He fell for the vr meme

>he fell for the vr meme

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The porn was worth it baka desu senpai

>600 bucks to tape 2 low-res screens to your face

>sour grapes

>buying a half-assed glorified monitor

No shit it's a meme. Bought a Vive 3 months ago and still enjoying it

Jokes on you, VR is actually fun.

>he will never plays cool games like robo recall, the unspoken, dead and buried, onward, etc

Damn it sucks to be a poorfag

>He gets motion sick
Another 5 years and you can sit in the front seat without a barf bag like a big boy.


I think VR is here to stay. It's taking its time to get into the market but progress is being made.


Press to teleport to desired stationary shooting location.

>he gets sick with VR
Do you blame others for your homosexuality as well?

I just want this for the space sims.

Give me VR Elite Dangerous and EVE Valkyrie so i can live out my space trucker fantasies and I'm content.

$399 for a room scale capable headset is gonna be the sweet spot for me.

Have you tried putting a fan in front of you while you playing video games?
If that doesn't work, maybe run on a treadmill while playing.

Time Crisis and The house of the Dead on VR when?

It was made for this shit, and yet they make these horrible games

>Just wants it for space games
>demands roomscale tracking


I just want a VR for custom maido but they are expensive as shit

Overkill VR is the closest thing there is, too bad without the cheesy story and actual effort, it's just shit

Trinus VR lets you use phones and PSVR. Move controllers aren't ready yet though.


senpaitachi ....

senpai this is lit


I think enhanced reality games have more potential if done right. People went batshit about pokemon go and that was hardly a game.

>he's still mad mom and dad can't buy it for him

When will this shit only cost 150 bux and need just a 200 bux gpu to power it?



>when will this shit 150 bucks
Probably never
>And need a 200 bux gpu
You can run it with a overclocked 970 - just will fuck you when it runs out of vram.

>person doesn't like a thing
>"huuuuh SOUR GRAPES haha i win"

Not an argument. You might as well just say "I disagree".

Reminder that VR cannot fail. It can only be failed.

Now all it needs is some games.

ughhhh hate people like this vr is a fuxxing meme its not going too get better littrally just a cash grab

By the hardware manufacturers and devs in particular.

Are there any """""VR""""" """"""""""""games"""""""""""" that aren't physics toys and shooting galleries?

Can you play normal games with it? Or does it suck for that?

Driving and flight sims are great with it.

Umihara Kawase VR is pretty bitching, it's like playing with figurines in a little diorama world.

SuperHot VR is also awesome, probably the best VR game out there. I haven't tried the EVE game though but that one also looks pretty good.

I keep forgetting VR is a thing. Thanks for reminding me, op.

Fallout 4, resident evil

There are lots of non shooting gallery games out too that are priced less than full price

no WRONG you dumb cucks fucking nothing is good with this retarded cash grab meme

Fell for the meme, don't regret but no gaems.

You can already run it with a $200 GPU
The headset itself though...

Check out Cosmic Trip. It's a VR only RTS

Only oculus oriented games are like that m8


Should I get the Vive or wait for second gen hardware?
It's burning a hole in my pocket

Get Cosmic Trip reeeeeeeee

I fell for the VR meme and I love it. 170+ hours on Onward and about to hit 50 on Pavlov. I pretty much have endless hours on Vivecraft. Can't wait for Fallout 4 and Payday 2 VR to end my social life.

I would definitely say I got my money's worth but I already had a VR ready rig to begin with.

I don't think custom maid supports it though

Wait for at least 5 games you really want to play.

Doesn't really look like i would like it

Cosmic Trip
To The Top
IronWolf VR

to start. I'm just reading off my library.

Delete this, you aren't supposed to be enjoying VR.

Get a vive. They've apparently been making slight adjustments to the hardware like making it lighter and better straps.

It looks pretty hard core, and can be, but it's pretty good for all audiences. It's pretty accessible but has a lot of depth.

There's already 5 games I want to play.
Already have the PC for it.
Already have the money.
It's just a matter of whether I should get the Vive or see if the second gen is better.
I might just say fuck it and buy Vive, sell it off to whatever fag was too poor to get it retail then buy a second gen HMD

Vive owner here, definitely wait for eye tracking and wireless adapters to be a thing. If you really don't give a fuck about money LG is coming out with a higher end version of the Vive soon.

VR is suffering


This garbage is considered good?

1:1 tracking and Illusion VR games would provide endless amounts of hilarious OC if everyone had a headset.

Everyone who actually tried it enjoys it, user

Well i waited for a deal for my Vive and got it for 700 eurobucks (down from 900, hardware prices suck here)
In the end the only thing that is regulary criticised I can 100% confirm is no gaems, or at least just a few worthwhile atm.
Maybe you should wait for new hardware/ price drop.

