Let's discuss the 1 million sales and 60 million in expenses
Let's discuss the 1 million sales and 60 million in expenses
Other urls found in this thread:
>60 million in expenses
>Steam version sold 300k
So consoles are 700k?
>it took 60million to make this
how the fuck?
let's see that data
Expenses include marketing costs, user.
strange, I don't remember hearing anything about it til it already came out
did they do some sort of event they forgot to tell anyone about?
Wow it's like they should've just let the other team release their game instead of spending the money to make a new one.
>no marketing
>the marketing there was misrepresented the game as boring shit clone of deadspace
>demo was not at all like the rest of the game
>released during the time of year where sales figures are usually pretty low
>kept old genre conventions that turn off new players
Understandable really. It was a poor move to release that demo. I still enjoyed the game though, best western game of the year besides Battle Brothers
this angers the todd.
What relation does this game have to the original Prey? I beat both games and I see little reason both games are in the same IP. They aren't in the same location, they have no characters in common, they have totally different aesthetics, they have wildly divergent tones, they play nothing alike, and they don't even take place in the same general timeline. The only similarity they share is the existence of space aliens as an antagonist and a first person perspective.
Am I just not seeing something? Did Bethesda think tying this game to Prey would make it sell better? It's a fine game, but I think making it a Prey game just ended up confusing the fuck out of everyone. How does Bethesda keep fucking this kind of thing up? First Doom, now this. Is their marketing department full of morons?
Why even bother having guns when the most common enemy requires you to use the wrench and swing it around like a madman?
>What relation does this game have to the original Prey?
Absolutely nothing, they just used the name to trick people that wanted Prey 2.
>60 million
>Implying it wasn't 600 billion
someone in a past thread was saying they would lose the trademark if they didn't use the name soon
They just used the name because they own it and its short and sweet. If they wanted to trick people they wouldn't have released a demo and gameplay trailers.
It's fighting aliens on an space ship/station
That's where the relations ends
Doubt this game costed more than 10 million with advertising
Bethesda failed at buying the prey 1 & 2's orginal team so they're just using the name to take a piss on those guys who made the first and unreleased second game.
So which character did Chris Avellone write?
>using the wrench past the first hour
fuck that upgraded shotgun with both mobility skills turns the game into doom 2016
Where is the data faggot.
>how to run out of mineral material: the post
Seriously, I had copious amounts of every material BUT mineral. Ammo management was real.
>Using the shotgun on the fucking mimics
Literally why
They're so fucking tiny it's just a waste
This game wasn't even intended to be a new Prey. Bethesda just asked them to slap the Prey label on it.
Nevermind, he definitely wrote the Danielle Sho subplot. It was the most fleshed out character subplot and prominently features lesbians and a tabletop RPG group. Gotta be him.
By the way, Alex Yu was objectively correct and January is a retard. Blowing up Talos 1 wouldn't stop the Typhon and their research is basically the only thing that can help them for the inevitable invasion.
Early on before you get the bonuses mimics are actually more dangerous than the standard typhoid on hard. However that flips the moment you start getting enough neuromods.
I'm convinced the marketing team just instantly pocketed whatever budget they were given, the first time I heard of this game was here on Sup Forums days after it had already came out.
Reminder that Bethesda's marketing team hated the original plot twist in Prey 2 because it was "too confusing":
>Prey 2
>Killian would meet Tommy during the story and assume it's the first time you've met
>Whenever Killian would die he would respawn in his safe house
>Towards the end, Killain would come across 100s of dead bodies, but they're all him
>During the time where he came into that world, he does many times (and the player would) and each time, his consciousness would transfer to a clone on his apartment
>However, he'll never remember that
>That's why he never recognised Tommy before
>Eventually Killian would be in a situation where some spaceship is blowing up, would attach that teleported device from the trailer to himself, input random coordinates and teleport
>He gets teleported to Earth by chance
>Quits being a bounty hunter, gets married, has children and grows old
>Killian is on his death bed at old age surrounded by his loved ones, passes away and the screen turns to white
>You wake up back at your safe house
>Your consciousness was transferred to a clone again
>"Welcome back."
More importantly, has anyone in here played it? How is it compared to say bioshock?
Is this real? Because damn that's good.
I wish the enemies didn't respawn so I could take my time on the side quests. Other than that though, I really like this game.
So basically the twist was going to be the Roy game from that Rick and Morty episode?
That's actually kind of cool.
I've only ever been limited by Exotic material. 98% of what I make has been Neuromods. I've made a few shotgun shells.
I'm on hard and use the wrench on all mimics. Psychoshock + Shotgun for everything else. Or I throw heavy shit if I'm feeling like changing it up.
Telepathy is serious business.
I sided with Alex because it slowly became more certain that his January incarnation was an asshole. The December one just seemed to want to make a side bet and prepare if things got bad. Hell all of this was Morgans doing in the first place and finally to top off this shit sunday the only " real " reason Alex was so disconnected with the situation was because he genuinely missed his brother/sister. Imagine if some one you grew up with who was like a friend and even made you filthy rich just goes fucking crazy and has a breakdown.
