Nice party you got there. Be a shame if something happened to it

Nice party you got there. Be a shame if something happened to it.

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What card is this?




>Tonberry is about to use Throat Stab!
>You turn around negating all damage from it

Feels good mayne

I'm this guy and actually serious. What card is this?

The voice they gave this guy is so incredibly out of place, but at the same time its also hilarious.

god i hated these guys in final fantasy 6

>Being the only repeat encounter possible that can exceed the 9999 damage cap, the tonberry is arguably the deadliest enemy of a overleveled party. In later games, the tonberry king was introduced as an optional boss and summon, and depending on when the party challenged it, it could out-damage even the Omega Weapon
tonberry best waif

Is this game any good?

I love tonberry!

Literally the only worth FF since X

You'll like it more if you're a long time FF fan, just for all the references.

Otherwise its your basic JRPG.


>punishes autists who play the game for too long

What does he do again?

Thanks for the exp, nerd

In World? Runs the coliseum.

Didn't think id enjoy it that much but this game was pretty comfy

this game had a pretty good ost

>tfw no ps4 or vita

damn this game seems chill af

It's the best FF since X

Japanese voiced Tama is too cute.
