It's a decent remake. Not exactly fully true to the original art style but not as bad as I'd expect from Activision.
It's a decent remake. Not exactly fully true to the original art style but not as bad as I'd expect from Activision
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You can't make a verdict without playing the game you ignorant fucks.
Some levels look great, but Tomb Wader looks really shit. It looks a lot emptier somehow, and water looks absolute tripe. Why is there a complete fade to color when the water rises?
Looks like it plays smooth. Pretty mixed on graphics though.
This actually, if it feels like I'm just playing an old Crash game in HD then it's going to be good to me. If it feels like those Unreal/Unity remakes I'm gonna flip a lid.
It looks shit and pale to the original
Gameplay looks completely spot on, some of the levels look kind of iffy design-wise but overall it's got a really appealing art style, i seriously can't wait to play it
They need to find a way to make these games look retro but high res.
Some of the graphics are meh but I'll buy it anyway
They could have been more faithful to the original with the choice of sound samples in their music.
I wonder how Japan will feel about the dance being altered
If this does well, will they do a CTR remake? That's really all I care about.
As much as I would like a CTR remake as well I doubt it, they said they rebuilt the engine from 1,2,3 from the ground up, they'd likely have to do it again for CTR
Realistically it's pretty unlikely
If it happens at all it'll be a digital exclusive
go away anita no one wants yours companies games here
I just don't like how bright it looks. All in all it looks good but the tone is just flat out off from the lack of darkness.
GC: Gamecentral KM: Kara Massi
GC: Crash Team Racing is the one I was going to guess at.
KM: [laughs] Yeah, that’s a popular one.
GC: And I assume you’re not going to answer any of those questions?
KM: [laughs] I can’t, but also these decisions aren’t made by me. So we’ll have to see how this game does first. But I’d love to work on another Crash game, this has been marvellous.
needs more color, the bottom picture is just a shity photoshop edit i made
But how would they handle the 101% ending in CTR?
They already changed the color for some of the levels, to be fair.
Looks pretty cool, but since it's the same game almost 1 to 1, i don't really want to buy ps4 to play it.
Bottom is newer, right? If so, excellent.
What do you mean?
yeah the pax version looks a lot better, I hope they change all the colors for all levels a cash game should look colorful and fun
Not a fan of the complete engine overhaul to be honest.. Should of slapped some HD textures on the original and been done with it.
it woud be nice to have the option to switch to the original in a better resolution, like what halo did just with a good game and not halo
Original Halo was a good game but. 343 just dropped the ball hard. But yes, they already have what crash should of copied. Even throw the old games on PSN for free with a purchase of this, don't even bother upgrading the textures.
looks terribly boring
I can already emulate an hd version though
No, you can't.
Japan doesn't understand western cuckery.
They said they will do if this sells well.
I expect they will. It's easy money and they have most of the assets needed already. Just need to put them all in karts and recreate some tracks + refine the vehicle engine. Shouldn't take more than a year in development.
CTR with online features would be awesome.
"Hey plumber boy mustache man your worst nightmare has arrived! Pack up your stuff!"
Garbage graphics and still 30fps
Joke of a "remake"
>people who make games for a living are required to make games
well obviously
At least mechanically it still looks pleasant to play. Not a fan of how distant the music and sound effects feel. It lacks punch, kind of like ORAS. Visuals are also a mixed bag and I dunno if they're gonna have time to fix it given that it's got a month to go.
So, is the game 30 fps or 60 ?
I sure hope the final game is in 60. 30 is so pathetic.
>I hope they change all the colors for all levels a cash game should look colorful and fun
Nigger, this is not a Nintendo game.
Hopefully never. Shit ruined Crash Bandicoot.
Crash games are colorful though
My dad used to beat levels for me when I couldnt do it and he remebers Crash so Im going to buy a copy so he can play too
2>1>This is the truth and you must accept it.
CTR > them
You're right, it's a remake of a game from when Sony was good.
2 was shit
1 > 3 > CTR > Crash Bash > Twinsanity > Wrath of Cortex > Mind over Mutant > Crash of the Titans > GBA games > Crash Nitro Kart > Crash Nitro Kart 2 > Crash Tag Team Racing > Crash Boom Bang > Mutant Island > 2
original artstyle would look horrid on the PS4
Here's your (???)
The epilogues for the characters
Just keep them the same I don't see what the big deal would be
Would be neat if they added similar epilogues to the characters in 2 and 3. Well all know the ones at the end of 1 aren't canon
>2 was shit
What's the matter? Not enough motorcycle levels and bazookas for you?
>he hated the motorcycle levels
How's life as a casual?