Poor fucking Alex, it was like...he was this other character I've seen before. One who was forced to see hundreds of incarnations of you and having to go along with what ever whacked out decisions you made. It's on the tip of my tongue, who was that character who was really well written that was afraid to tell you the truth in fear of your reaction because of your past amnesia?
I use the shotgun on greater mimics because fuck them, other than that it's the wrench or the pistol with a combination of neuromod attacks.
Also, is it just me or is the Q-Beam borderline useless until you upgrade the fuck out of it?
>playing a male Morgan
Yeah, old developers confirmed it.
I had some issues getting mineral elements, but it was never really an issue. I played on hard and no Typhon mods, so that shotgun became my best friend real fast. Used the Wrench on all Mimics, but that shotgun on everything else
Its mostly useful for dealing with weavers in my experience. Don't need to pop their bubble or trigger fear.
You get a metric fuckton of ammo for it lategame, so maybe it would be best to upgrade it.
QBeam rapes Weavers, Telepaths, and Technopaths.
but user...female morgan is literally gay...
What? You can chainstun mimics by just beating them with the wrench.
Holy shit this would've been the fucking kino of vidya
God I hope that this game gets made even if the actual game and character name changes
It's actually 70 million
Neuromods wouldn't do shit against typhon. mimics produce 3 more of themselves for every human they kill. They'd overrun Earth in a day, neuromods or not.
Besides, no one is gonna bother using that tech after knowing You need humans to produce the exotic materials
It was best to side with Janurary, desu.
So far down in thread still one has been able to provide proof that this cost 60 million to make.
God Sup Forums is so fucking pathetic
Less confusing, more just shitty and pointless. What does the main character living a long, peaceful life on Earth have to do with being an interstellar bounty hunter? That kind of ending wouldn't mean anything.
It was made. Muscial score and everything. Bethesda just decided to not sell it.
You can get boatloads of exotic material by throwing the recycler charges at typhon before they die, or just throwing psy hypos into the recycling machine.
Because you think he got a happy ending and closure, instead you're cursed with immortality.
>level up sneak attack damage to max
>level concentration skill to max
>level shotgun damage to max
>become death, destroyer of worlds
It didn't happen, depending on what your opinion is on cloning.
Not as gay or cringeworthy as the fucking lesbians, like I get its a call back to suarez and his whore. But holy shit, forcing the transcribe audio collection for " that " of all things. It would have been better if it was the two of them doing something like trying to get into a restricted area or like in SS2 sending messages while they try to survive.
Also the lesbians death, holy shit, its not safe outside any way just go to a nearby airlock and air back up. Fuck there were cargo containers and air tanks floating the fuck outside.
Neuromods are what enable Morgan to fight back against the Typhon. They're basically the only reason you manage to survive.
Also if the Typhon are going to chew through humanity anyway, you may as well make use of the byproducts to preserve yourself.
Except in early game you get fear + stamina loss from fighting mimics as well. And it only takes about 2-3 hits to kill you.
You are right though, smart modding ends that shit quickly, but only if you know what to pick.
>or just throwing psy hypos into the recycling machine.
I... don't know why I didn't think of doing that. I'm not using them and water restores 50 psi. I bet I have 50+ hypos.
Thanks bro-user.
Dude what? Fear barely has any effect on anything you do, I never even noticed it. Stamina loss is also a nonissue since you can kill a mimic in 1 charged and 1 uncharged hit, and then just wait for stamina to come back.
No problem champ. I did the same thing, I had like 100 sitting around because it was so easy to get psi and then I chucked 'em into the big ol machine and blam. 40 exotic material for freeeeee
If you actually make a good point on Sup Forums you will get ignored. You have to wrap the point in bait and maybe call everyone here a nigger before they will respond.
Or you know, you could just dupe materials. Exotic was never an issue for me, likely because I picked up the typhon harvest skill really early on. I constantly ran out of metal and organic until I stopped scrapping extra weapons and instead started recycling them.
I would rather hear peoples thoughts about the game than ebin bait thanks
You're either not playing on hard, which is pussy baby mode and barely considered a game at that point. Or you've got wrench and some other things modded and are just being coy.
Fear blinds you and if you are in a room with a mimic, there is usually another nearby. Turning into a massive spam the swing and try to land the hit.
I've already beaten the game on hardest difficulty, I've made mimics not shit in under 5 minutes of quick modding, but I also know how dangerous they are going into the game blind on an actual difficulty setting.
alright smarty pants go make a reasonable estimate how much the game cost
What immortality? How does a clone dying on another planet affect the subsequent clone? It's doesn't know or care what the previous clone did.
See what I mean about this being pointless? This kind of twist doesn't mean anything. It's a half baked idea from a bunch of laid off idea guys.
>I constantly ran out of metal
fucking this. Even if you recycle every spare weapon you find you WILL run out of metal often if you're mainly using guns. I wish I had taken that mod that gives you 20% more yield.
