wtf man I didn't play for only like a few months and literally everyone is kicking my ass now
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Time to start practicing.
>when you're so bad you lose against any Sol just spamming bandit bringer and fafnir
Baiken is apparently not that good. I play Axl and I've been destroying Baiken players left and right.
Baiken is solid, not great but good. The Axl matchup is just a hard one, and Axl is especially going to blow up anyone that doesn't know what they're doing, which is probably most Baiken players right now.
I don't like what they did with the lobbies. Before, they were a good way to count players on a specific region. Now they're condemned to be empty and barely usable
Don't worry, UNIELst comes out next month
What exactly did they change? I can still see the number of players in the world lobbies.
It looks a little interesting. I was thinking of picking up UNIEL at some point, but I never did.
Baiken is good. Probably mid tier. However you shouldn't be shock about killing Baikens left and right cause she does take some time to learn and all the waifufags are jumping on to play her. It'll be like Dizzy but 10 fold.
Well before, you had to go through the lobby to enter player match. Now you don't, and you leave the lobby if you want to play player match.
Like yes, player match has a count for players in that mode. The issue is that it's international, so if you're european or american, you'll know nothing about how many people are playing the game.
The funny thing about the player match count btw is that it's always between 100 and 200, until it's past work time in gookland and it goes up to 2000.
Get bodied boi
Okay user, so here's what you do. Go to training mode and set the dummy to do bandit bringer or fafnir or whatever move is giving you trouble. Keep experimenting until you find something that beats those moves.
spoonfeed: most character's 6Ps can beat out BB, and Sol can't cancel into fafnir in Xrd, so anything fast that reaches will do the trick
That's a big girl
how much frame delay can be considered acceptable for netplay? I remember getting like 8f against japs back in the first game but now I get like 4-5f which I don't feel is too bad
In my experience 3-4 on console, 5-6 on PC.
Depends on the person. Some people cannot tolerate 3f at all on console, while other like me consider it to be the hard cap. But yeah, count between 2 and 4f of lag, stable.
And up to 6f on PC
never played revelator, would i be better off getting rev 2 on pc or ps4? wanna make sure i'm wherever the most people are
>learning baiken
>trying to bring her online is suicide because input delay makes parries almost impossible among a few more of her inputs
>end up spamming tatami and catching people with claw to win most of the time
the most fun I had tonight was against a really good Leo and another Baiken mirror. The other Baiken had a better grasp of her than I do at the moment and knew more combos but he was a no defense nelly so I managed to get a few wins off him, the Leo was obviously really good and I suspect if he knew the baiken matchup better he would have absolutely decimated me instead of just regularly decimating me
It probably depends on your region. I've heard PC became quite popular in Europe for Rev1 due to the smoother netcode. I imagine console is still much more popular in the US.
Input delay is going to make defensive azami use hard but you really shouldn't be using it on anything but very clear reads anyway.
Thanks senpai
Not even the pro's use blockstun azami
Baiken's dustloops are so much fun to do
>tfw Tatami Gaeshi hits in the corner
The one pro Baiken we actually have footage of does use it out of blockstun, but only when he knows it will work. The 1-3f active time hurts but it's not useless, you just have to be sure of what the opponent is doing.
That said I do hope it gets a buff to 5f.
The following Venom combo on crouching opponents is giving me a lot of trouble online: c.S(2)>QVS>5P into ball hit>iad j.SHD>...
I can do it without any real issues offline, but just hitting the ball from QVS with 5P is terrible with only a few frames of delay. Even when it says I only have 1-3 frames of delay it feels like it's a lot more. Should I try to grind it out in training mode with delay enabled or just try to for an easy knockdown instead of damage when I play online?
is there an idiotproof way on beating minigame 4? Because I can't see shit thanks to the fucking camera.
I time it partly by visual, when the ball is about to travel around Venom's shoulder area.
>Sunk hundreds of hours into playing Ky in AC
>Pick him up just fine in Xrd because he never changes except like two moves
>Try to branch out and try other characters like Elphelt
>Can't break my mindset off of having Ky's tools at my disposal
>Go back to playing Ky
It's not that I don't like playing him, I love him to death. But man, I can't seem to break away and use other characters for the life of me.
