Medallion's humming, witcher thread, gotta be

>medallion's humming, witcher thread, gotta be

>inb4 people who played witcher 3 for hundreds of hours who say it's shit
>let me just continue playing this game even though I hate it
>it's not like I'm having fun or anything
>stupid geralt and his beautiful hair

People who shit on witcher 3 are just tsundere for geralt.

My hair is about as long as Geralt's now but it doesn't look cool when I try to put it in any of the witcher hairstyles

it's ok but it doesn't have any replayability, I could hardly get through my 3rd playthrough

Last time when I played I activated those senses and followed the shit out of the quest marker. Killed that quest.
Then I forgot the controls and looked at the bottom right of my 52'' 4K screen and remembered how to get off the horse.


>bald mountain
>has a giant tree on it
>isn't bald

How did THAT get past testing?

I've tried on at least 20 separate occasions to get into this game and I just can't. I uninstalled it today for the last time.

I guess I just can't get into high fantasy unless it's LotR, and even then I can't stand the LotR games either and I hated the Hobbit

Do people really do this?
I loved the game, but I didn't even do a second playthrough. Maybe a few years from now, but what's the point back to back?

>want to replay the game
>remember I have to do everything before Skellige and HoS

no thanks

Its just a good time, and since you played it once you know you already like it and you dont have to push yourself trough 20h of another game to get into it.

>forcing yourself to enjoy games
If I'm not having fun in the first 15 minutes, I'm hitting the uninstall wizard.

Find a save start there

>start a 2nd playthrough
>get to the old ladys mansion
>letho isn't there, just a bunch of spectres
>realize i must have reloaded the wrong W2 save
>have to quit the whole playthrough now

In the middle of a Death March run. What kind of build is the most fun?

After specing toward a swordcerer that just spams Igni and LMB every fight, it's getting too easy and pretty dull.

Why, its just a few conversations worth of difference.

>my laptop is too weak to play the game
>got to play it at a friend
>love it
>saving up money for a new PC
I've played this for like an hour.It was an amazing hour.I wish the specs for the game weren't so high but i guess this is how it has to be for the game to look the way it does.
>inb4 the game was downgraded
I am scared to imagine how would the non downgraded version would've looked.The game is already the most beautiful open world game i've ever played.

Letho is my bro and I dont want to go to Kaer Morhen without him

Make a 'real witcher' build where you spread around everything.Try using skills you've never used before.

It would have been like the entire Lodge of Sorceresses pissing liquid gold right into your eyes every minute you played it but yeah, we can thank consolefags for denying us that

I shit on this game because the devs betrayed us when they forced a nignog into the game with that DLC.

It was one random mudslime and Ofier is at least a canonical place. Also you get to kill them in that DLC

Falseflaggers tend to forget the multitude of guys you kill after you escape the boat.

Or they never played to begin with, just jumping aboard the Sup Forums train. Did you forget all the threads and drama it caused?

That was a fun fight. I remember hoping to see a little more of the countryside but whatever. That Jafaar nigga had me pretty nervous until I closed on him

>implying there is anything left to talk about in this game other than which pretend pussy you are never gonna be able to get denied from IRL

pathetic virgins

wow so someone who actually can criticize the game criticizes it?

anyone got a pic of beta-yen

holy shit was she ugly

0 people would've chosen her over triss

user, cut your hair.


>plays through a 100+ hour game 3 times

"its okay"

Pure adrenaline build is a lot of fun, takes advantage of the combat to its fullest and has a great sense of risk/reward

I wouldn't be playing anything if this was the case.

Usually takes me around 5 hours minimum to get immersed enough into a game world to actually care.

But user, White Orchard and Velen are the best parts of the game.

Yeah, but I went through them so many times that I can't find new things and it just fells like a chore.

Give the game a year of rest user.
There are other good game out there.
Most of them are old games but still good.

Once you are rested you can replay TW3 again.

I-i'll try user.

Why is Goroldt such an insufferable Gary Stu who singlehandedly ruins the entire franchise?

He doesn't though. Ciri is the only Mary Sue in the franchise.


>tfw no yen mommygf

The code expires in 1 hour and 22 minutes, if you claim it let me know.

just started witcher 3 after finished W1/2 months ago, I'm level 6 right after playing as ciri after the swamp hag shit (killed keira stupid lodge bitch)

is there any reason to use any spell other than quen?

Axii is pretty useful in dialogs. Igni will be fun once you unlock the skill to do long shot with it. Be sure to upgrade Quen to the max to, you'll have a cool visual with it.

ya i've been getting axii up for conversations but don't really use in combat

Same here man, I love Witcher 3 but the replay value is not great. The immense sense of exploration is just gone when you already did it all.

Ciri is too fucking hot. How do I deal with this?

Maybe this game is not for me. I'm something like six hours in and it's starting to become like a chore to launch it. I am making excuses to not to play it like: "I think I'm going to do these work stuff before I play it a little bit".
Even though I just sit on my ass the whole time and browse Sup Forums.
I am tired.

Realize she's lesbian

So much emotion in just looking

>not playing the trilogy from start to finish with polish voices

>best girl
>only one you can't fuck because muh daughter

it's not fair

you will
some enemies like the alghouls or humans with shields require you to use it

>play as ciri
>get horny
>download nude mods
>play around with the nude mod
>jerk it
>try to play the game
>can't play because I always get the urge to fap

I got pretty far as well, guess I'll start over and try not to masturbate.

It wasn't dogshit unlike the previous games, I really enjoy the medieval feel but CDPR's writing is still shit unfortunately. I read the books as a kid and dont get me wrong, the books were bad but the story in these games is just crap.

