Other urls found in this thread:
>we're slapping DRM on not because we don't want pirates to get it, but to preserve the sight and sound of the game's experience.
Don't piss on my leg and call it rain, you stupid fucking fox.
They could just have written "We aren't stupid enough to pay for a useless DRM service"
He's lying needless to say, but using Denuvo is smart - quite simply people will buy the game out of frustration rather than waiting for the game to be cracked.
An amount of people will not buy the game for having Denuvo though. So I think even if you try and argue for some impatient contingent, there are no gains to be made with Denuvo.
What a faggot. He closed the thread after everyone started pointing out how stupid that statement was.
Makes sense. If i made a game and could afford Denuvo i would get it. Fuck commie pirates who want to steal from people.
literally fucking who
>there are no gains to be made with Denuvo.
Publishers wouldn't use it if there were "no gains" - they don't make decisions at random. If they've used Denuvo for successive gains it's because they have good reason to believe it's helping sales.
>no gains from Denuvo
I rather believe the companies that actually pay for it. If it didn't work they wouldnt be forking over cash to Denuvo. You think companies pay for third party DRM just for fun? The first weeks are the most important and that's what denuvo protects.
No. The big publishers use Denuvo because it hinders piracy, which is their goal. It clearly doesn't matter if a game sells worse on PC than the previous game, such as Deus Ex Mankind Divided.
The smaller publishers might choose to use it on account of the deals they are given, but regardless, this guy is talking out of his ass, so I dunno why you might trust him.
I will never underrated why people hate Denuvo, I mean it does nothing if you are a buyer, it only hurts pirates
I mean if you are a pirate who cares what you think, I mean why should devs care about people who don't buy their games.
What the fuck? No wonder all my pirated games have glitchy graphics and distorted sound. I should've just bought the game with Denuvo to protect the game's quality!
>our game is a personal experience
translation: beaten in less than 5 hours
>cracked games create issues with sight and sound
Since fucking when?
it kills any hope of mods because the nature of DRM requires an unmodified game. that said, the game modding scene seems kind of dead now, so that's not as big a negative as it was years ago.
Have you ever tried playing a game with a cracked screen?
And those cracked earphones are cutting into your ears, it's awful.
I thought is aid Denuvo Anti-Trumper.
The Internet has ruined me.
>No. The big publishers use Denuvo because it hinders piracy, which is their goal.
Yes their goal is to hinder increase sales. If they were losing sales they wouldn't use Denuvo. They want to make as much money as possible, not to spite pirates.
What's your source that Mankind Divided's sales were lowered by Denuvo, as opposed to other factors?
The only reason denuvo get's used is because of the investors. they don't understand shit but want protection.
If you tomorrow you made a supercar would your investor let you leave the car out before selling it without any protection? no
denuvo doesn't do jackshit. Also now you can get any denuvo game you want for 1-2$ dollar. legit game with a legit steam account for 1-2$.
Piracy will leave on. It'll always find a way
Direct comparisons are impossible because each game is different. You can't measure how a game sells with Denuvo and without Denuvo at the same time.
I'm not sure that's what you really mean, user.
Be more specific, denuvo shills will say it doesn't, but it prevents modifications to the .exe which are necessary for some games (bethesda ones come to mind)
I don't buy games with shitnuvo anyway.
Total War Hammer has mods
Even MGS V has mods
It literally fucking doesn't
I've been going out of my way to buy games that use Denuvo, to show companies that people pay for games and that the frustrated tears of pirates waiting for cracks are the sweetest.
Eat shit you poorfag underage piratefag scum.
Those don't count shill.
didn't those get cracked?
if so, they probably got through undetected the same way the crack did.
Blast you! Thwarted again!
Thx for paying for my entertainment cucklord :)
Let's be honest, you don't buy games at all, poorfag
You won't be able to play those games 15 years from now.
This is not just an issue with you, the buying consumer, but also with not being able to preserve the "history" of vidya.
Enjoy watching me play while you wait for a crack child. ;)
I hate Denuvo as much as anyone, but Denuvo only protects the core DRM. Mods don't trigger Denuvo protection, unless it patches any of the steamapi files or main executables.
>being this stupid
And no, Total War Warhammer didn't get cracked
Uh yeah that's why I said it, retard. Free entertainment.
