>mfw someone says watching Netflix is a hobby, but playing vidya isn't
Mfw someone says watching Netflix is a hobby, but playing vidya isn't
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They both aren't. Hobbies are things like rock climbing, playing an instrument, ect. Not just sitting on your ass and staring at a screen like a jackass.
haha, so depreciating
Care to prove me wrong? What have you gained from vidya other than a life of being a sexless NEET?
Gun knowledge
an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure.
There are obviously hobbies more beneficial than others, like learning a new language, but by definition its anything you enjoy doing. Stamp collecting is a hobby.
I want to impregnate Danielle Bregoli I don't care how old she is
So is killing yourself so maybe there's a hobby for ya? You can reduce anything to a hobby, retard. If we're discussing ACTUAL hobbies that wouldn't make your parents shake their heads then I'm right and you're wrong.
>done regularly
>killing yourself
>all of these projections and implications
I'm not that guy but you sound pathetic
>not a verb
kek lrn2english, juan
>People actually say "i watch netflix" instead of "i watch movies" when asked about their hobby
Sup Forums is 18+
Netflix has more than movies, it's like saying i watch tv.
But do you expect from people who mafe autist spinners a thing.
I've noticed it's more of a female thing. I'm a literal normie when it comes to social interactions and I go on a lot of dates as well as constantly browse online dating sites and the two constants with women online is:
a. their "hobby" includes watching Netflix
b. they have a picture of them in front of the Eiffel tower
They're also mostly damaged, crazy, have kids and wildly privileged into thinking they should only date men that are vastly out of their league because of all the messages they receive.
I'm a hero for hobby
>not knowing the spicy hot overwatch rage meme
don't know if newfag or just bait
Pretty silly that video games aren't socially accepted, despite the fact that they make shitloads more money than movies and you don't just sit there and stare at the screen like a zombie.
my hobby is wasting away in front of a screen, wondering if the future holds something in store for me while I do nothing to improve myself
also drawing
If your hobby is watching TV series and movies you say just that, not the name of a fucking streaming service. It's like saying "i watch crunchyroll" instead of saying "i watch anime"
They probably think it sound more cool and hip, fucking women i tell you
netflix has such trash selection i can't imagine how someone could feel satisfied with it as their prime source of media.
When people say they're watching netflix, I'm assuming it's a 5+ hour binge compared to saying watching a movie which is 2 hours at most.
What do you prefer
Why did you make this post? What compelled you to write that inarticulate and downright worthless babble? Is it really so hard/tiring to make sincere posts or crack a joke instead of relying on blatant shitposting?
people that call netflix their hobby are genuinely retarded and probably just marathon shit like grey's anatomy and bones
When I tell people I'm watching Netflix, I'm usually watching porn. Netflix is less embarrassing to say.
Frogposter has autism. Who could've though
regularly kys
Both are too superficial to be considered hobbies.
You're dumb and don't understand what words mean. I work out, that's a hobby, I play games, that's a hobby, I read, that's a hobby. Are you getting it? Things you do in your leisure time are hobbies.
>my hobby is wasting away in front of a screen, wondering if the future holds something in store for me while I do nothing to improve myself
This. I have a college degree but work at a grocery store. I have to actually be there in a few hours for truck we get at 4:30 am. I do just enough to make it seem like I'm trying in terms of "bettering myself" by looking for jobs and taking care of my looks and all that, but in the end I'd rather just get on Sup Forums and sleep all day.
I do play guitar so at least that's something.
literally anything. i used to subscribe to netflix for getting mailed dvds and that was great since they had practically every movie available. i'd rather deal with the wait and watch literally anything than stream whatever shitty movies netflix managed to get a cheap licensing deal for. all their original series have been mediocre compared to the greats of network television.
i just torrent shit and watch documentaries on youtube these days.
So browsing Sup Forums is a hobby? If so you're a massive disappointment to yourself and anyone associated with you. Just because you enjoy doing something faggy in your downtime doesn't make you a special snowflake. Hobbies have purpose. Working out and reading are hobbies, but vidya isn't but I'll even give you that. However, your argument is anything you do when youre not wagecucking is a hobby. Hmm, let me just stand in this corner. I mean, I'm not working and it's my free time so I guess its a hobby now!
