Why is no one talking about this game?
Why is no one talking about this game?
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single player is just so-so like other 40k games, multiplayer is a down grade compared to dow1 and 2 - no one is playing it.
>multiplayer is a down grade compared to dow1 and 2
Most people were disappointed, only the tiny amount of tourney fags keep clinging to it, waiting for balance patches.
Because it's shit
Game feels really shallow with the "3 slots" for elite units. I wish you could build all of the elites at one time and there are tons of ways to balance the game to support it...
But instead we have this shallow gameplay where you pick the 1-2 combinations thats best for your faction and grind it to death.
>"big" update patch announced for may 31
>not a single balancing patch deployed since launch
if they fuck up this patch then the game is dead 100%
on the contrary, limiting elites allows you to make them more powerful, so things like Wraithlords and Terminators actually feel like they should, instead of just being a high tier line unit
Not him, but I don't agree with you. I feel like Wraithlords and terminators in DoW 2 feel way more significant and powerful than their counterparts in DoW 3.
I don't even play with elites over 5 points. Don't need them. I'm able to close out literally like 90%+ of my games within the first 10 minutes. Only shitters who don't abuse the strongest meta (each faction only has 1 or, at most 2 strats to use at high level) actually have prolonged games and use the late game elites.
If you're good, the game is decided after the very first engagements and who manages to get shield gens down first for the resource boost that snowballs them to victory.
>make elites OP as fuck
>make basic units paper-thin by comparison
>turn late game fights into elites vs elites ; don't even bring your basic units to the fight because they do 0 damage to elites and die instantly
it feels less inspired by its RTS roots when all you're doing is micro'ing the units in a match.
it's just not what i wanted
You mean you want a DoW3 last stand mode with multiple lives, elites in this case, or a game mode consisting of just elites.
There's no need to build normal units if you will spam elites. Nobody will build them and their worth will be severely diminished if everyone could just choose elites..
Sounds to me you haven't even played the game because elites melt in seconds to concentrated fire from a couple of basic units of equivalent tier.
Mission 13 is bullshit.
Its the worst game in the series, even the "cut scenes" are poor and cheaply made, even the voice acting is bad.
Nothing about the game is good at all.
a quick drunken attempt at balancing: increase their cost exponentially with each elite unit alive.
you could then have a healthy rotation of all the units you would otherwise never see in a match and you can't just look at their elite/passive selections and know 100% exactly what to expect from the next 30 minutes.
You know, it's pretty bad when there are more people playing Nekopara than this game.
because it's trash and so are you for thinking of it
More people play Kerbal than Dow3.
>903 in-game
HOLY FUCKING SHIT. 1 more month and we're gonna get Battleborn levels of depressing player counts
just like most RTS games
dead genre
Only few of them are OP. I hope they are going to fix those in patch.
Because it's a complete clusterfuck of a game. They tried taking elements from the previous two games and combining them into a single game, but then watered down those elements to the point that they might as well not even be there. Then they tried to copy elements from StarCraft and MOBA's in order to appeal to casuals. The result is a game that has no fucking clue what it is, and sucks at everything it tries to do.
>Its the worst game in the series
That's the first one.
sad but tru
>They tried taking elements from the previous two games
So what was taken from dow2?
uhhhhhhhhhhh I guess the way you build generators
>Why is no one talking about this game?
It has Denuvo on it.If you were here long enough you'll know that Denuvo games die out pretty fast and can not retain their populations, since pirates don't bother with them games with Denuvo are pretty much dead on arrival.
No try,no buy.
Heya shill watchable doin
Army-defining hero units and map objectives being the primary means of victory. But, as I said, they watered that down and mixed it with so much other crap that it's just a bowl full of watery shit now.
Relic employee suicide video when?
>It's the first one
Incorrect it's the third one
Are you implying that heroes weren't powerful in 1?
Kek. A Necro Lord soloing entire armies in DoW1 was fucking hilarious.
the open beta was the closest thing we got to a demo and it was fun because nobody had the meta-game down to a T
That's not much.
>Army-defining hero units
That's not how dow2 works.
Neah, first one is pure shit full of crappy game mechanics. Reinfore anywhere was a pure bullshit.
Because there's nothing to talk about, its one of the worst RTS games to be released in a long time.
Heroes were strong units in DoW1, but they didn't completely dictate how you played your army like they did in DoW2. DoW3 tried to replicate the DoW2 style with the elite units, but then forgot what the word "balanced" means and made them so powerful that the rest of your army is essentially cannon fodder.
>no proper cover system
>no proper suppression mechanic
>no retreat
>no last stand
>moba-styled map and objective multiplayer only
All they had to do was take CoH1 and made a Warhammer40k skin for it and I would have been happy. Relic needs to stop fucking up with every new game they make.
When you say that basic units are just cannon fodder it pretty much lets everyone else know you haven't played the game.
