What went so wrong?

What went so wrong?

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>preordered before the f2p announcement
>dropped GW2 before HoT's release

Yes, what went wrong? How is it?

GW2 was always so cozy but there wasn't enough challenging content to do and the grind for any minor improvements was INSANE.

what happened to lettuce jesus? i stopped midway through the story and never played again

Absolutely fucking over priced piece of shit expac

>GW1 expacs were entire fucking maps worth of content
>heart of thorns added 3 zones and a """""""story""""""" that could be beaten in one sitting

>Played the shit out of the first one with irl friends for hours and hours
>end up getting all the expansions and playing for hundreds of hours if not more
>super stoked for GW2 all of us pre order it
>play it for less than a hundred hours

disappointing doesn't even cover it

is it true they're making another expansion for GW2?

You stab him at the very end. He hardly has 2 lines in the whole expansion

>you make him into a nice Cesar salad

cmon nigger, i aint that stupid. it cant be that bad, right?

gemstore and shitty writing

He's "corrupted" by the dragon and he says some shit like "you gotta kill me to stop this yo" sorry I only beat it once but that's the gist of it. You don't even fight the dragon himself as the final boss you gotta do the map meta for that fight.

>tfw I singlehandedly made 6 of my friends get GW2 because I fell for the hype train and gushed about how this was going to be the greatest MMO of all time and that we'd create an amazing guild together

>tfw we haven't touched the shitty game in over a year and probably never will again

leveling masteries tied to getting achievements

The final "stand" of the fight in the map meta isn't even a fight, you just stand around on a floating island hoping something happens.

And story content for that matter

A shitty game director almost ran it into the ground after release. It's been like, five years? I think Arena Net FINALLY has their heads out of their asses and have put the game in a pretty good place. There are still some problems but the guy running everything at least gives a shit now.

Reminder they purposely killed off the only interesting character in the shitty game (Eir Stegalkin) just so you're forced to praise the nigger son of hers that absolutely nobody likes

Could have been so much more. That goes for the whole expansion as well

>tfw I singlehandedly made 6 of my friends get GW2 because I fell for the hype train

You belong in the center of hell for that type of treachery.

I hate all of the new people. Destiny's edge was way better

We all loved GW1 and we were all fawning over GW2 pre-release footage

It literally felt like nothing could go wrong at the time

>A shitty game director almost ran it into the ground after release.
Sounds like the story of pretty much every mmo. Why is this allowed?

braham turned into a cunt anyway
hope he dies too

>there are STILL people butthurt game wasn't GW1.5

I don't know why you torture yourselves. Just get over it already and move on to greener pastures.

I want my monk back, damnit.

yes, takes place in the Crystal Desert

So I'm an F2P shitter who has just joined Order of Whispers. Seeing Tybalt die did nothing to me, even if he was an amusing dude.

Does the story and characters get better?

i loved his character. but no, no it doesnt get better. be prepared for treehearne taking over your story

enjoy literally who plant dude for the rest of the vanilla story


They killed off Eir? She was the only level-headed character in the entire fucking game. Who is my norn supposed to lust over now?

Plot changed halfway and ended something we weren't going get get, leaving questions unanswered.
Writer changes.
Pointlessly grindy maps.
Power Creep.
Negligence of dungeons.
Negligence of old content.
Negligence of WvW
Lack of meaningful content.
Terrible PvP Balance.
Terrible optimization.
Terrible explanation of lore, most of which is outside of the game.
Hyperfocus on the cash shop.
I wont even go into lore breaking.

Gw2 isn't bad by any means but don't be posting smug bears because Nu-Anet has handled everything terribly. Gw1 had much better writing, characters and monetization.

>tfw never got to experience GW1
>tfw too late to experience it now

I'll never forgive them for what they did to Rangers and Mesmers

Well, fuck. Not saying it's terrible, but it could have been more impactful.

I do like the game's questing/events, and an interesting world. How often does HoT go on sale? The F2P restrictions are annoying but I'm not in a rush.

To be completely honest, I really really want to fuck that plant. I don't care how crazy she is her giggle makes me diamonds.

>Gw1 had much better writing, characters and monetization.
This is correct. Its mind-boggling how the same company could go from that to what is GW2.

Wait for the new Xpack and you'll only have to buy one to get both. Otherwise Anet will cuck you twice.

>Run Season 1 into the ground with the most obnoxious character in GW history
>Realize that this temporary content shit won't work out in the long run
>Start working on an expansion, realize that your dev team has completely forgotten how to make content that isn't throwaway
>Hype the expansion to hell while the devs take so long to make it that the lifespans of entire solar systems come and go during the eons of waiting
>Deliver four shitty maps full of buggy events and metas that got boring and stale after the first week
>Realize that the story content is criminally short for how long you kept the players waiting, so you gate parts of it behind mastery grinding
>Introduce a not-MOBA map mode to PvP that's dead within months
>Introduce a new WvW map that was clearly designed with gliding in mind, then proceed to not let players glide there, so it just ends up being a navigational clusterfuck hat everyone hates
>Add two half-assed guild halls just to trick people into thinking that guilds actually matter
>etc, etc, etc...

