What are the best games based on anime?
What are the best games based on anime?
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If it's not on Derpi he won't respond.
That isn't no fucking Moka. Or Lala. Or whatever pink haired waifu.
You know who the fuck that is.
Anime games are usually bad
he uses everything that has pony art. How else would he find those crop loli pic that aren't on derpi.
It's just a cartoon, user. I don't see what the problem is.
does Super Robot Wars count?
kys furfag
Which cartoon
The problem isn't the art itself, it's who it attracts.
I hate barneyfag and everyone pretending to be him.
The one that's not allowed here for several very good reasons.
LBX, as far as I know it is a game based on an anime based on some toys(?).
The game is still very good tho.
Who's barneyfag? Not OP
Oh goodness no...
>Matching anything
The only chance of that happening is berserk Eva 1, and it still would get its shit pushed int
>angry small dick loser
Now that is small
Have a look at THIS
Don't fucking play dumb.
Nearly every time barneyfag posts this shit so he can sperg in the comments about ponies.
>The only chance of that happening is berserk Eva 1
look at the map. It's already berserk
And why the fuck not
Wut? What do ponies have to do with Barney?
Steven Universe
Fucking characters are ugly as FUCK
The AoT one seems okay even if I have no interests in the comic.
Fucking well said. The new character is a ripoff of Cirno, both personality and design wise.
When barneyfag does it he's always one of the first responders.
>mfw SU has a game yet all of their threads get deleted because they can't stop themselves from going offtopic
Gotta love the mods sometimes.
Dragon Ball
Eva units are literally invincible due to AT fields.
But, I thought you hated that show. Why do you watch it?
>SU gets deleted on Sup Forums
>SU gets deleted on Sup Forums
>being this new
Guess I messed up. He's probably not going to show at all now because as far as I know he finds these threads by some reverse image search bot and OP's pic isn't showing up anywhere.
If it wasn't for the fact that SW is a video game favoring the player. Eva would gets it ass beat hard by basically ever single mech in the game.
I guess they still got /trash/
Only gay men care about dick size.
This is so stupid, why the fuck not rolling.
>Eva units are literally invincible due to AT fields.
Wut. The AT field has been breached by.
>A giant knife
>Several bullets
>A huge 50 cal bullet
>Eva 1 bare hands
>And explosions
>Fake Spears of Longinus
Invincible my ass.
Of course a woman would say that
Because it's true?
Yea boi
Not sure it even is pony.
gameplay wise, EVAs are tanky but if something can pierce their AT field, they are fucked.
Not to mention you still need to keep them tethered to a battleship, which limits their movement unless you risk the battleship getting shot down
Post the Nick one
Has Sup Forums done any other character for this kind of chart?
i dont wanna lewd her tho shes too adorable
Does Barneyfag just not bother responding to these posts when its obvious the picture is of a pony
Roll me up
All Eva units and Angels that neutralize AT fields with their own AT fields.
He only responds to the threads he makes.
Sauce on the image dammit
Christ. The AT fields aren't being breached you mongoloid, they're being nullified by another AT field.
IS it Fluttershy?
She's a bad pony.
Pinkie and Maud are best
This man knows his shit.
get that 9
The N2 bomb breached the 1st angle's AT field, the sniper shot happened from miles away from even the closest Eva, the mass produced Evas aren't even real Evas, so they can't produce an AT field.
Where's /ourguy/ at
Not all.
She's pretty much an entry level waifu.
why not
Also checked.
>not praising the sun and moon
Well, if Barneyfag won't respond it must not be Fluttershy. After all, he's the one who would know best.
This map was annoying because I couldn't see the red move markers under the green terrain.
Where the fuck are the mods?
>all these people looking forward to one user poster
It's kinda nice. We should get a bat signal for him.
Why do you care so much?
Barneybro I want to talk to you
>Steven Universe
why is modern cartoon network so trash
bullets never do anything. wtf.
and by giant bullet i think you mean the entireity of japans energy focused into one giant rifle.
only other thing to breachs AT fields beside that one energy beam is other AT fields and future science nuclear bombs (that barely do anything)
I honestly wouldn't mind talking more about SW. Always been a thing I've been into, but since Japan hates the world, the only bone I got was the gba one.
>butterfly pendent
>pink hair
>green eyes
Who designs fan art if it's going to be detached from the character that inspired it? If no one said anything I wouldn't have ever known
This looks like the background of Destiny Child
How's that game doing OP
N2 mine was ineffective. Eva unit weapons have AT field.
I don't even watch MLP and I can identify and name the main cast
in the games, AT fields are absurdly strong barriers that needs really powerful attacks to pierce. Use up like 5 EN when used but you need 110 will to use them
You'd feel right at home in /mlp/ then, nobody there watches MLP anymore either.
And the mass produced Evas, who aren't created from Adam or Eve.
It still broke the AT field, so it counts as a weapon that can breach it.
Guys, I'm scared. It's been over an hour and no sign of Barneyfag.
I fear the pastel horses finally caught up to him. R.I.Ponies.
That is no berserk eva, is awakened eva and shinji is in full control.
>ctrl + f
>astro boy omega factor
>no results
you guys are fucking bad at this
Quickly, who's the artist before this thread goes belly up!
You can't get dubs on Sup Forums m8
Hol up
All I ever wanted.