And when you say basic units in DoW3 aren't cannon fodder it just lets everyone else know that you haven't played an RTS that's actually balanced and designed by competent devs. Either that, or your an SC2 baby and think that shit is normal.
in the sense that their spells nuke any and all basic infantry yes many are exactly like that.
You mean like the same shit that happens in DoW1 and 2?
I didn't care about graphical style, or the fact that it was going to have moba -elements. I was still going to buy it. Howerer it was just unfun to play. It doesn't feel rewarding or addicting. It's just that I don't have any reason to play it.
Funny thing is that, they actually could have made a good game without inventing anything new. All they had to do was just to combine elements from two previous games. But instead they tried to create something new, that doesn't really work at all, and failed miserably at it.
Relic reporting bankruptcy when? God I fucking hate them
I didn't play DoW 1, but it's definitely not like DoW 2. The closest thing DoW 2 commanders have to DoW 3 elite MOBA skillshot wave-clearing bullshit is like the warlock's destructor bolt which can't even one shot the weakest units in the game by itself.
>the open beta was the closest thing we got to a demo
>he thinks that everyone knew about the open beta
>the open beta was like 2 days long + - a few hours
What open beta?If they want to make a demo, they should make a demo.
But i am only hearing how shit this game is so maybe it is a good thing that there was no demo.
>The closest thing DoW 2 commanders have to DoW 3 elite MOBA skillshot wave-clearing bullshit
"Let the galaxy burn", for example.
You can literally walk out of it. With DoW 3 nukes you can only try to prempetively keep your squads as unblobbed as possible so the nuke only wipes one squad instead of like 3+
And even that isn't going to work with nukers like Kyre and Solaria who is going to obliterate like at least half a screen's worth of area
Would you rather than a towering massive unit take 2 minutes to kill a single squad of Dire Avengers?
The almost complete lack of macro.
some of us use email to stay informed on games we want to see succeed.. and besides it's on steam m8 just fucking buy it, download the crack, play it for 1 hr 59 m and then return it.
not to mention the built in "delete everything on the screen" faction abilities. really ruins 3v3s when they get unlocked.
I'd rather have a good game than what they gave us.
>You can literally walk out of it
It knock units back. You could just obliterate blobs with that spell.
It was literally the same in dow2. Only in dow3 you can upgrade units health, so aoe spells wouldn't be so painful. (I'm not talking about Kire now, that guy is totally broken)
Her animations takes like forever. You can just walk away from her or come come really close, so she can't do shit to you.
You need to manage your resource income, control the map, upgrade shit and build new units during the battle. What else do you need at macro part?
Well, ork and sm globals are easy to counter. Eldar one is just annoying, yes.
>lost 90% of playerbase in first month it was so bad
>Why is no one talking about this game?
Because it's not fun.
like i said, the last gasp for air drops in a few days. i'll make this thread when it drops declaring its resurrection / last rights.
Why what happens in a few days user?
The big ass patch is coming in the 31st.
I'm already expecting them to make the game worse. If it is even possible to do.
I know many are holding off playing untill 31st.
This patch is what will determine if the game will live or die. Relic has been saving this up until now, and they better deliver or else it'll be the last nail on this game's coffin.
Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised at all if they manage to fuck the game up even more with the patch. This nu-Relic just needs to die desu. It's tragic that they had to go kill the franchise, but maybe it's best to just put this whole series out of it's misery now.
It won't really die even if they fuck it up even harder. Couple expansions, some sales and compstomper pandering will make people come back.
It just sucks know that it will take a while if ever for them to get it right.
The dow3 forums is hilarious
>40k fans are so agressive
>give it time, they will realize they wont get anything better and come back
>i-its not over yet guys! Look at all these games that had a comeback!
>Dow3 is the best game of the franchise, people just dont know what they want
Last I saw the forums were full on doom and gloom mode.
didn't know they had a big patch coming. No idea what they would do except balance, but I'm still excited.
Balance is the main problem right now. Those spams makes game unfun.
I hope it makes the game even worse. The desperate damage control would be hilarious
My favorite is when they blame the game being bad on the players.
Anybody who argues against these points is immediately cut down by the fucking bootlick Mod, Gorb
>bootlick Mod
Why does every single forum have to have a mode like that? Why can't people just outright say the game is bad and why? For fuck's sake blind praise is NEVER good, Company of Heroes 2 turned around after its bad launch too, Relic knows how to handle this shit, there's no need to go full Stanley Roo.
If they don't have a mod, it turns into steam forums. I'm not sure which is worse.
>tfw finally got all heroes to level 10 and unlocked all doctrines by farming that shitty workshop map so now I don't have to touch this piece of shit game until the expansion comes out
>played the beta
>really liked it
>bought the game
>played a couple of matches
>still like it
>play the campaign
>it's shit
>try to play more MP
>get bored and never touch it again
>refund denied because 7 hours
I made a mistake, i they release mod tools there is still hope but i already lost all interest in the game. Worst thing is that i have no one to blame but myself because i misjudged how long my interest in the game would last, i just feel like i wasted my money.
