Who is your favorite let's player


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Nice thumbnail dude.

>used to watch lets players and """comedians"
>lose interest in YouTube and mostly use it to listen to music and rarely watch other videos
Am I the only one?

He's not wrong.

Vinesauce. Specially the streamers that go to Sup Forums or used to like joel.


>not posting the video

Yes he is.



le ironic weebs amirite XD kawaii baka desu le suicide joke LOL

Stop posting your videos.


I'm not watching 11 minutes of that shit

>watching other people play video games

Name a more elitist place than Sup Forums


>Sup Forums

moeshit isn't elitism

>1 million
how is it even possible

You have to be 18 or older to post on Sup Forums.

>elitist weebs

No self respecting weeb, not an an ironic weeb, would be using fakku in it's current state.

am i the only one who loves nico b

The fuck is wrong with his top teeth?
It's legit disturbing me.


This. Fakku went full jew.

Use Sad Panda, Hitomi, or nhentai from now on. True OG sites.



relatively one million isn't a lot anymore.

>e-celeb shit

It is if you look down on everyone else as plebians for not enjoying it, while at the same time giving anyone shit for liking any anime that's somewhat popular

Compared to a big name? no its not. Compared to every youtuber? 1 million is enough to make you pretty famous.

fucking kill yourself


i unironically enjoy mark's videos when he's playing a good game

when he's doing shitty vlogs or crying then i'll pass

This smug anime girl is truly the only Sup Forums approved youtuber.
Why has no one made lewds of her yet?

Not let's players per se, but jerma, some dunky, and lobosjr are all good imo. Also, I'm sad game center cx and the kacho aren't really memes here anymore


choose one

Let's not

but he is a literally who
are there so many ironic weebs?

this is true. think he is just loud and filter friendly enough for a large audience to get sucked in.

Looks like this guy doesn't want pusi

Oney Plays

gibe de pusi b0ss

you gay m8?

>are there so many ironic weebs
oh a fuck ton. I go to semi-annual conventions that are packed with them



The Golden One.

go back

I can smell the stank emanating from your chair that emerged from watching SBF and Oney Plays for hours at a time.


DSP is the only Sup Forums approved youtuber in this picture.

Check 'em


So this is weeb posters... Really gets the thoughts twirling
Always knew they were just newfags into the latest quirky nerdy fad

Reminder that Sup Forums is the only board where e-celeb discussion is apparently "not allowed"

Every other board has civil discussions about guys who make content for and represent their hobby, why can't Sup Forums?

>I go to semi-annual conventions
Why do people do this? Just to buy merchandise?

I hate these spergfests, I feel uncomfortable being there just like the anime club at my university. The worst thing is that they don't even seem that into anime, they only appear to like popular series, shonuen or seasonal memes. 90% of the cosplays were AoT the last time I went.

Too pure for this world

>Sup Forums

haha yeah he's totally BASED
king of hate

Sup Forums is not other boards. We have had e-celeb discussion on Sup Forums for longer than you've been alive.

Sup Forums and Sup Forums are the same board at this point.

Name one good playthrough of his to watch. I started the Subnautica one because I wanted to see what the game is like, and he does nothing but yell stupid shit.

The shonenshit generals definitely have a large overlap.

>5 years old

Despite the best efforts of Sup Forumsermin, and in spite of how awful Sup Forums has gotten over the last 7 years, Sup Forums is still worse.

>The Golden One.

>Can't play the game while talking
>Never stops talking

yeah I do get that, there is definently a degree of sperg to it, but sperg is good in small amounts. I mainly go for the panels, and activities, screenings etc. that are held there. also, there is a sort of novelty to it that doesn't exist else where.

Riylo is my favourite.

Sup Forums?

why does everyone try to destroy the west

Well of course. At least they discuss their hobby and ban frogposting.



do you even search user?

Sup Forums and Sup Forums invaded Sup Forums
still Sup Forums has some good threads occasionally

Lots and lots of children.

Nobody invaded Sup Forums. This board is the same as ever, no extreme changes have taken place since the sub-Sup Forums boards were made, which didn't even have a big effect.

>tfw have watched 500+ anime
Help, I don't want to be pretentious weeb, how do I delete anime from my brain. Please respond within 5 minutes, I'm running out of time. In fact it might already be too late.

t. arrived from r/the_donald a whole year ago so he's not a newfag anymore!

>not based as fauck

are there weeb kids too
in my country all weebs are over 20 year olds i believe

Ecelebs are NOT video games

haha ;)

His early videos of SCP he sounds like a straight copycat of PDP and has no personality.
I definitely think he has a good voice and presence on youtube, however we all know he wont stop acting like a stupid faggot because of his view count and the fans that watch him for that alone. The only video I thought it did well on, he has a fucked up voice and had to talk softly. When he pays attention and isn't trying to be funny he does an ok job.

>i unironically enjoy
how do you enjoy something ironically

Watching an extremely bad movie for example.

What bout Brown Bricks

Dude should stop acting like a faggot and move into narrating audiobooks desu, his voice is great but his content is trash.

no way. Sup Forums worships moeshit, shounen, has constant generals, and has repeating thread titles such as "this is your x for tonight" and "'villains' who did nothing wrong". plus, most of their "discussion" is just retarded waifuposting.

Sup Forums may be full of garbage and have a few of those repeating thread titles, but at least it's funny and amusing garbage. Sup Forums is just complete trash. at least the mods did the board a favor by getting rid of the DJT.

no matter how bad Sup Forums or Sup Forums are, no board on Sup Forums deserves to get put down like a dog with rabies more than Sup Forums

What's wrong with this faggot's voice? He sounds like he's trying to shout quietly.

Ryan Northernlion Letourneau.

>Sup Forums actually good
I too enjoy actual discussion being drowned out by brand loyalty spergouts.

Cry the Sup Guy
chill voice, genuine reactions, plays games I like, goofs off on right moments and determination to beat something is ridiculously strong.

if you look closely there's good discussion all the time. nostalgia threads, retro game threads, rare video game threads, "games only you have played", etc

The real guy, the best guy

nice job. im sure those were posted sincerely. why is this place getting more retarded

gibe de pusi b0ss

t. arrived from tumblr a whole year ago so he's not a newfag anymore!

he could probably make good money narrating. I'd definitely listen to him read suspense and thriller.

Have a couple:

Is this faggot really trying to accuse other people of being cancer?

20 fucking minutes to reply with that weak bantz?

What did you do, put a bunch of options up on your home site and see which got the most upvotes?