How do I help my friend get better at Overwatch? She likes Pharah as a character so she wants to play as her, but she's so new to PC games she still struggles with WASD. Basically the way she plays right now is she just stands still and shoots rockets from a distance, occasionally using concussive blast. I'm not sure how to ease her into the game, as it is she's struggling with easy mode bots. Any advice?
How do I help my friend get better at Overwatch? She likes Pharah as a character so she wants to play as her...
Best advice?
Stop playing video games with a girl.
Are you fucking her? If not there's no reason to waste your time, she will never be able to compete
Stop trying to get your mom to play vidya with you.
She's basically one of two friends I have that aren't shitty people. She just got a decent PC, and just wants to play shit casually. I don't mind that except I can already tell we're both gonna get bored of playing against bots.
Maybe try doing a custom game with her and 1v1 to teach her the basics of moving and shooting, or just throw her into quickplay and see if she sinks or swims.
Pharah is a terrible hero to learn basic FPS skills with because it requires leading your targets and instinctively judging the distance/rocket velocity/rocket angle/enemy velocity/enemy direction all in your head in a split second every time you shoot to be even reasonably effective. Then put 3-dimensional movement on top of that.
Teach her to pop up out of cover, pepper the enemy team and drop back to a rear position when she gets in trouble, but mostly she will just have to practice sticking shots consistently from the air
Unless you're a shitter too and don't know any of this in which case youre both hopeless
Have her go to the Practice Range, and get the basics down of the character. I practiced flying with her and shooting there, and that's how I got good. Have here make sure to remain mobile at all times, teach her good rocket placement, and all the other basics. With enough good practice and teaching, I'm sure she'll get the hang of it.
>just stands still and shoots rockets from a distance, occasionally using concussive blast
Sounds like a Junkrat player
Then pick a new game
Good advice, I'll try this stuff and see how she does, thanks anons.
What the hell kind of junkrat's have you been playing with/against?
First off
There's your problem right there
Second if you play a good soldier you can play anything
this is a bait thread, but whatever make her play mercy. I've been playing games for awhile and I played a chick in CS:GO once who was pretty fucking good, I doubt your friend was this girl.
>she still struggles with WASD
Good. This is the perfect time to get her started on the superior RAGE control scheme.
It's not better you fucking snowflake
But if she plays Mercy then I can't play Mercy.
Just play against bots until she learns the controls and such.
Then just play until she gits gud.
Honest question: What makes you think she'll be willing to invest time in getting better? Assuming you are both around 18, I doubt she'll just get invested because of you.
Redpill me on this
Does she play the piano? Cause using the keyboard and playing the piano have some transferrable skills. Hand-eye coordination is important ;)
If she wants to just stand there and spam then she will be semi-useful with JR
Keep her kill cam on so she can see what enemy Pharahs do. If you see her on the kill feed then say "nice shot" or something. You can support her by going Mercy/Ana butt it probably wouldn't matter too much.
GL. Casuals usually give up early.
Put your fingers on WASD. Hold them there for a bit.
Now put your fingers on RAGE. Hold them there for a bit.
Notice how much more comfortable they are now.
She really likes the characters, she gets pretty dedicated to things when she likes characters. She's been wanting to play OW since it came out but her PC was shit.
why dont you fuck her instead?
Play turn-based games that don't require fast reaction. Also play better games in general fag.
Okay. How do I crouch?
He can bang her by getting close to her through the game.
Just dont get your hopes up user. Id say play bots with her and try to teach her some basics.
Wait, is she right or left-handed?
is this really what unattractive people do?
No, I usually masturbate to VR porn.
I hate you
If you played any arena shooter in your mlg casualfag gamer "career" you would know anything about movement. Don't think that gay tactics like cover humping, would make you better. Practice aiming with eachother and eventually you'll be ok. The reason why a lot of ow players are shit because they suck at fps in general and they are sandrakers.
I have no idea if she plays piano or why you put that emote like it was sarcastic.
I tried tonight with Mercy but it doesn't do much when she stays still unfortunately. I'll keep a better eye on the kill feed though, thanks for pointing that out.
She lives like 28hr drive away.
Right handed.
Be a good friend and have her play better games instead of having her pander to your shit taste.
Overwatch is a pile of shit, no wonder she doesn't care about it.
You move your hand over to the rage keys which gives you access to like 1-2 more keys but since your arms are now closer together your shoulders get stressed after playing for extended times.
You can negate it by making your keyboard further from your mouse but then it fucks your typing
Wow, you want to a girl's healslut?
Are you a girl? If so then...why arent you two SCISSORING?
>tfw you're
Thank you for letting me know that user.
I'm not shit at the game, I just don't know how to teach someone new to gaming.
It's her taste, I got bored of the game recently. I'd rather play other shit like Killing Floor.
Of course, user, why else would I main Mercy?
Lol play genji and start rping. That will get you good at the game.
just play with her
See the above post that I said she's 28hr away.
No I shave my face and walk around the neighborhood saying >"yo!" I also eat a lot of ramen cause im asian and my brother almost killed me.
Ah, my mistake.
Well tell her shes pretty and idk give her a skin then play anime music. Sounds good to me. >;)
Why not recommend a single player FPS she could play which would give her a thorough grounding in the various FPS skills Overwatch requires?
I don't know any FPS games that would do that.
Nah, just play against bots until she gets a hang of the controls.