>He didn't have Recon Armor
He didn't have Recon Armor
Sangheili were the best.
>Had every Road to Recon achievement except the one Firefight one in ODST
>No one I knew owned ODST
>Never got it
>All my original account stuff is gone anyway
what's your favorite armor permutation, Sup Forums?
Most Reach sets were beautiful.
>Not only did 343 ruin Halo, they ruined the art and armor too
This is beautiful. Look at that face.
>this was the same for me but I actually got 3-4 groups together to do it
>one of them had an asshole in the group that already had the achievement
>he literally disconnected his internet before the last wave
>it prevented everyone from getting the achievement
At that point I just modded in the achievement and was still able to get recon after doing that.
Oh fuck, No , Not againg with these male Elite porn threads.... please, keep it female elite related
ODST, no contest.
Everytime i tried to do the last mission on legendary with that stupid skull inlost a friend.
What's wrong with male Sangheili?
>he didn't have flaming head
I didn't have any cool shit ;_;
Hayabusa was meme shit and anyone that wore it should KYS
>pretending he knew what the flaming head meant
Bungie only allowed normal people to have that on 7/7. And on random days sometimes.
>Really loved that set because Ninja Gaiden Black was my all time favorite game and still is to this day
>Worn by achievement whoring fucks
yeah i bet you couldnt say that with my balls in your mouth
Hayabusa was cooler anyway
MJOLNIR Mk. V > all other trash sets
I've never seen a hayabusa that was level 50
who's still play halo 5?
it's pretty decent I'll definitely get it or rent it until I buy it
Hypothetically if Halo Reach wasn't released and Halo 4 was an Xbox One exclusive do you think Microsoft would have sold more xbones?
I wore recon with the katana.
I've seen plenty of level 50s with katanas but never any with the hayabusa set equipped. mk.VI with katana is best
Hayabusha set should have been a Ninja Gaiden 2 related unlockable. By beating each difficulty you get a part of the set and Master Ninja being the katana.
Your series died 7 years ago, time to stop posting my man.
I think I wore security with it before recon came out tho.
Neither did you faggot.
>Art Books:
>Art Compilation from CE to 4:
You're welcome
I think I read all of Fall of Reach and some of First Strike years ago.
I liked them for the most part, but I remember the parts about the spaceship battles bored me to fucking tears.
recon helmet, security shoulders, katana
I'm gonna turn my xbox on and check. It'd be lame as fuck if I can't without live.
>I remember the parts about the spaceship battles bored me to fucking tears.
How is it possible to be this much of a pleb
>all these new books
are they actually good? I liked FoR and GoO, should I even consider reading the new ones?
If they spent all that time developing it then yes
From the get go I thought armor customizations were gay. I don't remember what you had to do for recon but I remember not caring enough at all.
I was always an elite anyway even back in halo 2. I picked the most basic armor in 3 to make my elite look as non descript as possible. It was all about my emblem and armor colors for me.
Everyone in this thread is a faggot for actually caring about meaningless cosmetic shit and you are the reason why games like overwatch are a thing.
Depends on who develops said Halo 4
thanks faggot
Sick Arby n Chief reference bro!
>turn around three times and say "recon recon recon,"
Old halo games did it right, though. They had enough options to make you distinct enough for the people you played with, without the CS-esque skin clusterfuck
Halo 5 went overboard with that shit and produced a trillion ugly permutations that nobody wants to use.
Kilo-V trilogy is a pile of shit
Forerunner Trilogy can get boring but it's fucking amazing towards the end.
Broken Circle/Shadow of Intent is good
Evolutions brings back the classic horror feeling of Halo (my favorite).
Cole Protocol is pretty good.
I bought The Art of Halo 3 for $28 :>
I did it with a group of bros and we had a great time :~)
I think the ugly designs started in reach 2bh
It was the beginning of the end. Of course I'm upset
Fuck off neo-normie
user, I got all the vidmasters. I got Recon. Then when 343i took over they unlocked Recon for everyone anyway.
whatever you say, caboose
What in the fuck does that even mean? I'm not a faggot like you who thought halo 3 armor was kewllllll
Also anyone who couldn't get recon is an obvious faggot because that game was dogshit easy
Had recon chest turned on. I miss this game man.
>because that game was dogshit easy
no shit, sherlock. I doubt anyone played Halo for it's difficulty.
also you sound like someone who is trying too hard to fit in. Take a chill pill maybe
>trying to fit in
Who would ever want to fit in on this board let alone this thread.
>The time between Halo CE and Halo 3 is six years
>It's been seven years since Halo Reach
Lmao, Microsoft killed the franchise potential by being faggots.
Imagine how much better Halo would be today if Bungie kept developing it, making new characters and storylines in the process.
All 343i did was to take old things and fuck them up. They essentially destroyed the legacy of Halo that way.
The final book of the Forerunner Trilogy is fucking great. You would think that showing the end of the Flood war would get rid of the mystery but the experience is mindblowing. By the end the Flood had grown so powerful that they were literally using quantum physics bending filaments to break spacetime and whip planets. It's pretty damn hard sci fi.
They killed the franchise by releasing the piece of dog shit that was halo 3 and then releasing the completely irrelevant ODST.
Logically it should've gone
>halo ce
>halo 2
>halo odst
>halo 3 on the Xbox one preferably
Let's forget reach happened
>tfw no Sangheili bf to cuddle
Reach was a great game though.
Poor thing.
Halo 3 perfected the Halo formula, ODST was released later because it didn't feature Master Chief, who is the protag of the trilogy
I'm feelin it
>halo 3 on the Xbox one preferably
>release Halo 3 nine years after Halo 2
fuck you sony.gger Halo 3 is the GOAT
Maybe cause your highest skill was 3
It took us ages to finally get that achievement where you had to survive 4 firefight sets on heroic, just because someone's internet always died
This. Luckily, you could always get a guest dummy and hide in the map
Halo 3 was literally just a better version of Halo 2 that fixed most of the shit in pic related. Even the art style was just Halo 2 but graphically updated.