What is the best Battlefield game? Most immersive and fun to play.
imo BF3>BC2>BF4>BF1>BF:HL
Bad Company was my first so I don't know about the games before that, but I've heard good things about BF2, 1942, 2142, etc
Best Battlefield
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everything after bf2 is dumbed down shit
The newest one, dumbass.
I havent played hardline, 2142, or modern combat, so heres my ranking
BC 1 > BC 2 > Vietnam > BF 2 > BF 1942 > BF 3 > BF 1 > BF 4
Bad Company 2 was the last good modern war game. 1943 was a good game --sucked it was so small.
BF2=2142>V=1942>>>>>>everything else>>>Shit>>>BC2/BF3
Oops, I forgot 1943, I put that one before BF 3
Desert Combat>1942>Vietnam>BF2>>>>>>>>>>>everything after
2142/2 will always be the best.
4 for me, I really liked the levolution shit
BF2>Vietnam>2142>1942>POWER GAP>BC1>BC2>POWER GAP>BF3>BF1>BF4>BF:HL
battlefield heroes>>>>>everything else
Holy fuck this thread. Fuck off OP
>Putting any of that trash before 2 and 2142
fucking kill yourself and take your shitty cod clones with you.
if you could read you'd realize I didn't put any of that before 2 and 2142
Vietnam, 2, and 2142 were the best. BC2 was also great.
thats a shit opinion
the newest fag of all
Anyone who disagrees is a liar.
Le epic troll dude
This is the only correct answer.
> BF3>
>i enjoyed not being able to play the game for 6(six) months after it was initially released
unless your some console nigger
I really liked Battlefield 3 until that shitty fucking crossbow got introduced.
Bad Company 2 never got ruined as far as I know
Bad company 2 was maximum comf. But bf4 was a real personal sleeper hit
>These people who never played 2142.
You poor bastards.
I don't understand BF4
it should have just been an expansion for BF3. it was practically the same game.
Battlefield has been dogshit since they got rid of mods.
is that duck? Did he die?
BF2 > BC2 > BF4 > the rest of them > BF1