>PCfags will defend this
PCfags will defend this
Other urls found in this thread:
>Implying I will ever leave my lane for anything
fuck you m8
>not dotards
You had one job faggot
What are good tips for beginners? Should I play league of legends first?
LOL will teach you a lot of bad habits.
Be patient, try bots first, accept shit is clunky, use a hero with a stun at first, personally I would play a mage or someone like windrunner first because some strength hero is very boring if you try it out at first
Noobs have trouble last hitting with winderunner though
Pick Pudge as it will teach you about positioning, ward spots, and how to land skillshots.
Pudge is also the funnest hero.
You don't need to since both game will teach the basics. However, Dota2's tutorial is much better, but longer than LOL's. You can just poke your head into the tutorial until your feel comfortable, then practice up on bots before the real deal.
I found windrunner to have a pretty reasonable attack animation, its decent range and the projectile flies at a good speed. Sure vengeful spirit has as snappier attack, but many more ranged heroes have worse missile attacks. On top of that learning the timing on your attack is easier to train on bots than reading the map and knowing when to fall back. WR her super speed, standard items and stun all mitigate dying to being stupid
play a lot of bot games with easy heroes to learn skills, items etc. use the in-game guides for skill/item builds.
and remember: don't give up!
That's a cute character. I'm going to save it.
To the death
no problem! make sure to save the original filename to spread the happiness, though!
Play Heroes of the Storm
It's the least Reddit MOBA
There are in-game player guides you can use to show you what items to build and when and where to place your skill points, access them from a book icon on the top left.
>least reddit moba is the one that is intentionally made to try and be as much of a safespace as possible
play against bots until you learn things like what items are and what a bunch of heroes do. As soon as you grasp the difference between supports/carry/mid/offlaners, and know the GENERAL idea of what items to buy for each, you're good to go into matchmaking. follow torte's item guides if you need to, or google "Welcome to dota, you suck"
the new compendium is so insulting jewish that I would consider the act of buying the level one version genuine insanity.
Dotards are fucking cancer. They spout Twitch and Reddit memes in real life,
Fucking autismos. They're constantly talking about E-sports, the compendiums and tournaments, streamers, twitch memes, Reddit
It's disgusting. Lost a friend to this shit. I couldn't even get him to play other games like he used to. He only plays DotA.
But user, don't you want to unlock stuff in Overwatch? :^)
Why do you say that? What's bad about it?
>you will never play as banana venomancer again
Explain what this is.
Its a bit late into the night to tell you about these memories now
Why does every nyx build dagon? I understand it's a good for anyone who roams or ganks, but why is it THE ITEM to get on Nyx?
it's not THE item tho. it's shit
So why does everyone build it?
Because it does enough damage to finish people off with his combo solo.
all out of 2x
because they're 1k shitters
that's it, time for lunch, bye folks
You just explained why. He's built to nuke mages faster than any other hero dragon is the best item to fit his set of skills. He is as his name implies, an assassin. Useful for making a fight 4 vs 4.5. Amd I say 4.5 because as after he nukes that's pretty much his usefulness to the team fight done.
dude... lets defend the ancients man...
>like to play jakiro but shit at game
>try to ward
>riki is always there to shag me
> lunch
It's not lunch time in any timezone you degenerate faggot.
DOTA was casual shit to begin with.
League is better
>mfw someone is posting my meme
fuck off
at being worse ha got him
I watched a video of one of these games. It seemed like a clusterfuck of slow moving units jogging back and forth while tons of particle effects sprinkled the screen. What's the appeal of this genre? Is it strategy? It can't be the combat because it looks just like controlling a single soldier of an rts, slapping each other over and over. Why are they so popular?
i hit my head on a rock and now i enjoy mobas and giving money to girls on twitch who play mobas
I've been free for 6 months.
Should I come back?
>watched a video
did you watch a video of pacman and tetris when they came out?
Maybe you should try it Mr Green Eggs and Ham
I washed a video of street fighter and it looked like they were just mashing their controllers while wobbling their sticks randomly
>tfw you will never blink+ult for $6 million dollars USD
Shame that allies generally are bitches who can't combo or teamfight for shit.
So you rarely get to just burn Fire Spirits + Deathbeam combined with a stun combo, dealing all their HP in damage and getting a ultrakill.
Good thing I'm not a PCfag, but a PC user then.
As you said, only fags play MOBA games.
You can't crit on Windwalk, so you can't get Crystalis for epic crits off Vendetta.
Veil is honestly better, but its nice because it makes you stay relevant far longer.
I have like 1000 hrs and i still cant last hit with drow before level 6. I do mostly play support though
all pc users inherently play mobas therefore they are inherently fags, nice try gayboy
Being playing "vydia" on PC for 30 years and I have no idea what the fuck that is.
Kotl is boring as fuck though. You have to be a senile old man irl to get any enjoyment out of him.
Oh hey guys, just mining the bottom lane while my mines stop your push of top and mid, is that cool?
Oh, and have 6 sec silence plust 700 damage.
methinks you wanted that
>has 6 slots in 25 minutes
But user, every single ASSFAGGOTS player does that. Even HotSfags, SPECIALLY hotfags.
Situationally it's great.
Nyx has
*durability is tied to uptime of Spike Carapace and whether or not enemies have spell immunity
Nyx needs
After you solve those two issues there's very little to itemize around. Building damage on a core is a pretty natural turn of events. If a Nyx needs extra survivability they'll get a Linkens or Lotus. Ghost Scepter as well, but that's for the added benefit of turning into an Eblade later for more magic damage.
Nyx has generally poor stats and isn't particularly good at sticking on someone, so building him to right click is dumb.
>but I mean the people rushing dagon brown boots
Oh those guys are just bad.
>Implying I was born when that garbage came out
I have no interest in trying it, I just wanted to hear why other people liked it.
I miss the old UI
Is that "has pwned XXXs head" still in the game?
>he doesn't know about the 3rd ancient
I dont, it was atrocious compared to the new one
Go away slacks.
Of course
The new one was aids.
The revised new one is functional but boring as fuck to look at.
To be fair some of the shit he says does make some sense.
Most of it is complete bullshit and stretching facts, but some is nice.
I disagree, the one we have no is far better to look at than the old one, even the HUDS on the new UI look better
>why is a casual game with skinner box elements popular
gee it's the world's greatest mystery we will never know
i wish i was better at meepo desu
The enjoyment from kotl is the lament of your foes as you ravage their mana pools forcing them buy magnos and claritys or waste shrine especially when poking the shit outta them for freeeeeeeeeee with your Q. Even if you dont hit them with q they are so busy dodging shit tit fucks up last hitting.
Just learn how to press tab+w repeteatedly, when to initiate, when to gank at early levels, how to play as a jungler or solo hard, when to split farm, how to blink poof, how to keep everyone in the net and cry about net being nerfed to shit against channeling spells
>not destroying lanes with your Q, getting shadowblade, dagon and aghs then blaming your carries when you lose
learn to play kotl dude
I have not reached that level of degeneracy yet
please tech me senpai
I can do the poofs, I can blink poof, and I can keep people in nets. Its the tactics like ganking and farming and stuff that I'm kinda lazy to learn as Meepo.
>Skins doesn't change clock anymore
>not playing full int shazzle my dazzle
>Just mining my own business
I hate techies.
DOTA and LoL are only similar at a very basic level. Same idea(s), different execution.
Ultimately LoL feels a lot faster paced for a multitude of reasons, but DOTA has stronger macro play.