What a load of shit. Season 3 is correcting a lot of problems, but ArenaNet dropped the ball so hard with HoT that they've spent the past year and a half in damage control mode.

Get on with the times, bro. We have a new Mary Sue to ruin the story.

If you only PvP / WvWvW you had to pay full price to unlock 1 fucking spec. For ex. all 'meta' specs for the Necro require this expansion and I'm not gonna buy this shit if I haven't done any PvE content before (other than to level).

What's in it and when?

Gw and Diablo 2 were my childhood, I was so excited for gw2 and d3. They killed video games for me.

It's really not. Practically entire game can be soloed.

>we removed monks because no one likes healing.
>they like protecting people, and the guardian is right up that alley.
>proceeds to make guardian one of the most un-fun classes i've played
>then makes healing a thing with water eles and druids
fuck, i'm still mad

You can just play it as a singleplayer game.

>Season 3 is correcting a lot of problems
This season is correcting nothing. Now maps get boring in a day and story is as short as it was in HoT.

Writer changes and Interns, loss of VA on DE. I feel as if the Personal story was written by like five people, 1-30 was fine, great actually. Even the Orders weren't bad but they felt different. As soon as Mc. Whoever her name is, ms Steampunk took over it all went to shit from Orr to Scarlet and likely half of HoT. The LS3 writer had to clean up so many plot holes and the like. I'm very confused with what's going on now but at least we're seeing Gw1 stuff and I actually have a small bit of faith in this guy if he was able to retcon the shitshow so fast.

>Play the GW2 Beta
>get to a cutscene and its just two retards standing with no talking and lines of text on it
>on the top right it says in giant letters WIP WILL NOT BE IN FINAL GAME or some shit like that
>play the game when its launched
>still the same retards standing on each side with lines of text in the middle

truly the worst thing, I missed the dope cutscenes of GW1 with voice acting and shit and dont even get me started on how awesome Rurik was

Going to Elona, getting new Especs and prob the same shit as HoT. "6 months" supposedly. But you can shell out only 50$ if you wait or 100$ if you want HoT now, they said somthing about extra rewards for previous Xpack owners to compensate but dont count on it.

Devs in a game that's essentially Fashion wars 2 can't make good looking armour and they hardly even adding new armour.

and when they do it's in the gem store.
also, what's their obession with medium armor and long coats?

They abandoned dungeons. As in left them behind difficulty-wise for two reasons:

They felt Fractals of the Mists could replace dungeons when they couldn't.
The old code that keep dungeons together scares them away from ever touching them. Same for the code for the mini map.

Fractals of the Mists are narrow and short, dungeons were wider and varied in length. Also fractals dealt with stories and places that were mysterious and forgotten in the Mists while dungeon themes were established in the overworld.

The other thing that went wrong was WvW, skill balance, and temporary content. Living world season 1 had world bosses, story instances, meta events and festivals, rewards, boss fights, and dungeons scrapped and tossed into the wind. If we had that much content right now in-game it wouldn't had hit GW2 like it did. Now they have to recreate LS season 1 from scratch if they ever manage to do it.

>what's their obession with medium armor and long coats?
I'm guessing it's easier to make/design.

GW1 was a single-player game with MAYBE multiplayer elements, believe me when I say that the PvP was really nothing special if you aren't looking at it with rose tinted goggles since the guy who was balancing it at the time was a fucking lunatic

just don't expect an endgame, at most you can grind titles

What fucking greener pastures? Guild wars was the only game of its kind. Nobody has made one since.

>Look at patch notes
>Engineer nerfs


>3 expansions under 2 years
>temporary content that lasted a couple weeks before it was deleted forever
>skip forward 3 years of nothing
>20% of a completed expansion, before that a 10 month content drought to get it

>Implying the turret changes weren't buffs
>Implying anyone uses turrets anyways

they better revert the retarded changes they made to pvp though, GW2 pvp was actually decent but the last patch fucking destroyed it

The writing would improve significantly if they just killed off those damn lesbians. Braham is experiencing some shit due to both of his parents, Eir and Borje, being ded.
Taimi is asura Jimmy Neutron and Scarlet 2.0 but at least she isn't lesbian.
Rox is harmless.

Fucking kill lesbians...

Guild wars 2 is a perfect case study of some of the worst game mechanics and game design choices in the history of mmo games.
I played a ton of shitty poorly made f2p chinese and asian mmos during the early and mid 00s, and I haven't come across anything as even remotely stupid and poorly thought out as the downed mechanics in PvP or the decision to get rid of the "holy trinity". And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

>pvp in gw1 wasn't special
don't spread such lies

>1-30 was fine, great actually. Even the Orders weren't bad but they felt different.