I had like fucking 50 exotic material at the end of the game and like 2 metal.
I am playing on the hardest difficult mode, and attempting to beat the game without using nueromods. You could argue that a brand new player might struggle since they don't have the knowledge that things are so easy to kill, but there is nothing you can't wrench smack early on.
The only effect I ever noticed form fear was a very minor vignette effect. I've never been in combat for long enough to be "blinded" apparently. Even against multiple mimics.
Throw. The Recycler Grenades. At piles. Of shit.
Do you guys seriously not throw a bunch of boxes/lockers/people/tools into a corner and then toss the grenades at them?
> I wish I had taken that mod that gives you 20% more yield.
Why didn't you? By the time I finished my first playthrough, I had purchased every single human skill and had like 30 neuromods stocked up that I found after maxing everything. Granted, I spent 30 hours to complete the game, so I guess if you zerg through it you might have issues.
Fear makes the screen a bit blurry and its harder to look at the thing that gave you fear because there's an effect that moves the camera away from it.
those black and silver boxes are great for Minerals
Why not play as a character that's a girl that also likes girls?
Were they a couple if you pick male Morgan too or is this an only female Morgan thing?
>there's an effect that moves the camera away from it.
Is that like a console thing or something?
Wait, there was a romance with Morgan in this game? Did I miss something?
>Do you guys seriously not throw a bunch of boxes/lockers/people/tools into a corner and then toss the grenades at them
I did this often and it gave fucking jack shit for materials.
So I just started to save them to get rid of obstacles I couldn't move.
>Why didn't you
I thought I wouldn't need it with all the scavenging and shit I was doing. Boy was I wrong.
I spent like 20 something hours in the game and I had a good chunk of neuromods installed, but no anywhere near completion. Could've manufactured a fuckton of them if I had any metal to spare, but all of it went into ammo.
PC. maybe it made my camera control more sluggish and i was constantly over correcting, but it was way harder to aim with my mouse when i had fear
How much changes if you go full typhon edgelord? I was thinking about replaying and doing the exact opposite of what I did my first run, which was pure human moralfag.
>Only a vignette effect
You either haven't gotten far enough,
Are talking shit,
Or are shit posting.
Either way any one whose ever fought a weaver knows this is bullshit and it's the reason why I carry a stack of liquor on me.
More of a past romance, you find and can save your ex.
>I did this often and it gave fucking jack shit for materials.
The hardware? lab where you get recycler charges even shows a fucking picture representation on a whiteboard of boxes that are good for materials. Throw them at crates, the metal ones, obv.
No, he's not wrong. Fear is an annoying fucking status effect that makes your screen go full retard but only Weavers (as far as I know) cause it.
Who was your ex?
Nigga what, how casual are you. Just point the fucking Q beam at weavers lmao. Crack their shield with literally anything and then cook them like everything else.
I'm guessing the engineer.
No that's not what you want you fuck. You just want people to argue with you don't you? You just like the rise it gives you, you fucking degenerate
Did you read it?
>A big part of the ending was figuring out you've died hundreds of times but don't remember it
>Finally go back to Earth and live a long, happy life
>Die of old age
>"Respawn" back in your apartment, lose your memory again and thus the cycle repeats it's self
Eh, I had all my mods on shotgun and saved Q-beam for other other shit.
It's far easier to liquor up casual.
Mikhala, the Russian chick. Did you not play the game? There was a pretty fuckhuge sidequest involving her needing her medicine and then if you save her you find shit about her dad.
I've played as both and it's exactly the same.
what marketing? there were no magazine adds, billboards, tv commercials or other appereances , no early access to youtubers, no massive expo booths just for the game , or any other marketing stunts. this game went dark, there was not really any hype whatsoever built up for it.
Female morgan has boring voice acting in comparison
Did you miss the part where I'm on a no neuromod run? I can't fucking mod anything to any sort of beneficial degree. The only things that give me any sort of trouble at all were space volkswagons in zero-g because of their stupid pulse that spawns on top of you and is impossible to avoid if you weren't already flying super fast.
I almost wish the game didn't have the mimic scope, or at least that you don't get it immediately. Because I'm a gigantic vagina, the game had me on edge until I could scan for mimics. Granted, it doesn't work for greater mimics, but they didn't seem to hide as often as the regular ones so they didn't startle me.
That's good to know.
I would have actually been upset if that was an only female Morgan thing.
>Get to near combat bots with SHIT resource management somehow
>"Hey morgan come to the trauma center"
>Get fucked by robots because I have no shotgun ammo, 3 pistol ammo, no emp. no recy, no zap batteries, no medkits
>have to run around trying to scrap and sacrifice other inventory items for emps and shotgun ammo and 1 medkit
And even after that I had to go scrap like a madman to make a fucking battery to zap that one cunt
Yeah, I did all of that. I must have completely forgotten the romantic subplot, though, or just skimmed through her emails and shit. I remember her lying about her medical condition to get on the station and look for her father, but I don't remember her and Morgan having a relationship.