Heart of Stone especially irks the fuck outta me because its based on a popular slavic childrens story with edginess ramped up to 10 and for whatever reason they decided to stick a whole bunch of ukrainians into it. Really?

Don't think I've seen better animations in a game yet.

funny how this looks like actual crying
everything about it

Shit opinion. The writing is much better than the books and your average game, and Hearts of Stone is one of the best DLCs ever made.

>shit writing
It's actually pretty decent. No idea what you are talking about.

>The writing is much better than the books
You have a point with HoS and other games but that's wrong.

Apart from HoS, did any other story in the games come close to either "A little Sacrifice", "The bounds of Reason", Geralt's first encounter with Yen or the whole arc with Regis, Milva, no nilfgaardian man and Angouleme ?

I want to play W3 again but I wonder what would be better, go in for just plain new game or NG+?
Also anyone tried W3 with steam controller? Have been playing Automata on this stuff and I mast say that it was ultra comfy experience.

Do you expect the game to have planescape writing?
The writing is good. It's not perfect but it's mostly really good. And that's enough.

Of course, but saying that it's better in any way than the books is dumb.

Shani is a cunt to you for the rest of the game no matter what you do.

Igni gives you flat % damage, so its always good. But it gets no benefits from levelling it, since none of the talents or sign intensity increase the damage.

Aard is pretty bad compared to the instant kill knockdown it is in W1 and W2.

I wish i knew if Quen scaled with armor or not, because the 300-700 block range is fuck all, even with all the cool upgrades.

I never did.

Why does every fantasy setting have the same old formula? Why are humans always the dominant species and nonhumans are either dying out or oppressed. Warhammer Fantasy, Witcher, The Elder Scrolls, Lord of the Rings, Warcraft etc. I want the humans to be the one struggling for a change, humans are so boring.

Is she? I doubt cranky old man Andrzej would pander to degenerates.

Because humans are warmongers and conquerors

More like pests, the only race that would rival them in terms of reproductivity are the skaven.

how can she be a lesbian when she had sex with Geralt?

I'm similar. Other than A Song of Ice and Fire, Berserk, and Witcher I generally don't care about fantasy in general. Politics and moral ambiguity, the lack of which is my biggest beef with the genre, are what drew me into the Witcher. Witcher's an interesting case because while it superficially resembles Lord of the Rings with elves, dwarves, and literal hobbits it's tone is that of a low fantasy like GoT.

She's bi in the book canon and bi in the game canon.

>Warhammer Fantasy
They are in a shit position and basically get genocided by the Skaven
Anything of worth of Elves fled the world
Elves and beastfolk are basically the dominant races
Fair point.
>World of Warcraft
Not really. Even if you have 3 human races by now.

I would argue D&D is the biggest offender, yet you do not list it.

Why is the draw distance so shitty in Velen? It would have looked 100 times better if they plopped some 2D low-poly objects on the far mountains instead of just slapping some blue fog on everything.

Tales of Symphonia?

Because people want to play humans or human-like characters. See WoW where top 2 races are Humans and Night Elves for Alliance and Blood Elves and Undead for the Horde.

In comparison to those barely anyone plays shit like gnomes, dwarves, tauren or gobbos.

>minimap ON
>quest tracker ON
>any other HUD ON besides own healthbar
>i bet he is not even on deathmarch and also uses quen sign

are you even trying to have fun ?
you know im right.

>Because people want to play humans or human-like characters
Going by Mass Effect, unless you randomize where the cursor is by default, people will pick the default one. Mass Effect had like 60% pick Default Shepard and Solider because its the default cursor choice.

The other issue is that in a lot of cases: Every other race is just shitty reskinned humans, so why not pick the default?

>you're a hardcore gamer if you bumble around in circles like a retard with batman sense on searching for red glowy shit while unsheathing your map more often than your sword
>implying the game actually gives you directions you can figure out instead of "he went dattaway" and leaving the quest tracker to do all the work
user please you're embarrassing all of us

I always playthrough an RPG like this several times. Each playthrough is normally trying each different moral choices in quests and different builds.

>The Elder Scrolls
But elves are the dominant species in that series, at least after Oblivion.

>people will pick the default

Then race distribution should be roughly equal then since it randomly selects a race when you make a new character.

People like having good looking characters not some malformed non-humans.

Default shepard that was in every single ad for the game and looks best
Soldier was the easiest class to play

>Soldier was the easiest class to play

>playing the game

are you even trying to have fun?

Where is my blacked Yennefer?

I demand it.

>Dungeons and Dragons
crap, forgot about that. The only time when D&D gets brought up nowadays is on Stranger Things and Overlord threads.

>literally press X to find the thing and finish the quest

nice game witcherfags

>play W2 on pc, minimum settings, 640x480 iirc, barely hitting 20fps in this shitty toaster
>decide to get W3 for PS4
>no W2 save to load
>wonder how it'll affect the game
>mfw Letho is bro-able

And all was right with the world.

Yennefer or Triss? Which one was a better pick? I wish Geralt raped that old lady from the first tavern you went in with Vesemir.

What do you mean?

Also, Yen.
It makes no sense to pick Triss.
For fuck's sake, thinf of the Stygga castle.

why is Philippa such a bitch? sexual tension or is that just wishful thinking?

Trish was only giving me political bullshit and no ass. I pick Yen.

>tfw borch three jackdaws has a hot daughter
No wonder Gerald doesn't kill dragons

Pure sexual tension.

This ungrateful whore.

Replayability is a meme. Who the fuck replays a 100 hour single player just too autistically pick a slightly different choice 50 hours in? Nobody that's fucking who.

