prove me wrong

it's just like tinder senpai, when there's too many people around they become expendable

The game was ruined when it stopped being about exploration, the journey, and having set goals to achieve and work toward. Now it's just a numbers game. Get higher numbers and grind out everything for that RNG gear.

I'm not, because it's true. Crossrealm's a stupid fucking shitty gimmick that does more harm than good.

Crossrealm everything was a mistake. Crossrealm BGs ruined BGs, crossrealm LFD ruined dungeon groups, etc.

>Cross realm
>Raid Finder

Icecrown Citadel patch ruined the game.

This game died when they took Didier's panda schtick and include it into the lore.

>making smaller servers feel like theres more people ruined the entire game

Yeah, nah, youre a fucking moron

Yeah. If fucking hate having to group with BRs. Also I hate getting in Oceana runs in dungeon finder because my ping goes from 12ms to 300ms.

>Having a bunch of fucking retards clogging up your server so that if you're trying to farm for something, you're completely fucked because you're fighting everyone for it

>trying to farm for something
>post cata

I bet youre one of those players thats too dumb to play the AH and get 2+ characters at goldcap PRE-INCREASE

It was one of many things. Other things being arenas, badge loot, fucktarded story direction, fear of giving players difficult content, etc.

Although crossrealm BGs came before a lot of that, and were a harbinger of the horrors that awaited.

Why do they refuse to merge servers?
What is the purpose of having like 30 empty/low pop realms?

because the second they merge servers every "journalist" is going to write about the death knell of wow and all the casuals will leave

I was thinking its more because they can squeeze more money out of people who are forced to pay for realm xfers to get off of dead ones.
That sounds like something blizz would do.

Why can't it be both?

>Literally impossible to tame Skoll since CRZ

What's the non-bullshit reason they did it? To make the realms seem more full than they are? Why? If someone doesn't want a dead realm, they'd pay to switch.

>What's the non-bullshit reason they did it? To make the realms seem more full than they are?
That's pretty much it, yeah.
Regardless of your thoughts about the current state of the game there is no denying that its bleeding subs and a lot of the realms would be total ghost towns without CRZ.
I guess they think deleting empty realms and consolidating the player base would be admitting defeat or something. Blizzard is dumb.

There isn't a single cause to why WoW fell off in quality.
The decline was setup somewhere between the end of BC and the start of Wrath. BCs endgame was inaccessible to many players, which Blizz thought was a problem. It was built to reward players who dedicated enormous amounts of time to player. Wrath's LFG and poor raids also set a bad example (Ulduar suffered from bad scheduling).
There was also the rise of sites like wowhead, Allakhazam, coinciding with the rapid explosion of internet access. WoW is a game about exploration and adventure and having everything leak weeks in advance kind of ruined that experience.
Lastly, I personally feel that the newer generation were less social in game and relied on friendships established outside games. In Vanilla and BC, I made friends along the way during leveling. Wrath and on wasn't like that.

I feel the same. What's with the diablofication? Did they give up on d3 and transferred casino mechanics to wow in hope to keep it floating longer? WoW's endgame feels artificially gated and "endless" now

I want to play again. Any Sup Forums guilds recruiting?

>>What's with the diablofication?

The dev team was led by Jay Wilson after he was kicked off D3 around late MoP. His cronies have been running the game ever since, even after he quit.

>Sup Forums guilds

I really hope they fired the guy who decided to let flying in Azeroth be a thing.

>BCs endgame was inaccessible to many players
No it wasn't, players just didn't do the easily accessible endgame because they were fucking stupid. I mean how much easier do you want to make it when you've got badge gear better than T5 that you can get after a couple Kara runs? Never should've gotten easier than that.

>Any Sup Forums guilds recruiting
>unironically wanting to join anything Sup Forums related outside of Sup Forums

Well what do you recommend? I want to hear some memes and get nothing done.

>greentexting your own statements for no reason
Please lurk more before posting
Thank you

only if you play on private servers.

>joining Sup Forums guilds
no just no

See, you're spouting anecdotals based on your own personal experience with the game. That sort of testimony is exactly what Blizzard considers the rantings of a vocal minority.

CRZ was a decision based on hard data. Interpreting data wrong leads to games fucking up. Currently, the Jay Wilsonites interpret the data behind the AP grind as a smashing success because retention is high (for a pittance of players still playing)

ahahaha why the fuck is flying in Azeroth bad

>Well what do you recommend?
I'm sure that there are some reddit guilds that would accommodate your kind.

But I don't want to play with attention whoring faggots.

That's merely a single point on a huge list of mistakes that were made. Shitting all over the lore, items scaling in ridiculous ways, making all previous content redundant, there's so much else wrong with it.

