ITT: Games that would have been better on literally any other system
ITT: Games that would have been better on literally any other system
Nintendo games
>switch edition/wii edition has you moving with one controller and aiming with the other
fuck, there was really no need for that horrendous control scheme
Xenoblade Chronicles
imagine how good the graphics could have been on ANYTHING BUT THE WII.
You mean like the 3DS?
I realized after playing 5 chapters in one day left me with hand pains the next day that game couldn't be redeemed. Gorgeous game, hype as hell, but nothing is worth actual pain
It isn't fair
That's the real doublecross, isn't it?
Maybe of you want to miss all the time
3DS, PC and WII U are the only possibilities
I mean yeah, if it was an identical game with the same instantly appearing enemies sure. I kinda doubt they'd leave those in on a Switch port.
And this is how you spot the faggot that can't hold his 3ds properly. The touchscreen controls are precise and fast, the game would've been unplayable if it used an analog stick for aiming instead of the stylus.
name one other game that isn't Metroid Prime Hunters that uses anything even close to the retarded control scheme that this game does. You fucking can't, because every other developer had the common sense to not make people hold the console like that. It's especially bad on the XL/newXL.
This. The only real issues with the controls are the vehicle controls (mainly having to tap the corner of the screen to perform it's special function) and the fact that the 3DS's circlepad is fucking terrible so you end up dashing and auto-dodging when you don't want to.
every game that is not on pc
I have an XL and I can hold it just fine. You hold the system up with your left hand and right pinky, and use the rest of your right to hold the stylus.
ITT: asspained lefties
If you think this then you simply don't understand the controls. The controls are different to Hunters because the camera controls act like a spinning globe, which gives you great speed and precision compared to Hunters' control scheme.
being left handed is a blessing that you'll never know
Being left-handed is like being gay. It's fine if you are but don't act like it's something to be proud of, you're still mentally ill. No parent has ever said "I hope my son grows up to be gay" or "I hope my son grows up to be left-handed".
>literal only advantage is swordfighting
Wow I sure wish I was disabled
salty a f because you'll never understand poetry lel
lol no you're a degenerate freak of nature.
Any 3DS game tbqh
240p is cancer
What about games that use the stylus a lot like Etrian Odyssey or Persona Q?
>inb4 Wii U
If a game uses a stylus then it can be retooled to use an analog stick instead. Because real consoles have two analog sticks anyway, unlike the shit heap that was the 3DS
Or the gimmick controls could just be axed in favor of a proper control scheme.
I don't know the cartography done while using an analog stick would be awkward.
The controls are serviceable and the art style is nice, but it definitely would've been better on anything else.
I was kind of hoping for an HD version for Wii U.
ITT: casuals that don't know how to hold a handheld