Elphelt and Baiken are top on the list of characters to learn but mid-match i'm always resorting to the same movement patterns and blockstrings that obviously don't work.
Just gotta break those habits.
I started on xrd, and I had the awful noob habit of always ending every combo with k mappa, instead of going for the knockdown mixup, or space with p mappa if needed.
Started doing unsafe sweeps when I panic, but eventually you learn better.
Axl is a true fag tier character, everyone has issues dealing with him.
Does your save file from Rev1 carry over to Rev2? like money, unlocks, etc.?
>beginner lobby
>get my ass handed
why is this allowed
Yes, if you get the upgrade and not the stand alone.
disc version doesn't carry over? that's bs
Why would you even get the more expensive stand alone if you already have Rev 1?
cute video
Advice don't use Baiken you will spend more time looking at her boob swagger than concentrating on the game
I think I read somewhere that you can important your Revelator save with the disc version.
Rather have the disc. Selling the old disc.
hope so
why doesn't the game show how good the connection is between players anymore in the lobby?
make a super beginner lobby?
This is my first fighting game. How do I go about practicing my skills efficiently in this game?
I tried doing the combo mode, and while I'm able to pull the stuff it asks off after a bunch of tries, I couldn't pull these combos out from the top of my head in the heat of an actual fight.
I never expected them to translate that video
Disc version can import, i have it and it worked fine for me, have all my items unlocked from before
Learn your character's normal moves, what other normals they gatling into and from, how to control space with them, how to end in a knockdown if you hit with them, etc.
Get used to movement. Jumping, airdashing, dashing, braking your movement with faultless defense, etc.
You should really go through the mission mode if you haven't. It's the in-depth tutorial that teaches you all the mechanics of the game as well as some basic and advanced tech and even character-specific matchup stuff.
Just learn a simple combo at first, and add on to it and them as you grow accustomed to them.
You won't know when to apply or recognize the situations for other combos until you get more intuitive with the neutral, and how your character's attacks flow, which will happen over time and learning.
>start mission
>game expects you to start running at the opponent the exact same quarter second you're starting it up
>throws you back to the main mission on failure
I'd like to, but I think the mission mode is done very poorly.
Go to mission mode.
Do everything up until maybe the advanced stuff which you can sleep on until you're comfortable enough.
Soak up EVERYTHING those missions have to tell you. EVERYTHING.
Start with the simplest combos, like simple gatlings into sweep. Focus just as much on knowing HOW to do what you need to do as much as WHAT you need to do.
Look at high level match footage, tons of it on youtube. Don't focus too much on the crazy combos just notice how they move, how they block, what they do to get out of pressure.
Most importantly, don't feel like you need to start doing 70% combos in your first month of playing. Focus on getting over your match nerves and acting with a purpose, not mashing buttons. It takes time, a lot of time. Be patient. Practice basic execution and slowly work your way up.
Don't get discouraged.
You're just new and need practice. The things that mission mode goes over are all pretty essential.
My issue is that I don't even know what the game expects me do to before the game tells me I failed and throws me back to the main menu after a mission that lasts around half a minute. I don't mind practicing, but this is just unintuitive.
The game tells you what to do, and after a few failures gives you more hints. If you're really clueless you can just watch videos of other people doing the mission mode, too, it's just convenient to have it all in the game.
If there's terminology you don't understand you should be able to get answers on the Xrd dustloop wiki page.
Kek, is that Terumi voicing the chibi Raven?
how to may
Thanks for being helpful user, but my issue is that I'm spending more time relocating the mission from the menue to have another go at it, than actually trying them.
Fucking destroy people with your stupid high damage, fast overhead, and crazy mixup oki. May is really good in Xrd and I'm surprised I don't see more of her.
>She's a cool female samurai who fights with her Japanese sword and hidden weapons!
throw balls and dolphins
remember to delay a ring dolphin so if you get a hit with a charge dolphin you can pick up a juggle into air combo.
but really just throw more balls and dolphins
You don't have to burn through it all in one go. You can just jump into online lobbies and try to get used to the pace of the game and remember the basics as you get blown up. Missions are just a really good thing to look at to get knowledge of how the game works.
But are the missions even helpful if I don't like playing as Sol Badguy?
Thats nothing. I still loose to johnny players doing the same mixup all day, i fucking hate that coin that counters everything.
