When did you lose the spark for that game you loved?
When did you lose the spark for that game you loved?
My love for what I consider a holy union of weeb games is still going strong.
Monster Hunter, Disgaea, Etrian Odyssey, Pokemon, Guilty Gear, FromSoft and Vanillaware games. If all games would cease to exist except these I would still be satisfied.
when i had to reinstall all my mods.
When they decided my chance for 1 gear upgrade a week fell on 4 other shitheels making or breaking this experience.
I didn't. Stop playing western crap and you'll learn to love video games.
i loved fable 1
tried it on pc and it blew compared to xbox
when my friends stopped playing it
When Borderlands 2 was released.
That's the worst.
>your friends tilt over the edge, get lives, play so much they damage their wrists and have to stop, play (similar, but less infuriating game) instead, or just drift away
I hate it.
when I lost my job and played too much with all that free time
We know that feel, bro.
>me and 2 best friends for past 15 years
>have always done everything together
>all the video games all the time, be it single player or multiplayer, we always just played everything together
>they both get girlfriends
>we no longer do anything at all together
What hurts the most is that they try to make time for us all to get together and catch up and play video games, but their girlfriends always cause or do something that stops everything.
I've learned in recent years that less is more. When I'm feeling especially tired of games, I'll force myself to cut back or go without video games until I start to miss them.
Skies of Arcadia, Rogue Galaxy, and Baten Kaitos will always be amazing to me because of this and I've played and beaten through them multiple times over the years.
The best feeling is when you don't play your favorite game for years and then go back and feel like you're experiencing it again for the first time.
After a while every western and eastern game I played started to get boring
They all played the same, looked the same, sounded the same. very few actually stand out to me these days
When I was a faggot.
Turns out games are just that, games. I don't expect the toy isle at a store to be filled with amazing shit, why would games?
Some are great, most good and plenty bad. Even the bad ones can be fun if they arent too annoying though. And some good games are too tedious to replay.
A shorter kind of game can be a fine change of pace if AAA has you down.
Also theres always emulation, literally hundreds if not more great games to play still. Graffix and fps can suck a dick I just play for fun anymore.
When it got remade and/or released for the 5th time
Maybe you just have a bad memory.
I can remember a lot of games I played over a decade ago that I remember pretty well.
Truly, ever day is the same. Wake up, do stuff, go to sleep. Wake up, do stuff, go to sleep. There's no spark or anything it's the worst fucking thing ever god damn what the fuck are we even supposed to do in this bullshit i hope in my next life im fucking god or some shit cause this is the stupidest fucking thing since the creation of the universe like honestly why haven't we invented FTL travel yet i want my goddamn space empire but no some faggy ass fat cat politicians want to impede everything for a couple million bucks fucking fat pieces of shit if they cant even take care of their own bodies how can they be expected to take care of a country there are serious changes that need to be made to the organizational structure of todays democracies as it's very clear and apparent that what we have now in inaccurate and inefficient
How many games are you talking?
Sure I remember games as well but you can play a lot in a year.
i did not, the problem is that i need money to survive and i'm not smart enough to make money off of the game