But I play ohter games in that time. I have no time to watch you kiddo :)
>They want to make as much money as possible, not to spite pirates.
Spending on Denuvo is surely contrary then to that aim? They are wilfully giving money to someone else, to lower piracy rates during the first weeks of sale. There have been no demonstrable increases in sales so far, so they must gain some other benefit outside of sales. For example, perhaps by solving the piracy "issue", they need to spend less on new forms of DRM, which could offset the loss of sales.
>What's your source that Mankind Divided's sales were lowered by Denuvo, as opposed to other factors?
Sure, there could be other factors for MD, same with Tomb Raider. But there was a downward trend to both games, which are some of the only comparable examples we have right now. I guess the key would be to compare the console sales data, and see if there was a comparable drop off.
Not a direct source but I just get a feeling that the sales are lower.
Maybe you'll get a job someday kid
Enjoy your old games, poorfag kiddo.
oh really? didnt know that. still, as said, the main executible is necessary to mod some games, namely bethesda ones, which get most of the modding community.
Yeah, Prey got pretty old tbqh senpai
Isn't this the game where the developer literally cried because he couldn't handle the criticism?
>if RIME is cracked we will release a Denuvo free version of RIME
I have no interest in this game but this makes me mad, why should I have to wait to buy the game because of pirates?
Why are developers talking about this? Why even acknowledge you're using DRM unless it effectively introduces limits to the player experience (always online, limited activations like Tages and shit like that) which actually requires disclosure?
Ten years ago stuff like Securom, Safedisk and other CD based DRM was commonplace and literally nobody except pirates cared about it or even knew they were a thing.
>That said, the game modding scene seems kind of dead now
>Gaming is popular more than ever. More than we have ever fucking seen in our lifetime.
>Modding is dying and almost on a standstill.
The reason for this, just like making games modding is getting to a point where it's getting ridiculously fucking difficult, and there is an ever more demand for quality. You literally need to know advanced/college level 3D art, imagery, modeling and animation now, and with the increase of resolution you really have to put a lot of work on detailing and overall texturing even for some crappy clothes. Now imagine this on a huge mod. It's not like the old days where you're given some diarrhea pixel models and all you really have to do is mix-match and come out with some retarded looking monster, paste a color on it's entire body and call it a day like you can do with M&B and it's crappy overall visuals. These people are not going to pander to you anymore for free mods when it's getting this harder to make them.
Having some shitty retextures of some units isn't the same as a massive overhaul using the entire engine to make an entirely new game, like Medieval 2 Total War and with the LoTR mod. The days of those mods are over.
>pirates won't let me buy this game
this. what the hell? why would they even make up some bullshit like that? who says "I only buy car insurance so that it improves my car's performance on track day :)))))))"?
I think it's more that games and engines are becoming less and less mod friendly by design, and not just because DRM plays against it.
How many games in the past decade have been released with a mod toolset or framework?
There are times where you might need to modify the .exe that doesn't include cracks, few and far inbetween but can still be an issue. For example i'd probably be having major ass pain with Dead Space 2 for simply replacing the .exe with a 1.0 version, so as to avoid the dlc weapons in the game currently.
>wanting to kill your SSD
>posting the same old bait
Well, people who buy games fullprice have no problem changing SSD every month or so?
Denovu games dont have cracked updates as others games.
thats why Dishonored 2 didnt get pirated ever, the vanilla game its broken as fuck.
I won't let myself buy a Denuvo game and in this special case the success of pirates would allow me to buy the game. It's not that hard of a concept to grasp.
dude what
Do pirates have complete control over your wallet or something? Do they only let you buy something when they feel like allowing you to?
>literally nobody except pirates cared about it
What are you talking about? Plenty of people cared about it because they saw the problems that it was starting to hit the average consumer and convenience was at risk. There were always articles about the impact that those various DRM had on computer performance, as well as the fact that third parties were looking into hijacking those programs for malicious intent.
But why has the fight against Piracy exploded in recent years? Why is it a publicized effort? Because it is FAR easier and wider known these days for the average person and INVESTORS have come to realize this and have put a lot of money on new DRM measures. Devs pretty much don't care, but company investors go crazy at the idea that piracy is so easy. Combine that with the few devs that love to circle jerk themselves about whatever moral crusade they are on and suddenly adding a DRM is a statement, rather then actually trying to ensure sales.
