a press market
>current year
>not being 64 with 0 stars and 0 A presses
Jesus xbronies and millenials get with the times
It's 2017 for shit sakes
I've never even beaten the game with all 120 stars.
Hell, I didn't even know about the 100 coin stars until a few years ago.
that said all the saves on my cart have 120 stars, the game crashed and when I hit the reset button, all 4 saves were maxed out.
>Got all 120 stars when I was 10 years old and very bored
You should've been there.
Nothing felt better than getting the last one.
Yes actually.
I've been unironically calling them NuBoomers for like the last 5 years. It pisses them off.