Same here, user. That double xp weekend last week made it quick and easy to do.
>tfw Warp Spiders and campaign completion achievements are still broken so I can't truly 100% the game despite having done everything
that is why people always do a try before they buy.
>inb4 7 hours
You are an idiot.I never buy a game unless i've played it for at least 60 hours.
That way when i buy it i'know that i am buying a good game and supporting it with my wallet.
A game must give you at least 1$ per hour of value.
So if you are paying 60$ you better be spending at least 60 hours with that game.
that's unfortunate. i played +10 hrs of the beta and it didn't really do much for me. it didn't help that there weren't many unlocked doctrines during the beta. also, lelic releasing the open beta a week before launch. then, i heard campaign was sub-par. those were my warning signs.
>play the campaign
>it's shit
The campaign wasn't too bad but it still had some moments that made me scratch my head, like the amount of Blood Ravens you kill while playing as the Orks and Eldar, how many fucking companies did they bring if they had enough troops continue fighting, and the fact the Eldar send more time killing each other than the Orks, like what?
Still, Farseer Taldeer suddenly returning was a bit of a shock, her coming back as a playable unit was even better. Gabriel still being his usual self pissing off the Inquisition, Gorgutz being Gorgutz and Solaria was pretty badass for what little screen time she got, telling an Inquisitor to fuck off like that takes some serious balls.
Because its fucking garbage? The singleplayer has a fraction of the content and replayability the previous games had.
The MP has one mode and its defend the turret, says all there is you need to know about that shit really.
>mfw the game died after a week
>mfw people try to convince me it took the best from DoW1 and DoW2
Good try you fucking shills, the evidence speaks to the contrary, the game failed hard.
what fucking idiot ordered these? WinterAssault was good and DarkCrusade was the BEST... SoulStorm was o.k., but it still came in second to DC.
>but it still came in second to DC
Both were shit.
The definition of a turbocuck. And he's been at it for the best part of a decade. Watching him post on the Elite Mod forums is hilarious since nobody has time for his Relic shiteating there
Don't reply to the resident autist pls
Well, what you expect from an actual SJW?
dark crusade was shit, did you even play the fucking game?
DoW1: Vanilla
Classic squad based RTS game utilizing cover with a heavy focus on map control, agression and micromanagment. A solid game, had some balance problems and hickups along the way but most of it got ironed out throught the games lifespan.
Winter Assault
Released in a very poor rushed out state, game was clearly unfinished, was extremly buggy with units shooting in melee and various other game breaking glitches. Not bad when Relic got round to fixing it though.
Dark Crusade
HORRIBLE game, some of the worst balance in any RTS game to date, random changes for no rhyme or reason, extremly buggy, was absolutley hated by the community, fire on the move bug crippled the game and online was plagued with connection problems that would drop people from games mid match and rampant hacking. Relic promised a patch was coming but it never happened.
Fixed many of the broblems with DC, saved the DoW1 community which was on its deathbed after the mess that was DC, had a few minor problems on launch but not as bad as WA or DC and they were patched out with updates, best balance out of all the DoW games. Still has an active community that plays the game regularly online stood the test of time, great game.
Stop responding to that troll
>Why is no one talking about this game?
because it's garbage. moba gamemode is dumb shit, campaign is boring and shallow, and thats all the game has to offer. also only 3 races is a fucking joke, and the elite units are so much more powerful than regular units that they completely dominate the game at nearly every stage of a match.
t. moron who bought i on release day
What I don't understand is, if they were going to add MOBA influences, why not add the fun stuff from MOBAs?
No one cares about hidden grass and shit like that. Why not make it so hero units start at level 1 in every match and as you kill stuff you gain XP and level up? Like in Warcraft 3 and all the MOBAs? Hero leveling in the game itself is dumb since it's purely cosmetic stuff, in-game currencies, skins, etc. And where's gear? Even Dawn of War 1 since DC had wargear you can equip your heroes through the campaign. DoW 2 greatly expanded on it and had a fun RPG system, Retribution significantly toned it down, and in DOW 3 they outright removed it. Why?
Even if they add Last Stand, what's the point if there's no progression? At least give us wargear in that mode.
Relic went to shit after the guy that made CoH died in a car crash and everyone else that mattered left and made their own dev team, what remains under Sega is the just the B team at best, they don't know what they are doing.
No, Soulstorm is the by far the best DoW1 game
DC has the best campaign and while Soulstorm is the most balanced for PvP, it's unplayable against AI because the AI is literally broken and doesn't know how to play.
DC had a shit campaign and an unplayable multiplayer.
Also who the fuck plays an RTS game for the singleplayer
>Also who the fuck plays an RTS game for the singleplayer
Everyone who was doing it before e-sports and competitive cancer
This is what underage casuals actually believe