Spacing, pokes, mixups, whiff punishing, blocking, etc. are universal concepts.
why do I feel like I'm not playing fair with Leo
it feels blending a juice
Yeah. The ones that force you to play Sol are just teaching universal things, either mechanics or techniques that you'll use all the time regardless of who you're playing. Other missions that teach you to combat certain characters or things will let you choose a character when you start them.
Even the stuff in the very first missions about baiting attacks with FD braking or intercepting attacks with far reaching normals is the foundation of how the neutral game works.
I think so, Makoto's VA is also there.
Leo is pretty unga as fuck.
Characters without really strong reversals essentially just have to guess an opening, which is a truly abstract kind of hell in even light lag.
You don't see her much because charge motions and negative edge scare off most beginners. That said she's probably the easiest charge character to learn except for maybe Axl.
>throws you out of your rekka
>backstep your back-stance mixup
>zone you out
I like fighting Leo's
What the fuck is a Jump Cancel?
The game tells me to do it without explaining what it is.
Canceling a move with a jump. So instead of being stuck in the full recovery frames of, say, Baiken's 5s, you jump out as soon as it hits and continue pressure/the combo.
You're playing an okizeme monster, and most people don't like to spend meter on fault defense. I play I-no and fuck up tons of people because of similar reasons.
Cancelling a normal's animation with a jump IE press up back, up or up forward. Jump canceling is like a Gatling.
cancelling the ending frames/animation of certain moves by jumping
>baiken's 5s
what the fuck are you even talking about, autismo. Please use terms newbies can actually understand.
Some moves have jump cancellable properties,meaning you can immediately cancel that move with a jump. Such moves are usually 5K, c.S (close proximity S), but can be other moves depending on a character
Leo destroys people who don't know how to deal with him, moreso than other characters.
Learn this, this is important.
>tfw trying to learn Venom
Fuck, thanks.
This game needs a searchable glossary in-game.
Hope you like experimenting will balls
The number corresponds to the positions in a numpad. 5 refers to the middle of the numpad so it means you dont press/move anything in the dpad/stick. S means slash.
6H for example means forward + Heavy slash since 6 is right in the numpad position assuming you face right. If you face left, 6H means you still press forward. No matter your orientation 6 means forward and 4 means back. 2 is croushing while 3 is crouch forward.
Not him but you're going to hear numbers and letters a lot. Numbers correspond to a num pad on a computer, and the direction you have to input facing right.
5 in this case is neutral or not pressing any directional input. As for "S" it refers to the button you have to attack with; Slash. P is Punch, K is Kick, S is Slash, HS is Hard Slash, and D is Dust.
Try the tutorial. It covers most of the basic mechanics in brief overview through a weird mini-game.
That's it. I'm gay now. Thanks Venom, my ass is yours
Watching 310 style on the training dummy in between sets is the hypest shit.
>Try the tutorial.
I'm on them , but the term Jump Cancelling came out of nowhere during one of the combo tutorials.
>make a character that's supposed to play like they are from SF
>give them an input that's too complex for the average SF player
Was Kum a mistake?
I believe there are 2 tutorials, but I culd be mistaken. There's the tutorial with Sol and a bunch of minigames starting Jack-o that teaches you the bare basics of buttons. The other tutorial is a more intermediate one that teaches you tech and jargon like Jump cancels, roman cancels, safe jumps etc
Input is more lenient in Rev2 and also holy shit Kum got some buffs. Pretty scared of his damage now.
They simplified the input, and frankly Kum is one of the scariest guys to be knockdown on plus has crazy hype combos so if any sf player can't put in the time to learn a secret great character that's on them.
I think the more technical tutorial was only in Sign but you find all these things in mission mode instead.
Pretty sure they explain jump cancelling in Mission mode
is May's essenga different now? I feel like something's off
Which character are you using may I ask?
No longer gets a knockdown when done midescreen, only in the corner.
I fucking love Kum's wall bounce loops.
I'm alternating between Johnny, Baiken and I-No right now. I still haven't decided who I'm most comfortable with yet.
I looked at the titles but it's not there.
So what exactly does Rev 2 add to the game? Are there free changes to the base game too or will the game get split between base and Rev 2?