Onward and a lot of the other shooters currently on vive are just one man indie trash games. You should look at the higher quality shit like Cosmic trip


It's nice to see what a real team can do when they set out to make a solid VR game instead of a shitty shooter shoved into VR like a gimmick

Honestly, nothing even comes close to VR shooters. Ducking and dodging out of cover is a workout and feels like airsoft at times. Games are fucking tense. Hiding from a hail of gunfire actually feels like you're doing so.


This poster actually thought this video depicted an enticing experience.

>every 5 years or so some company gets people hyp
>it's always got the same issues it's had for decades
>flops every time

I remember when people got excited for the VR headset for the Geforce 2, compatible with Directx 3. The same retards fall for it every time, it's hilarious.

>Has so many awards the steam page has a read more button
>Shitposting whines about vr like sour grapes

I'm going to get a PSVR when it's cheap, I'll wait as long as it takes, but I'm going to goddamn play Rez in VR.

>he thinks you need to buy a dedicated VR setup for porn

the feature is included in my phone

They're like cultists. They even popup and argue with people over their own experiences playing.

Its never had the momentum its had, but we are still a bit away.

Honestly I don't know about that, VR can be immersive but it's nothing amazing unless you are easily impressionable, on the other hand kb + mouse is still the superior controller while VR works great in space games where you use the flight joystick but outside that VR itself doesn't offer any new form of controlling your character within the game nor anything new or innovative worth the hassle over "standard" controls.

The only thing that's a bit away is for the dev cycle of AA+ VR games to end.
They rushed the hardware to the market before devs had chance to code.
And of course it still isn't for the mass market because the hardware itself and what is needed to run it still isn't widespread.
But from what the things can do, at the moment, we are already there.
As long as you aren't a SOA fanboy...

How well does riftcat + Gear VR work?

You should talk about its Metacritic score too. Oops. :^)

Well have you tried vr?

Not shitty gear vr

>Judging a game based solely on owner count
Steam rating is 90% :^)

>Playing serious sam VR.
>Running/strafing like in the original game
>Being able to aim and shoot at two targets at the same time

I used my android phone, opened a VR app and held the phone in front of my face with my hands to try and simulate a VR headset, so far I can say that VR is a shit meme and isn't worth the money.

>Single player game
>Indie studio
>user posts owner count with a le meme face
Really fires the nearons :^)

What did he mean by this?

You're losing me, my man
What is your point?

There are video games and people buy them on Steam

I'm joggin' your noggin'.

>implying video games exist

>Everyone who actually tried it enjoys it, user
I bought an hour on one at a local VR arcade and I've been thinking about it since. I intended to just shell out a few bucks to try it and get the experience out of the way, but I'm probably going to end up shelling out and buying one anyway. It's a long way off from being a replacement to video games and all the issues I thought I'd have with it are there (the controls being untenable for proper games for one), but it's a fucking amazing little thing in its own right. It'd be worth it for the HS porn alone.

So you are telling us that a indie game that runs on a toaster sells better than an indiegame that needs hardware for 2000 bucks to run.
Who would have thought.

And so you buy your games based 100% on what other people are buying? I don't understand. Are you 7?

Are you saying that people don't buy video games and that no video game has ever been sold before? Your argument is getting a little shaky.

And store experiences usually run at default setting which are usually shit.

>600 dollars to go blind

i can stare at the sun for free

Nigger what

own a psvr and love it. it's incredible. Still really want to try a vive/occulus and the touch controllers though. It's so fucking good as it, the idea of playing on a superior version really tickles my pickle.

VR is amazing

That's what I thought, your cultural Marxism doesn't hold up when I put it under scrutiny, you thought quoting Sun Tzu would help you but it appears that I am the real one who has mastered the art of war.

I've done everything I could to get sick with VR and nothing's worked. Guess it sucks for the inner earlets who throw up from being shown pictures but it works fine for me.

I don't think it's a meme. What is a meme are the controllers that come with the system and the assload of tech demos. The best VR game currently are racing games that just werked with it. Why? It has the controller to go with it. Problem the god damn resolution of the screens which is the only reason why I haven't bought one.

>looking at next turn
>it's a blob of pixels flickering into appearance

Motion sickness is for babbies and clickbait articles.
Even people who get it come over it after an hour.

Have you tried to set the pixel density setting higher?

VR still has a long way to go, companies have done nothing to help people with complete blindness overcome the issues they are having when trying to see the tiny little screens in those headsets.

Fucking VR meme.