Did I hit a nerve, pedro?
Whenever I say I'm binging something on netflix on the weekend, it means I'm catching up on anime and shitposting about it for the rest of the day
Who are you saying this to, user?
If it's repeated enough it is. If someone goes to the park every day to watch the joggers then that's their hobby.
What kind of person does it take to spew shit like this?
Coworkers, acquaintances, relatives, and friends who aren't close enough to know that I'm a weeb piece of shit.
So, again, standing in a corner, if done enough, is a hobby? I mean, sure, by your gay little definition it is, but try to live in reality for a sec and think about what you're saying. If you told people your hobby included going to a park to watch joggers they'd immediately think you're some kind of creep. Hobbies aren't meant to make others think you're a weirdo.
You'd just say I enjoy spending time out in nature. If you stood in a corner you'd just say you enjoy meditating.
>if repeated enough it's a hobby
>I drink water so now its a hobby
I mean, i'm not the autist in this thread going nuts about what's a hobby, but that's a pretty broad definition.
>one autist arguing against the literal definition of hobby
noun: hobby; plural noun: hobbies
an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure.
"her hobbies are reading and gardening"
synonyms: pastime, leisure activity, leisure pursuit; More
>not killing yourself at least 2 or 3 times a day
>that feel when no trashy teen gf with a thick accent and a thicc ass
Why live
But that's not what you're doing. You're going to a park to stare at joggers and you're standing in a corner just to stand in a corner. Just because you reword what you're doing doesn't make it a hobby. See how your original logic on what hobbies are and aren't is beginning to crumble? Take this L
I like to people watch, I like to relax. Dude the dictionary is on my side, you have nothing but your feelings on the matter which aren't worth shit so take off bud.
Notice how in that definition it doesn't include playing videogames or watching tv. It's actual hobbies that improve your intellect, get you moving or have a purpose. Staring at your screen while you hear 1up bing boop wahooo! isn't a hobby and no dictionary will say it is. Sorry.
When people ask
>"user, what hobbies do you have?"
There asking what you like to do with your time, even if the true definition of the word "hobby" doesn't mean exactly that, it's how the word is used. I'm not going to pretend that google's definitions are entirely accurate, I just thought I'd chuck the image into the thread.
I think what makes that different from pleasure related activities is that it's vital to our survival, we drink water out of necessity not because we enjoy doing it to pass the time.
You've lost man. I'm claiming this victory and going to bed. I'm the winnerman you're the loserman, just sit down and accept it.
God damn this thread is cancer. Everyone in this thread needs to get the hobby of not being autistic shitposting faggots.
If a hobby is something you do regularly then losing arguments and ragequitting must be your hobby.
"My hobby is watching Netflix" - Nobody Ever 2017
Must be at least a 1/10 if it got me a (you). Thanks, fag stick. :)
Drinking water isn't a hobby because you do it to survive, not for personal enjoyment or leisure. If you regularly engaged in water-drinking contests, that could be considered a hobby. This isn't a difficult concept, user.
Have you just emerged from a cave after a decade? It's a pretty common statement nowadays especially among women. It rivals surfing on social media
>has never talked to a woman before
Oh, user. If you were to download tinder right now you'd be massively disappointed at how wrong you are.
I personally think watching Netflix is a gay hobby, but I guess it's a hobby nonetheless. I just hate it as an answer. Kind of like when someone says, "I like all kinds of music". I always just assume they have no personality.
Why is Sup Forums so anti-video games?
There really aren't people who say that.
You really should've not posted this.
It's just insecure self-hating faggots, really. They think having a hobby is this big special thing but literally all it is is whatever bullshit activity you engage in on your downtime.
I'm not, but I don't think video games are hobbies. If you're still in school (not college) then sure, but once you hit 18, it's probably time get some real hobbies.
>being this retarded
>these aren't hobbies, THESE are hobbies
No, actually anything you enjoy doing in your spare time regularly is a hobby
>so is x really a hobby???
>but what about x???
Great thread!
>gaming isn't a hobby
Here is a partial list
But you'd be the first to call a furry a furfag for dressing up like an animal as a hobby.
