So, we agree it's shit, right?

So, we agree it's shit, right?




It was a lot better than I expected, but it's not great. Waggle actually worked, surprisingly.



It's okay. But, not something I'd buy for $60.

fucking garbage desu

Absolutely. Got boring very quickly.

nah. it has its flaws but it was good all around

It was bad. I played at my friends house, and it was so bad, it convinced him to buy a PS4 instead

What's it like? Just seems like a slow, clunky fighting game to me.

Form your own opinion

Same. I was on the fence but when I went over to my Ninteno drone "friend"s house and saw him playing this shallow wagglan shit, it made me think "ugh, if I have to choose between this or the plethora of great exclusives on Sony's Ps4, I choose the PS4"

Its freaking fun, but I can walk...
Who thought that walking with the motion sensors was a good idea? Is annoying for me.

What did you do in the game that made you decide it was bad, user? :^)

>Sup Forums ever agreeing on anything video game related
The obvious answer to your thread is no

And fuck you, I had a roughly 50-50 win-loss and I still thought it was fun

you forgot to write trademark faggot

sure pal, friends, right, with a switch, sure, you went there, and like ugh, amiright?

>plethora of great exclusives