>casual is disliking objective garbage
>game is a platformer
>instead of adding ways to spice up the level that make sense, let's just add motorcycles and airplanes and scuba diving
Crash 3 is cancer.
t. casual
Crash's gimmick levels were fine except for the airplane levels. Fuck those.
>gee, i wish they add bazookas and double jumping in the remakes of 1 and 2!
Crash 3 is the easiest crash game in the trilogy
The problem I have is that the lighting is kinda fucked, especially in closed spaces.
What happened at 18:48? He just kinda hits the ground and dies.
The art style they chose is absolutely awful, I have no idea what shitty shaders they used and why they went with this model for Crash.
Though the gameplay seems unchanged so far, so that's the one good thing. Shame about the looks though, I hope they never remake the first two Spyro games if they have no idea how to shade this stuff or what color theory is. Crash before was bright orange to be visible everywhere, now he's toned down and blends too much with the ground at times.
It's odd to me, I guess I can pop one for the new one, but it's difficult getting myself to cum without the jaggy edges and morphing textures.
Still, I'll give it a try, rawwr.
Platinum Relics and Developer times say otherwise
Crash bash remaster when
The game is easy as shit, of course they made the optional challenges difficult.
I'm not gonna lie, I find Future Frenzy more difficult than say Slippery Climb or Sunset Vista.
Fwiw, the art style is noticeably better than it was before and the lighting has been improved based on some level of fan feedback.
Graphics still aren't perfect though, but at this point I've accepted it and rather focus on what's particularly terrible which is the fucking audio.
The budget VAs from later Crash games are shit, the SFX is still obnoxious in certain places and the music for the levels still need major work. The audio will probably be what ruins this for me as opposed to the graphics.
I also find it hilarious how many times VV has admitted their modern day engine sucks dick compared to the original so they've had to modify it. Best example is that the original Crash games allowed for reflections but the modern engine didn't until they put a lot of work into it.
It's been 20 fucking years and your engine didn't support reflections to start with? kek
this is late
Nitro crate explosion is very underwhelming compared to the TNT.
Your mom's explosion is underwhelming.
After the 101% ending plays there's the a big Crash retrospective video and Naughty Dog fun and memories thing. Staffers, new babies born during game development, showing off the brand new offices. Final screen being everyone's autographs
great marketing post. I'm sure your manager will be impressed at how many replies you got.
It's alright. Things look different, and that's okay. Physics wise it seems to be true to the original. I can't complain. I kinda wanted to see how time trials will work in 1 or 2.
What's with the weird fog like aspect when looking further into the level? It almost looks like a too aggressive depth of field, and its unlikely that its necessary for loading the right textures. It's Crash, I'm sure rendering isn't an issue.
it looks fucking shit
All the unnecessary design changes and themes and ambiance removed and altered.
Out of all the developers, I'm glad it is Viscarious Visions. Their GBA games are fine and CNK was decent but nowhere near CTR.
You can see there is at least some semblance of care when they made this. I mean, they got John DiMaggio back as Uka Uka and he actually sounds like Uka Uka this time.
Can't wait for 2 and 3's opening cutscenes. Can't imagine what the lighting would be like in levels like the firefly one from 2 or the dark castle from 1. Also, Lex Lang is doing a good job at the moment.
For comparison
Why does the Scrapbook option only unlock after you beat all of Oxides ghosts but you can watch it anyway with a 101% save file?
Is THAT what happens when you clear Oxide's ghosts? Shit was impossible to teenage me and I don't think I even unlocked Tropy.
online play please
i hate the new dance, makes him look like a retard. I hope they keep all his original sounds. Ripper roo sounded kinda off. Will still buy
Yup, a shame that you can unlock the Scrapbook and Tropy with cheat codes anyway.
Also I used to think the Oxide ghosts were impossible even with Penta Penguin, now I've beaten every track with Crash.
>incapable of judging a game from gameplay videos
Why not just play the originals? Except Warped, fuck you it sucks.
the dance was meant to look retarded
I wonder how much they'll casualize Bridge to Nowhere? Most modern gamers can't beat it on PS1 even if they run on the ropes.
Whatever, Oney memer
I hope they remaster the ads
If someone can beat Sunset Vista's split second timing areas, they sure as fuck can beat BtN. It's not even that long.
>implying it wasn't already ruined with Wrath of Cortex
>Implying CTR didn't ruin it
Not even worth the (You) at this point, try again.
Just earned another Platinum Relic in that game. Up to 18 now.
Missed out one time by a single fucking second on my 2nd win so fucking pissed off.
Wrath of Cortex fucking sucked dude. Only people who defend it are people who were either too young or didn't own a PS1 so WoC was their first experience of the Crash franchise. CTR on the other hand was a kart racer so good that it took Mario six years to even reach the same quality