Remember when Tabata bragged about saving FF and Japan with FFXV?
I 'member.
I 'member
>playing weeb shit like any jrpg, final Fantasy shit, shit persona, nier and those shits.
Never played, never will. Kys weaboo
What's a weaboo?
>senile arthritic visionless mobile dev in charge of combat design
Just swallow your pride like the Yakuza cum you swallowed and put in on PC already, S-E
You know, I've never understood this weaboo bashing on Sup Forums. Do you realize what site you're on? Do you know it's history at all? If you hate Japan and fans of it's shit, why are you using Sup Forums to shit post? Are you new?
yes. and it sold pretty well last I checked.
mission accomplished.
That's the joke. Are you challenged?
I've only seen numbers shipped.
>Jokes on you, I'm only pretending to be retarded!
well, it did better than it deserved to.
in game product placement? fuck off.
oh god it was so obnoxious
fucking noodles I could handle but seeing
JAPAN AIR in a fucking FF game was the final straw
Quality post, closet weeb
Thanks for bringing that up. I guess now we know which is the best offline MMORPG.
I am aware that P5 got knocned down a point but it still stands
>Y0 that low
>Horizon that high
I love both games, but this upsets me greatly. They need to swap spots, and it would make more sense.
What exactly is your point? FF4 had a critic score of 86 and yet it's considered one of the best. FF13 has a critic score of 83 and it's better than 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 12, and 14.
Again, what is your argument?
FF15 was mostly good with some VERY questionable decision making.
Saddens me that Zodiac Age is gonna be just a port of IZJS.
If they just polished the lesser parts of the game and amped up that Ivalice feel for it to be more like FFT and Vagrant Story it could easily become the best numbered Final Fantasy.
Why are you acting like metacritic matters?
Remember when Sup Forums would laugh at you for posting metacritic scores
now console war shitposters follow the numbers religiously
here we go
>gets an 86 upon release
>constant front page spamming
>suddenly drops drastically
>hurr metacritic doesn't matter
Remember when console war shitposters shitposted about exclusives and not multiplats??
What are you talking about? Critic scores are there to warn us wether or not we should buy day one, wait a while, rent/borrow or skip entierly.
People seem to forget that mixed reviews are around mid sixes. Decent reviews are around high 7's to low 8's.
A game like FF13 still got very decent reviews for critics. It just meant that we had to wait a while before getting it.
Remember how he objectively did save FF?
But 8/10 is a great score no matter how you look at it.
>people actually defend this fucking joke of a game that still needs surveys to ask what cut content should be actually put in
nu-Sup Forums disgusts me
>metacritic suddenly matters
>metacritic suddenly DOESN'T matters
What did he mean by this?
nice webm by the way did you make it yourself?
Except Luna holding Noctis happens after the fight and the fight themselves aren't even the same, you're already invalidated.
>still reposting old as fuck meme images of a glitch from months before the game was even out.
Kys Matt you samefagging cunt.
>metacritic suddenly matters.
It's literally the one guy ITT aka OP who is trying to pretend they matter. He's a butt devastated shitposter.
Said noone ever.
Who's Matt?
Give it a rest Matt. You were BTFO.
>Shitstain seriously thinks metacritic matters
Neo/v/ everyone.
>Shitstain seriously thinks metacritic DOESN'T matter
Is it a good game for fans, though? Like I'd play FFI even to this day, are the people who hate XV just VIbabbies?
I love FF, but I hated XV. I enjoyed XIII more than XV.
As a fan of the series, you probably won't like it a lot.
He's a shitposter who's been "anti" posting against XV since 2014 when Nomura was announced that he was taken off the game. At the time he was dubbed Tposefag because he was trying to shitpost about the robot enemies in the trailer somehow being in a tpose, and he would repost the same images and copypasta against the game for months. eventually after the playable demo was out he came to be known as "anti kun" or "anti XV-kun" as it was more apt way to describe him, and his collection of shitposting material grew. He was also found out to be the gamefaqs user "Pesmerga255" and was exposed multiple times. Then one day from a youtube comment on an FFXV video an account was accusing people of being XV-kun in the comments section, which he did here too, his youtube account was found and his name Matt was exposed. He's been BTFO almost every day since the game released yet he still reposts the same shitposting material of images and webms, and copy pasta and still shills metacritic.
FF15 is mostly good, but suffers from some VERY questionable discussion making like with Luna Freya. Or the camera in thick areas. or chapter 13.
I thought that FF13 was decent while FF15 was mostly good. See above for explanation.
>metacritic only matters when I say it does!
Fuck off matt.
I don't know, user. For me, FF XV was really boring. I never had fun with the combat and personally found it a mess, and I thought the world was really boring to explore. I did not enjoy any of the sidequests, and the only two moments I had some fun with was Costlemark Tower, due to how chaotic it was in there, and the fight with ifrit. It was just a very heartbreaking experience for me seeing how I waited for the game ever since it was announced. I didn't want to dislike it.
t. matt
losing your composure now that you've been found out?
Yes it's among the best FFs. The only people who shit on it haven't played it or are turn based onry fags.
You didn't even touch XV.
>n-no it is you who is Matt
Didn't think that one through did you?
wow matt you're getting really desperate
kono speedo...!?!
Yeah it's good, has a ton of throwbacks to the classic FFs too.
You're full of shit.
>he's still trying.
come on matt this is becoming painful to watch
Why is this one person so obsessed with defending this game?