Will the villain be better than Pagan Min and Vaas?

Will the villain be better than Pagan Min and Vaas?

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I prefered Vaas to Pagan, to me Pagan was too nice as a villain.

Doesn't matter, he won't be as good as The Jackal.

How would you make them a threat? Are they armed?

Hopefully it will have a secret good ending like Farcry 4.

Because liberals are useless and don't do anything. Meanwhile, christians always have the opportunity to go back and act like third world religious nuts who kill you just because they heard you might have insulted their skygod.

>christian republicans
>when those guys are clearly Waco level loonies

Am I the only one getting a Justified feeling to this premise? I mean it's the wrong state but it still feels a lot like Justified.

Maybe we'll get to play as a Deputy Marshall instead of someone who lands there by accident.

Make it set in Detroit.

Apparently you play as a local sheriff, you can customise the character too.

Christians won't decapitate your children if you shit on them

Love these ubishit shilling threads
Your game is going to be garbage, exactly like every other one you make

>Evil militia group

By the end it better be revealed to be 60% FBI 5% DEA 10% Sheriff's deputies and 25% ATF like literally every militia group is

I'm okay with this. This makes me excited about the game now.

The protagonist was so pointless in 3 and 4 that I never saw the reason to not be able to customize him.


They just stone them or burn them.

and 100% Jews



>a game about surviving from a cult
Why the hell it's so rare

I know you're baiting

This. Always pirate Ubisoft

And Christianity

Read the Bible at some point.

If the shoe fits user...

The bible is a book of peace

Except the parts where it tells you all the things to kill people for.

>secret ending is to just sit in a meeting until suddenly Alphabet soup agency agents start pouring in from every available entrance while everyone in attendance jumps up, pulls out a badge, and yells FREEZE YOU'RE UNDER ARREST

>posting the edit

just like islam really makes me think


I'd love a horror game playing as a dude on a situation like the movie Red State.
It will be different. Pagan Min and Vaas were the vilkian you love. While from the trailer this guy looks more like the villian you love to hate. Which perhaps is a needed change of pace they can't just keep trying to have Vaas happen again.

>not asking if he will be better than superior vilain Ike sloan

You had one job.

Tough to say. Vaas was honestly the best thing about Far Cry 3 and after he died I literally lost all motivation to play that game.

The "kill nonbelievers and rape their daughters" stuff is mostly Old Testament which Christians are fairly divided over being The Law.

The Old Testament mainly applies to the Jews, who don't believe Christ's death fulfilled that covenant and released us from those laws.

I've noticed that christfags justify all their terrible shit with "Muslims do bad things to!" and then muslims justify everything with "christfags do bad things to!" I'll acknowledge the Q'uran is worse but it's really quite pathetic the fallacious logic.

If domestic terrorists and crazy cults are what you view as good Christian conservatives, that one's on you my friend. I don't think there will ever be a time when domestic terrorism is looked upon favorably by the general public.

>christian republicans always the bad guys

They're fucking called Eden's Gate. It's like Heaven's Gate and Waco had sex. How /vpol/ identifies with that I have no idea..

> game lets you genocide rednecks
can't fucking wait

It's the same WHATABOUT shit that liberals do when they're argued into a corner.

>Another muslim terrorist attack
Every time.

>kill the main bad guy
>FBI badge falls out of his pocket
>the whole thing was an FBI honeypot and you 90% of the people you killed were undercover feds

>mfw I deface the bible to conceal guns for killing whitey

Never change Sup Forums

Unfortunately people from all across the spectrum do it. Trump defenders just attack Obama to defend their guy.

Also I'm not sure you understand what literalism is.

Far Right 5 is looking pretty good.




nobody knows why

He kinda looks liek CM Punk. Oh man, I wish he was acted by CM Punk

>Because liberals are useless and don't do anything
while they ruled usa for years and still do (trump is jewish puppet so you will see him became liberal in few years)

Should have been the character you play as
Dude is badass

>christian republicans always the bad guys

Name some games.



this game will probably be their most successful game. Everyone wants to play a game killing rural Rednecks and American white trash, everyone in the world will pay for this just to kill Americans including most of America

he probably has to hide his guns or something because the cult would kill him

why you gotta make everything about race anyway man, dude seems cool

>listening to giant bomb podcast at work
>"yeah this trailer made me really interested, it was a change the series needed"
Fucking how? It's just gonna play as the same run around and blow up outposts as all the other far cry games. What proof do we have it'll be any different besides the setting?

MFW just watched into the badlands
MFW the main charachters look the same

whats going on

so who is the player character in this anyway? the black preacher?

I hope he yells out all kinds of Old Testament ownage while blowing people apart for the misssions where you inevitably team up with him

>dude is badass
>dude seems cool

hi ubisoft opinion influencers

wait the fuck are the people complaining about this game exactly? I doubt anyone outside of America gives two shits about this.

There's an awful lot of shills trying to stir up a controversy.

Religous fanatic (leaders) aren't compelling villains imo.

user come on now, I'm not some fucking shill I'm being serious

>Woe to the man who leads my flock astray
>And if I'm not their shepherd, then I must be the wolf


if the villian spends the whole game dropping red pills about Seth Rich, Wikileaks, rape statistics in Germany, and anti-SJW rhetoric like how "bash the fasc" is just an excuse to promote violence against Republicans and increase censorship, I don't see how he could be bad.


>noah cuckwell gervais fan/shill

kill yourself

>this game must pander to my political beliefs to be good

t. totally not the same as a leftist cuck


Don't breath for 10 minutes.

>implying the people at Waco were the bad guys

Unless I'm mistaken, Pagan Min and Vaas were intelligent and eloquent villians.

So it would be a... far cry... if they suddenly did a 180 and made the villian a stupid redneck who just talks about monster trucks and guns.

>DUDE both sides are the same LMAO

I think it is time to take your meds, user.

Are you stupid? Did you even watch the trailer? He is a cult leader. Probably smart. But not really political. Unless your politics is everyone should live on this reserve waiting for god while i fuck their wives and we all have inbred children.


My thread was doomed from the start, right?

There are two sides.
Those who get upset over literally nothing and throwshitfits
And those who don't.


I want to know how big the map is.

I'm going to be disappointed if it's fucking tiny.

Every thread is doomed from the start. but look at it this way, the Sup Forums butthurt will serve as a better marketing tool than shilling ever would.

You tried user. I don't know what to do at this point.
maybe a far cry general if we have to?

> muh hierarchies
do everyone a favour and gas yourself you fucking pleb

Dunno. When someone posts a link to some posts using the same reaction pic for some reason, I tend to believe that it is an autist who is off its meds.
Are you off your meds, user, or do you have an actual point to make by posting that link ?

looks like you dont understand how this works

back to tumblr shillcunt and take your left wing garbage opinions with you


black people don't live in montana

You mean that you seriously believe that those are all MY posts ? Omg. Dude. DUDE.


just from the way you're handling getting caught out tells me you need to return to reddit

Why is it that FBI and DEAs just "get into it" when in incognito? Makes you think dont it?

It's always good to kill americans in video games

>white people only do bad things because of the gubment

When has a religious cult leader not been a great villain? A charismatic southerner just makes it even better

>hating on the best character revealed so far
>hating on a friendly character finally going DEUS VULT in western vidya


Where's Alex Jones ?

>loving a nigger

2017 already had the perfect Southern villain, this will be a step down.

>"Deus Vult" is defacing the bible to conceal weaponry

fuck off ubisoft marketer faggot, nobody likes your nigger character

at least he's white

>hating a patriotic veteran man of the cloth


Trust me I'm really, really a good villian, magnificent