Is Death Stranding Silent Hills?

Is Death Stranding Silent Hills?

IS DEATH STRADING MGS5???????????????

Is Ness actually Sans from Undertale?

1 yes
2 maybe
3 no
4 might be
5 who cares
6 kojimbo
7 tomorrow
8 ask again
9 why not
0 hell no

Fuck you

Who cares bro

maybe someone does

Think about this. A stranding is when an animal forces itself out of its environment and is stuck in a different one, such as beach strandings. When the animal makes it through alive, it's a live stranding. But when it makes it through and dies, it's a death stranding. I think this name symbolizes that while his ideas and designs for Silent Hills made it through, the game itself died, so the entire project was considered a Death Stranding.

>A stranding is when an animal forces itself out of its environment and is stuck in a different one

the game is about me

Paging Mr. Caramel. Please report to the thread

Are you alive or dead?


Is death standing actually ness from undertale?

John Sheffield

Has he thoughts within his head?


Your not the true and honest caramel.

You were wrong.
Where's my fucking money?

I hope you have a paypal or some shit set up.


No that's clearly Ciri

I guess the whole thing will be revealed probably in the Tokyo Game Show scheduled to be held this autumn about Death Stranding.
Kojima never sticks to existing ideas. He is seeking more realism about his work now. In other words, there is a possibility to introduce VR / AR. imo.
If I can see a demonstration of Death Stranding at Tokyo Game Show, I will go there.

Betting its gonna be a survival horror

Yes. The black goo is what the mist is made of.

no, doubt it

No. A company is not going to let their name be dragged through the dirt for literally years as part of some "epik roose XD".

There would be no benefit to deceiving fans in such a way. MGS is a series with themes of conspiracy and disinfo, that has had a "shocking bait and switch" before, so the idea of another mysterious twist was alluring and added to the hype of MGSV.

MGSV turned out to be an underwhelming mess and even the most devoted of fans began to realize there was no more to the game, and that its unfinished state was truly a result of the poor relationship between Kojima and Konami that created abysmal working conditions for Kojimas team.

And now what? The ruse caries on? Kojimas followers are either left with a bitter taste in their mouth, or just happy he's finally free of Konamis shackles. So tell me, WHO exactly would be hyped or pleased to find out DS is a Silent Hill game? Kojima/Metal Gear fans? No. Silent Hill fans? No, this game is nothing like Silent Hill in any way.

It's just completely stupid and delusional to think the games are connected in any real way. Like, Pythonselkan levels of autismal delusion.

>typed out an essay on a video game forum
>calls others autist

Death Stranding is not Survive.
Kojima already left KONAMI.

>barely a paragraphs worth of sentences, spaced out for easier reading by the ADHD populace of Sup Forums


o i am laffin

>a dozen sentences is an essay

Fuck off.

Why not?