Where were you when Nintendo won Japan?

Monster Hunter XX Switch version out 8/25/17.


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Just like how 3U shot the WiiU to 15mil Japanese sales!

Playing my vita and thinking. Man I had fun with mh4u, I wish they made more of those and not generations2.0

Let me know when the switch gets mh5, til then it's in the dock waiting for mario while I play my weeb shit.

You can't take your WiiU with you dumbass

You LITERALLY can tho

>B-but it's different this time!

Same resolution upgrade, same save transfer hook, same cross play, etc

Nips don't want to lug around AC cables and console + gamepad though

Are you Japanese?

>tfw have to buy this garbage so they will release a proper MH5 for switch

Yeah, aren't you?

So is the stream over?

You don't have to buy shit, don't support medicore games
There's a reason japs didn't buy mhxx as much as they did the previous games, because it's shit.

Don't negotiate with terrorists, your favorite franchise is not a hostage

I'm gonna buy this garbage and enjoy it thourougly, and there's nothing your salty ass can do about it

just accept that arts and styles are here to stay and add a good amount of variation to already great combat

Frontier fags eete the same way when that started. Saying things like anime will make it's way to mainline.

Don't be so surprised when styles aren't included in 5

I'd be okay with that, I'm always happy to have more Monster Hunter to play

I really hope 5 is on PS4 like the rumors say

Only played 4U but what makes xx bad?

I'm okay with any platform. I'll buy whatever for a proper mainline game

awesome, day one buy for me

Uh when is it getting localized though?

>Where were you when Nintendo won Japan?

not in Japan

Sup Forums memes, the game is actually good, not as good as 4U but still very good.

So the rumors appear to be true.
Switch gets spin off game and ps4 gets mainline

Hi, my name is gaijin hunter and I beat my wife.

I actually enjoy hunting arts and the styles. Brave dual blades are too cool for me to pass up.

Only that "mainline" is not actually mainline but a shitty abomination like frontier.

When you claim your wife is Tama of course he beats her (him)

Frontier z was already on ps4, and not considered mainline. There is another game in the works.

Won how?

Every single slanted eyed faggot that lives in that island and likes to play Monster Hunter already has a 3DS and MHXX.

How does releasing the same game for the Switch wins anything for Nintendo when every single faggot interested in the game already played it?

Reminder that mhxx sold 700k it's first week, where as mh4u sold 1.5 million it's first week

Frontier again! :DDDD

Cross play isn't the same though, Wii U 3U was isolated and couldn't play with 3DS users.

Releasing another frontier after just releasing a expansion to it would be silly.

An absurd amount of gathering and rehashed quests.

>Only played the demo of Gen
>Tfw pretty much everything will be new to me
>Can finally play with a regular control without having to worry about my c-stick not working because of a little bit of moisture

How is that relevant?

We are talking about Capcom here user they are silly or outright stupid.

It's literally an anniversary game, you're playing the quests of 4 games which includes all the games gathering tutorial shit. Of course there's a butt load of them


I mean....fuck. I meant like the wiiu/3ds for mh3

It's just terribly unbalanced thanks to anime additions

I'm actually pretty happy about this. I like the portability of having MoHun on the 3ds, but I fucking hate holding my 3ds for more than an hour at a time - and the screens fucking suck dick.

I'd play the fucking shit out of this if they release it in English (which I'm sure they will.).
It'll probably just be the 3ds version but up-scaled and retooled for the switch, but that's 100% okay with me.

>anime additions

I have bad news for you
gen is shit and xx is worse

>balance in a PvE game

and no, your ebin japanese speedrunners don't mean anything

>Won with the worst MH to date

This series needs a fucking break

All the games before it where decently balanced. GS was 5 min faster than gl on same fight with comparable gear.
Mhx striker lance is 12 minutes faster than gl on same scenario

There's cross play between 3DS and Switch version of XX when you play online.

No 3DS x Switch multiplayer locally though

>muh optimized speed
stop, nobody actually plays the game like that

>All the games before it where decently balanced
Not even close.
Just look at the bugstick or CB in 4u.
Or the Slime weapons even further back.

This series has never been balanced.

>Muh optimal times

>Balance is bad
Fuck off lance fucker

Why is Sup Forums more excited than nips?