At least private vanilla servers are now a thing.

yet you want to play with Sup Forums. you are contradicting yourself user

Then don't play with people from Sup Forums.
The kind of people who try to make it as obvious as possible that they're le epic channers are the biggest attention whores out there.

Oh shit - somehow missed that. Makes a lot of sense..

I used the wrong word, but you are definitely right. Most players couldn't be assed to get to TK or SSC.

The last bit is my personal experience sure. However, Blizz clearly changed the game to allow more players to raid everything. Not sure how thats anecdotal.

Arena gear was the beginning of the end. Prove me wrong

>The decline was setup somewhere between the end of BC and the start of Wrath
The decline was setup with the introduction of BGs, and began to start its spiral out of control when TBC was released.

You're right. Guess I'll just resub and play alone for a few months. Terrokar server, here I come.

To this day I keep repeating that they should just make LFR que people into a Normal Difficulty Raid instead having it's own difficulty

Or you can try to find a guild to play with that isn't full of obnoxious memers.
They exist if you look hard enough.

I dont remember too well, but wasn't Panda's LFR like that?

WoW being an MMO is what ruined WoW.

no LFR has been it's own difficulty since cataclysm

normal was flex

A) You lose all sense of atmosphere when 100% of time spent traveling is in the clouds. Sure you can use your mount anyway, but why would you handicap yourself? Not like this is really inportant considering the world is an epic meme of death after cata

B) it's why you dont run into people anymore (no flying paired with dungeon finder).

C) wPvP dead

MoP raiding was a fucking mess. You had LFR for shittier versions of the same loot you get from normal raids.

Then you had flex

Then normal

Then heroic

Then mythic

Roll face on keyboard, collect purps.
Unless it was Durumu, then it took a couple wipes or the half of the raid that didn't die to the maze would slowly chip him down

Durumu and snail bosses were the best times in LFR.

>wPvP dead
>actually enjoying wPvP

mythic wasn't a thing until the WoD pre-patch and they had gotten rid of flex for MoP

MoP had LFR, N, H

Cata had flex

Panda LFR was amazing.
I remember back in SoO around the same time they released paid lvl 90 boosts you would get into groups with tanks decked out in TBC gems who didn't even know what "tanking" meant.
Boss fights like Galakras would take forever because of all the boostbabbies who had no idea how to play.

>ToT Durumu LFR

i don't think any other boss other than maybe Archimonde in WoD wiped so many raids

What ruined the game was a multitude of decisions spanning across it's game length culminating into the shitshow of today.

Galakras did. People would queue just to fuck up the towers.

Wrath actually tried to use flying mounts as part of the traveling experience. Everything was spaced out farther than usual and placed on hill tops. WoW has done a lot wrong, but they've typically gotten their leveling zones right.

Imperator was a blast if you pulled the whole room.

Even if you didnt like it, the game feels much smaller and empty with it. Outlands flying works because everything in outlands is huge and developed with the idea that people will be flying there. The same is not for azeroth

Isn't flying in Azeroth available at 60?

no it's available at 80

By the time you can fly in Azeroth you're already done with all the zone developed for ground mounts

I have fond memories of starting the fight early before people were ready and forcing a wipe for laughs.
It would take forever for people to figure out it was me doing it.

the lvl 80-85 cataclysm zones are in Azeroth

So you go Azeroth > Outland > Northrend > Azeroth again > Pandaland > Draenor > Broken Isles

>I have fond memories being a cancerous faggot

stay mad

But wouldn't the cataclysm zones be designed to incorporated flying just like Outlands?

stay sad

yes that's why you don't unlock flying until you leave Northrend at 80 (used to be 85 but when expansions end blizz removes the max lvl req to make leveling alts easier)

get glad

So then flying in Azeroth is a good thing

still sad

too bad

i mean it's convenient but all this convenience is what started ruining the social aspects of the game

When flying was released in BC it was different and you could only do it in Outland (and the normal flying mount was only 60% speed increase) which was just some floating continent in space

When you ported back to Azeroth you were back in the same old WoW

>dota2 garbage

End yourself

WoW will never be the same
you either enjoy it for what it is now or quit

>The decline was setup with the introduction of BGs

Nope. BGs were a welcome change from zerging SS endlessly.


It was better when your character wasn't part of the lore.

>but they've typically gotten their leveling zones right.

Funny how the two zones that were based around flying, so much so that they gave you a free flying mount to use, were the worst zones in WotLK. Flying has always been a one step forward, two step backwards type of thing. They have admitted it was a mistake, but they can't take people's flying mounts away at this point.

I don't want to be the savior of the world
or share the role of Class commander with every other hunter, warrior, etc...

I liked Grizzly Hills; Dragonblight and Stormpeaks were pretty crappy. Still, at least they tried to build leveling around it. Icecrownd seemed to also be designed with flying mind.

>wow player

is the localdefense channel still broken?