The early personal story is some of the best stuff in the game. It's done well enough to make each race feel culturally unique, and is driven by some of the game's more interesting side characters. The Charr stuff in particular is fantastic.

Then Claw Island comes along with Mr. Infallible Salad Man That Knows Everything and it goes to shit. You'd think that Kormir would have taught ArenaNet that no one likes being ordered around by a character that is hilariously incompetent by real world standards, but they didn't learn shit.

Who the fuck thought that hearts in new maps were a good idea? Who's responsible for that shit? Reddit?

You haven't heard of the engie farm at lake doric?
People are using the fuck out of turrets at the moment. just afk farming with them.

t.elementalist or monk


NuAnet has never played GW1
How do you expect a development team who has never touched the original to learn from it?

>The PvP changes
>play gw1
>elementalists ruin everything
>play gw2
>elementalists ruin everything


Heart events aren't too bad tho

>Either feed a bunch of downed seraphs some apples, kill white mantle, or bop some overzealous villagers in that one Lake Doric heart event for progress
Better than kill 50 shiny bats

>t. monk
how did you know?

I wonder how shit your writing team must be when they can make even one likeable character? If they killed every existing character especially Taimi I would be happy.


Because they were one of the 3 classes that made the PvP borderline uplayable? Only way you could enjoy it is if you played one of them.

Fair enough.

let me guess, you played paragon or assassin?

Yeah fuck Taimi. She's literally perfect and has achieved more than elderly asura have during their entire lives. Just fuck off back to Rata Sum.

I would rather have mute and brain dead Zojja than Taimi.

>the guy who was balancing it at the time was a fucking lunatic

it could have been salvaged before the entire dev team was replaced by literal sjw tumblrite transfaggots


they might be terrible and readily admit to not even playing the previous game, but they're straight out of college and cheap as shit

alcoholism to deal with the crippling depression

When are they reworking collection and current events stuff, because it became a clusterfuck to navigate?

Ive been using turrets for years and I get fucked over because of raid fags. Here's how you fix the problems.

>First press builds the turret
>second press overloads the turret.
>Third press destroys the turret if it's abilities on cool down
>if the overload cool down is finished pressing the button overloads the turret again

This fixes all the complaints.

>concise description is longer than the standard description

Every time.

It decided that it wanted to be WoW and not Guild Wars

>but they're straight out of college and cheap as shit
They have to replace their old dev team with someone as they're leaving in droves.

Even the SJW's are leaving.
Lena Chappelle did compose some good music for the game though.

why did colin abandon us?

>Lena Chappelle did compose some good music for the game though.

Should I get HoT or BDO instead?


Because Amazon paid more.


>destiny's edge are GOAT
>write out zojja because felicia day voiced the character and hated working for anet because they're a retarded company so she quit
>make caithe become a bad guy for a while
>kill off eir (the best one)
>write out rytlock for a while just so he can become the new class later on and not play any role really
>dunno what even happened to logan
>give us destiny's orphans instead which has two hot lesbians but then you're stuck with a literal retard nigger, a cripple, and a retard charr, all 3 of which are very boring and annoying
What a shame.

I think GW2 is largely shit but the new zones in this xpac are pretty incredible. I love the vertical depth / exploring in them.

Shame about the everything else.

if you were him you would get off a sinking ship as well

>write rytlock out so he becomes the new class because they can't actually heal the curse of ascalon for gameplay reasons
>when he comes back in HoT he spends the entire expansion telling you he'll explain why he's a revenant later
>write him out again in the first episode of season 3 because they can't figure out an explanation for him being a revenant
logan became the new pact leader (pact is all but destroyed) so they don't need to bring troy baker back

He got fired because he was shit at his job. You didn't know that? Remember when GW2 content updates suddenly just stopped out of nowhere and absolutely nothing happened for like a year and a half with almost no word from anet the whole time? How cool little side projects made by a single person like SAB just got canned for no reason? How after the year+ of silence they suddenly announce a new expansion and rush out a small living story, promised a ton of content for the expansion, but couldn't deliver on over half of it?

That was all colin. That shit all happened because he couldn't manage productivity at all, he was shit. After HoT launched and colin couldn't even deliver on new legendaries while delaying raids, delaying legendary armor, putting new fractals completely on hold, the big guys stepped in and fired colin and told him to fuck off. That's when the other dude stepped in and said "okay sorry but we're gonna cancel legendaries for now and work on other stuff to get it all back on track".

I really enjoyed the initial art direction GW2 had, before it became more glowly and shiney. It was a nice reminded of what was of Guild Wars and its world. I haven't kept up with it for 2-3 years now, but the art was something I always liked.

It was a shitty expansion to a shitty game. I still remember how disappointed I was after the main story final boss battle in the base game.
GW2 was my first and last preorder.

cabbage dragon impregnates him so you have to kill him or the dragon will come back

I'm not even memeing