Hobbies should be at least respectable. I don't know where we went wrong with YOUR generation. More spankings and less soy milk.
Yeah, some of them can be pretty stupid, but that doesn't make them not hobbies.
>sourcing Wikipedia for literally anything
Citing inaccurate websites is a hobby! NO BULLY PLS
The phrase "you need to find a more productive hobby" has been around for a long time. Being "good," "bad," "useful," etc. have no effect on whether something is a hobby or not
With Sup Forums gaining very considerable traffic in recent years, the influx of new people will be inevitable and whilst you do get many young people who love vidya there are bitter folk who come here purely to shitpost and may or may not play much vidya at all, this is of course the more attractive option to Sup Forums because Sup Forums has certain rules that encourage spontaneous posts and no archiving or history of any sort, while Sup Forums is high traffic but with very little of those same encouragements. This combined with the fairly laissez-faire policy of shitposting the mods and Hiroyuki have makes these kinds of posts and people all too common. I think that about covers it, but I may have missed a thing or two.
How accurate is this image?.
go back to being paid to post on Sup Forums
stopped reading there. please pack your fedora and sword up and go back to plebbit
I'm not sure why you think of a hobby as some kind of institutional classification
they're just leisure activities done regularly and not required for survival, as many in this thread have said. Some could be seen as "better" than others for subjective reasons.
Word has a definition.
If thing fits the definition then I can use word for it.
Shall I blow your mind?
> Music is an art form and cultural activity whose medium is sound organized in time.
>Sound organized in time
Yes, me farting to a beat is literally music and you can't do anything about.
I wouldnt go that far, just let her blow me while I'm hotdoggin her tits and I'm a happy guy.
actually several studies have shown that wikipedia has some of the most accurate information on the internet. Unless some is intentionally tampered with (it gets corrected fairly quickly too), the info is usually right. Almost all of it is sourced to so you can verify it yourself
>Yes, me farting to a beat is literally music and you can't do anything about.
It's called dubstep. Nice try though.
Case in point.
>Oh, user. If you were to download tinder right now you'd be massively disappointed at how wrong you are.
That and how easily it is to get robbed
Just search up 'fart music' on youtube and you'll get a bunch of results.
Farting without order isn't music, just as playing any instrument without order isn't.
If you space your farts out and try to compose something out of it, you bet your ass it's going to be music, literally.
>tfw you found your wife on tinder and you've been together for years now
>1.an activity done regularly in one's leisure
time for pleasure.
>"her hobbies are reading and gardening"
>synonyms:pastime, leisure activity, leisure pursuit;
Literally anything that uses up time and does not pay a wage is a hobby. Shitting in the toilet can be considered a hobby. If you gonna spurge out about how other people spend their time, perhaps you need to rethink your priorities.
If you devote enough time to those things, sure, they're hobbies. They are pretty pointless hobbies, regarding how you word them, but hobbies regardless.
People watching can be a valuable hobby for a writer, meditation for someone who works in a high stress environment, etc, but a hobby isn't really properly described just by what you do, but also what you get out of it. In the case of "standing in a corner," is it meditation or out of boredom? If it bores you, you aren't really doing anything besides wasting time (finding ways to waste time can be a hobby). You'll probably get some weird looks for saying that's how you value your leisure time, but if it's that's what you derive from it then that's that.
Literally nobody says this.
How many times are you faggots going to copy and paste what a hobby is out of some random dictionary you found to support your argument in google? Emoji is in the fucking dictionary yet you source it still? Fuck off.
Light report
Oh look it's a bald cultist cuck
Emoji is in the dictionary because it is a valid word that is in common usage
Tell us about it, user.
I have used Tinder since it came out as well as Bumble and okcupid. I've had over 20 dates on it, gotten laid several times, had a few fuck buddies, but never a gf, let alone a wife. I am seeing this one girl right now that's promising but shes also 22 and I'm almost 29. She's a nurse at one of the top ranked hospitals in the country though so she's not a girl still living out here sorority post college days like most young girls I find on these sites.
So why are you posting here? Shouldn't you be trying to kill yourself? Or are you a pussy?
My hobby is proving autists wrong and making them rage. I'd say I'm a pro.