I've known people that would literally spend hundreds of thousands of dollars because Pirates upset them and not just save that money and forgo DRM and still come out on top profit wise. Never underestimate the stupidity of someone on a moral crusade.
>Denuvo is not DRM, it is anti tamper software.
I bought Rise of the Tomb Raider. It's both the last Tomb Raider, and Denuvo, game I'll ever buy.
I'm actually in the opposite boat as you. I buy literally every game with Denuvo just to support it, even if I don't like the game. I want every game to get Denuvo just to piss off the piratecucks.
It's not a prophylactic. It's an anti-womb-tamper device.
careful with all these edges
Good luck with that
I have complete control over my wallet and I only let myself buy something when I allow myself to buy it. It's not that hard of a concept to grasp.
>I have complete control over my wallet
How did you achieve such power?
Teach me sensei.
t. 12 year old poorfag
Ah hey, it's the SHARK. This fucking weapon is so good in Skyrim it isn't even funny. Like 60 base damage and it's got the Dragon's Bane enchantment on it, but it is innate instead of an actual enchant, so you can use Elemental Fury shout with it. Shame though that the game wasn't made for a 'fist' weapon in mind, so it uses sword animations, makes it look strange on most kill cams.
Beat it regularly and do not let it talk back.
I don't like Denuvo because there's always the possibility that a game I like doesn't have enough interest to ever generate a crack, and frankly as a consumer I'm not interested in giving up the ability to just steal games that pull horseshit like having $1100 of DLC like DW8, or have had content stripped from them like GTA:SA
But at least have the fucking nuts to say "We put in Denuvo because it's going to hopefully make us more money and give better sales figures". You don't have to fucking pussyfoot around the point.
are you actually trying to say mankind divided flopped because of denuvo? Are piratefags this fucking deluded?
Why else would it have had poor sales then shithead?
It's not difficult to imagine other people feel the same way. I don't buy Denuvo games out of principle.
You're right. It flopped because of Denuvo and a disastrous pre-order campaign. But mostly Denuvo as hardly anyone mentioned it during release.
It was a bad game. Bad marketing. Bad reviews. A lot of reasons.
>People decide to not buy something because they don't want a poorly designed rootkit on their system
Huh really makes you think.
Every single game that has had Denuvo has flopped horribly, you should recognize this pattern by now.
Those are non-factors when it comes to video game sales.
Because it was incredibly buggy on release and kept crashing within the first hour for most players.
Because it was the opening chapter to a new trilogy with a garbage non-ending that nobody was waiting for.
Because the patches to fix the crashes early on caused loading errors so every time you moved areas there was a chance the entire map failed to load and you'd walk into an empty void.
Because the story itself in that entry wasn't satisfying at all.
Then to top it off, with the announcement the franchise is on hold, there's no reason for anyone to pick it up now after issues might have gotten fixed (they haven't entirely). Since all the game does is set up future games that'll likely never happen.
The game is a shitshow. There are plenty of reasons why it failed.
Curators help.
>Bad reviews
There's a 5/100 difference between MD and HR according to metacritic, I doubt that caused it to flop.
I never buy Denuvo games as a matter of principle.
See i cant tell if you are actually trolling or just retarded.
Those problems are footnotes barely worth mentioning when compared to Denuvo. There's a reason why Denuvo is called the "AAA Sales Killer".
No Mans Sky had all of those problems, didn't have Denuvo and sold like hotcakes. Denuvo is what kills sales.
No one calls it that, the fuck you talking about? Are you seriously this stupid.
>It was a bad game.
He sure isn't wrong about that one.
No Mans Sky had a remarkable amount of undeserved hype.
Looks like you live under a rock. Not my problem.
Suurrree it did.
>Suurrree it did.
You contest this? Really? The hype is what sold No Man's Sky. The new Deus Ex game did not have any hype.
>Those problems are footnotes barely worth mentioning when compared to Denuvo
>Your counter-argument doesn't exist because I said so.
Hype is another nonfactor. Brink had hype but ended up being a flop.
This is a nice way of saying
You're ignorant.
watch your language please
>Buy a game
>It has Denuvo
>Download and install game
>Works instantly
>Don't have to do anything extra
>Beat game
>Buy game locked to Origin, uPlay, or Steamworks