Lmao, you realize top 3 was GS ig and Hbg right?

>It's an elitistfag rant episode

Sup Forums loves casualized trash and XX happens to be the easiest MH game yet

Calling out unbalanced doesn't make you elitist. Wanting weapons not have absurd power gaps over others shouldn't be frowned upon. Now buff GL and HH

>I like styles
Game is great
>I hate styles
Game is shit

Pick your opinion

Every MH game has had an absurdly OP weapon, it just doesn't happen to be your favorite one this time.

Dead series is dead

Is XX liked? I remember seeing a thread where everyone was complaining it was too broken and too much like frontier, which is hated.


well what do they do?

Its is hated, but now its being released on NSwitch, so every faggot that bought a Switch that is going through post purchase rationalization will act as if its a good game to feel better about the product they purchased.


MH is literally Call of Duty East. The series have been driven into the ground and it no longer has anything that resembles actual brand power.

The difference between x and the others is X's power gap is extreme.
Everything was close in 4u with GS/ig/hbg being just slightly the best and gl being awful. Mhx the balance is all over the place

XX is great. Play it yourself and form your own opinions instead of listening to people complain on here.

The switch is next gen

So this pretty much confirms the MH5 on PS4 rumors then.

Hopefully they can actually make the series good.

Stylish shit

Yup, I'm excited because this confirms the rumors are true

How did you come to that conclusion lol?

For the XX rumour shit the '''''leaker''''' stated XX is being rushed for switch LAUNCH. So that rumour is effectively debunked

how does this confirm anything

That looks cool as fuck

They basically give you super moves / limit breaks / whatever you want to call them. From what I hear they are not balanced very well at all.

This proves the rumour false. Besides, why would you even want streamlined MH with QTEs?

Pretty sure it's just console warring and fanboys stinking up the board, just from the nintendo side. Mods don't delete these threads though :^)

That would require me being capable of stomaching the awfulness that is MH. I was asking from a sales perspective. I was under the impression it was not well liked and that it didn't sell particularly well, as in it sold something like 40% of MH4 whereas MH4u and X sold pretty much 1:1.

that looks boring as fuck

impeccable timing

>monhun xx 3ds initial sales were lower than the previous games and quoted as "unsatisfactory"
>thinks a switch port will set japan on fire despite x10 more 3ds owners in nihon
Is Delusion your middle name?

I'm blacklisting you if you use that art on online hunts

>Splatoon and MH
>Year 1

Where were you when Nintendo won?

Mh5 is still gonna be on 3ds.

This is another Tri.

Well obviously, but if we are lucky 5U will be on Switch

>we still don't know what Retro has been working on
2017 is Nintendo's year

>Is Delusion your middle name?
Only if you are a sony pony and think that MH5 will be on PS4 and not as an exclusive on Switch

Im playing aerial charge blade with monado bruh, what you gonna do? hit me with your greatsword?

>nintendo won japan because of a game that is basically MMORPG raid bosses but simplified so that they can be soloed by a completely unskilled casual
lol, monster hunter is the least satisfying action game i have ever played.

>2 ports

No I've blacklisted you and everyone online, because I'm a solo only player.

It is. You know how genereations of consoles work, don't you?

Is it called double cross because capcom double crossed us loyal fans with more anime bullshit?

Those other MH games came out for 3ds long before the switch reveal. I'd expect a lot of fans to hold off buying MHXX in case it released for switch.

It's going to be just like tri. No support no longevity, cheaper and more efficient to just keep it on 3ds

This is the weakest excuse I've heard in a while.

Id be surprised if MHXX breaks 100k units on Switch.

Not only it was panned, but also everyone that wants to play it already did on their 3DSs, I doubt it will succeed.

hey that's my birthday


>surprised if it breaks 100k


literally every person that owns a switch on Japan is going to get it


Anyway I am a person who is avoiding the 3DS like the plague, so I will be getting this on switch. The presence of cross-play and saves also encourages upgrades

Seriously though user prepare to eat some crow

Why would they get it when they already have it for their 3DS?

It's a perfectly valid one, and I am one of those people.

Seriously why is it so hard to believe people expect an up port on Mh on the next Nintendo handheld?